Namaste. I praise you as a sentient being. I live in a beautiful body vessel that I love. I am you experiencing life through my heart and you are amazing! I would love to meet, share, and expand with any "one" that has the understanding that they are a whole, holy beings of light, love and beauty. I recognize you as perfect just as you are, therefore you are already my friend! Lets meet! I'm telling you its amazing...i'm listening to Franti and Spearhead LIVE right now!!!!! Over 24000!!! live shows ready to download for freedom! They also offer Democracy Now archives (P.R.I.) Free Video and Buddhist lectures et al. I enjoy all jazz, native music, bluegrass, old and new rock (well if they know how to say it I guess...language can be a pollution to the mind.) My favorite is still U2...because I love to say I LOVE U2...get it? but I'm a certified DEad Head...with a live soul mind you....
My life is the greatest movie to me....I sure hope that theres something out there in the great universe of love and light enjoying my sight too!!! Monsters Inc., Blade Runner, The Fifth Element, Star wars, hmmmm oh yeah Quentin rocks!I love Uma Thurman! And Quentin sure knows how to respect the sight of nice feet! My all time favorite movie...hasnt been made yet!
DONT DO IT TOO MUCH! ok....i indulge in a little discovery channel...and those Teutul's (Orange County Choppers) sure are cute are'nt they??? Mikey for president! Then theres all those cartoons...mmm the simpsons! ohhh that planet earth series...WHOA! I used to love watching "hows its made" I dont miss T.V. right now though.
"The green dragon does'nt live here anymore" Alan Cohen"Hands of light" "Light Emerging" Barbara Brennan"Illusions" "One" "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" "Theres no such place as far away" "Bridge across forever" Richard Bach"Protected by the light" Bruce Goldberg"Women who run with the wolves" Clarissa Pinkola Estes Ph. D."Homecoming" John Bradshaw"Autobiography of a yogi" MY mom read this while i was in her womb!!!! Paramahansa Yogananda"Dancing in the light" Shirley McLain"The red Tent" Anita Diamant"The kitchen Gods wife" Amy Tan"Behaving as in god in all things mattered" MacHaelle Small Wright"Numerology and the divine triangle" Faith Javene and Dusty Bunker"Many Lives, Many Masters" Brain L. WeissAny Tom Wolfe, Tom Robbins, or Kurt Vonnegut
You,! Mother Theresa, Amma, Neem Karoli Baba, Mahatna Ghandi, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, John F. Kennedy, Any sentient being that understands the value of life and the preciousness of being is A+++ in my book....