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I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a Costa Rican artist with a tremendous love and zest for life, beauty, and the Wholeness of spirit. I practice Buddhism as well as Mayan Timekeeping. My art skills very vast, even though I do service to spirit and the global community for the most part, I make a comfortable living as a glass blower. I make medicine pieces in the traditional honor of connecting to spirit from your core, even though I dont use traditional media...I use borosilicate. I am also a stained glass artist, a bead loomer, a dream catcher weaver, a jeweler, a painter, a stone cutter, a leather artist....gosh I forget sometimes...I do a lotta stuff. Wanna play??? I mean IT!!!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Namaste. I praise you as a sentient being. I live in a beautiful body vessel that I love. I am you experiencing life through my heart and you are amazing! I would love to meet, share, and expand with any "one" that has the understanding that they are a whole, holy beings of light, love and beauty. I recognize you as perfect just as you are, therefore you are already my friend! Lets meet!

Music: I'm telling you its amazing...i'm listening to Franti and Spearhead LIVE right now!!!!! Over 24000!!! live shows ready to download for freedom! They also offer Democracy Now archives (P.R.I.) Free Video and Buddhist lectures et al. I enjoy all jazz, native music, bluegrass, old and new rock (well if they know how to say it I guess...language can be a pollution to the mind.) My favorite is still U2...because I love to say I LOVE U2...get it? but I'm a certified DEad Head...with a live soul mind you....


My life is the greatest movie to me....I sure hope that theres something out there in the great universe of love and light enjoying my sight too!!! Monsters Inc., Blade Runner, The Fifth Element, Star wars, hmmmm oh yeah Quentin rocks!I love Uma Thurman! And Quentin sure knows how to respect the sight of nice feet! My all time favorite movie...hasnt been made yet!


DONT DO IT TOO MUCH! ok....i indulge in a little discovery channel...and those Teutul's (Orange County Choppers) sure are cute are'nt they??? Mikey for president! Then theres all those cartoons...mmm the simpsons! ohhh that planet earth series...WHOA! I used to love watching "hows its made" I dont miss T.V. right now though.


"The green dragon does'nt live here anymore" Alan Cohen"Hands of light" "Light Emerging" Barbara Brennan"Illusions" "One" "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" "Theres no such place as far away" "Bridge across forever" Richard Bach"Protected by the light" Bruce Goldberg"Women who run with the wolves" Clarissa Pinkola Estes Ph. D."Homecoming" John Bradshaw"Autobiography of a yogi" MY mom read this while i was in her womb!!!! Paramahansa Yogananda"Dancing in the light" Shirley McLain"The red Tent" Anita Diamant"The kitchen Gods wife" Amy Tan"Behaving as in god in all things mattered" MacHaelle Small Wright"Numerology and the divine triangle" Faith Javene and Dusty Bunker"Many Lives, Many Masters" Brain L. WeissAny Tom Wolfe, Tom Robbins, or Kurt Vonnegut


You,! Mother Theresa, Amma, Neem Karoli Baba, Mahatna Ghandi, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, John F. Kennedy, Any sentient being that understands the value of life and the preciousness of being is A+++ in my book....

My Blog

A prayer to mother Earth, to mother, to all mothers...

   We are born, we live, we die. In between we love, we fear, we hug, we fight, we blossom, we struggle, we surrender, we offer no quarter, we smile, we cry, we share, we hold back....all th...
Posted by Freddy on Sun, 11 May 2008 09:29:00 PST

Universal Prayer for love

  Universal Love Prayer      from the Metta Sutta   May all beings be filled with joy and peace.  May all beings everywhere,  The strong and the weak, &nb...
Posted by Freddy on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:45:00 PST

A moon prayer for peace

Planetary Moon day 17Year of the White Lunar Wizard kin 62: White Planetary Wind I Perfect in order to Communicate Producing Breath I seal the Input of Spirit With the Planetary tone of Manifestation...
Posted by Freddy on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 11:33:00 PST

Celestial Love by Ralph Waldo Emmerson

an amazing poem by one of  the greatest influences in my life....Higher far,Upward, into the pure realm,Over sun or star,Over the flickering Dæmon film,Thou must mount for love,Into vision which...
Posted by Freddy on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 05:53:00 PST

Words of Truth a prayer by His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso

His Holines Tenzin Gyatso The Fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet   Honoring and Invoking the Great Compassion of the Three Jewels; the Buddha, the Teachings, and the Spiritual Community O Buddha...
Posted by Freddy on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 05:14:00 PST

Soul mating into balance

 Soul Mates and Twin Flames COPYRIGHT HERMES TRISMEGISTUS AT WISDOM’S DOOR The circle with the word "SOUL" in it depicts one Monad from one of the Soul Groups containing 144,...
Posted by Freddy on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 09:18:00 PST

a little bit of nothing goes a long way     "Inexplicably it comes. When you least expect it. For a reason you can never know. One moment you are striving, figuring, imagining, and then, in the ...
Posted by Freddy on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 08:40:00 PST

I am part of the Rumi

I am part of the load Not rightly balanced I drop off in the grass, like the old Cave-sleepers, to browse wherever I fa...
Posted by Freddy on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:49:00 PST

White Tara ~ A poem of praise to the goddess that is woman

~~White Tara~~Words of wind spoken through sun moon and soil gently caress me   Words of love spoken through sun moon sky and you gently engulf me   i walk this path in body awa...
Posted by Freddy on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 09:31:00 PST

My galactic signature.

This is my galactic signature. Overtone Moon day 27Year of the Blue Lunar Storm kin 257: Red Planetary Earth I Perfect in order to Evolve Producing Synchronicity I seal the Matrix of Navigation With t...
Posted by Freddy on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 08:59:00 PST