錦之宮 八雲琴保存伝承(雅)の会 profile picture

錦之宮 八雲琴保存伝承(雅)の会

二弦琴「八雲琴」の保存維持及び伝承活動な どに努めています。

My Interests


Member Since: 9/2/2007
Band Members:
  辻-Tsuji   小川-Ogawa   前田-Maeda   安藤-Andou
  柴田-Shibata   伊藤-ItoBirthday Tsuji April 3 brook August 19 Maeda January 10 Shibata April 17 Ando March 16 Ito April 4 of the member
- - -the two-string Yakumo koto - - - of Mr. "intangible cultural asset" Shinkin Yamamokoto.
The Nishiki-no-miya Society for Preservation of the Yakumo-goto Tradition now consists of six members, all being ladies: Ms’s Tsuji, Ogawa, Maeda, Ando, Shibata, and Ito. They are inspired and moved by the performance on the yakumo-goto by Shinkin Yamamoto (1903-1986), an authority recognized as an intangible cultural asset. Since our members are of diverse generations, their tastes for music are likewise various, ranging from classical music to rock and Japanese pop. Whereas we have been indifferent to Japanese classical music, we are now developing our musical activity. By a curious turn of fate, all of us participate in this activity with the credo that “art is the mother of religion.”

私達、メンバー6人は、全く年代が違います〠‚音楽の好みは、メンバーそれぞれロック、゠¯ãƒ©ãƒƒã‚·ãƒƒã‚¯ã€J-POPなど好みはかなりバラバラ です。
邦楽系古典音楽とは、全く無縁だった6人は〠ã€ŒèŠ¸è¡“ã¯å®—æ•™ã®æ¯ãªã‚Šã€ã¨ã„ã†ä¿¡æ¡ã‚’ä¸‹ã«å… ¨å“¡å‚加に至るという不思議な縁で音楽活動゠’しています。  

Sounds Like:
The sound produced by the yakumo-goto is categorized into Japanese classical music, traditional music, Shinto music, and music for healing. 
Another name of yakumo-goto is “Izumo-goto.” Since it has two strings, it is also called “nigen-kin” or a horizontal harp with two chords. An instrument called “ame-no-nugoto,” which means a beautiful and fine-looking koto of the celestial realm, appears in Kojiki (edited in 712) or the Legendary Stories of old Japan. According to one account, the yakumo-goto originates from this ame-no-nugoto.
Kotonushi Nakayama (1803-1880), the founder of the tradition, invented the yakumo-goto, after he visited the Grand Shrine of Izumo and was inspired there in 1821. He composed the first tune, humming the tanka or 31-syllable Japanese poem by Susano’o-no-mikoto, a heroic figure:
While I slew the Eight-headed Dragon, eight-fold fences are still being built all over the world and numerous clouds are boiling up. I will surely get rid of these fences and clean these clouds.
Shinkin Yamamoto (1903-1986), the seventh successor of the tradition inaugurated by Kotonushi Nakayama, was recognized as a living national treasure. We promised, with a favored pupil of Shinkin Yamamoto, to pass on to coming generations the yakumo-goto tunes and songs. We are now taking strict lessons with this pupil and determined to continue our activity.
Since the yakumo-goto has originally been treated as a sacred instrument to be performed in a Shinto shrine, it has not been widely known to the public and now is said to disappear in twenty years. It is an intangible cultural asset which endures in obscurity and is on the verge of extinction. Because of the graying of yakumo-goto players, the number of successors becomes increasingly scarce. Because of the graying of manufacturers of yakumo-goto, the inheritance of its craftsmanship becomes increasingly difficult. Moreover, the supply of components of the instrument is not easy. We are now facing these difficulties.
Many yakumo-goto tunes offer contrast to tunes for a conventional koto with thirteen chords. They range from a delicate and calm tune to a dynamic and dramatic one. The yakumo-goto can be compared to a bass guitar placed horizontally. Considerable skill is required for the player. Some tunes are purely instrumental, and others have vocal parts, expressing classical scenes in Japan. The way of singing with the yakumo-goto is quite unique, though similar to vocalization in shigin or recitation of a Chinese poem. In a sense, this instrument can be said to be “an unknown quantity.” The tunes on our web site, “Mt. Kamuji” and “The River Isuzu,” are related to Ise in Mie Prefecture. Although they are slightly long, we would like you to listen to and enjoy them. We plan to expand our local activity to the whole country. If our activity can contribute something to your plan for an event, please do not hesitate to get contact with us.
----日本の古典音楽、伝統音楽、癒し系音楽-- --
八雲琴は、本体に二本の絃を張る為、楽器の 中では”二弦琴”に属します。別名を”出雲 琴”といいます。その起源は神代の時代にま で遡ります。
「古事記」には、「この大神”須佐之男命” の髪を握りて、其の室の椽ごとに結い著けて 、五百引きの石を其の室のとに取り塞へて、 その妻須世理毘売を負ひて、即ち其の大神の 生太刀と生弓矢と又其の天の詔琴を取り持ち て、逃げ出でますじに、其の天の詔琴、木に 払れて地動鳴りき」とあり、この「天の詔琴 」こそ「八雲琴の起源」とされています。
須佐之男命が八俣大蛇を退治した後に詠まれ た歌「八雲立つ 出雲八重垣 妻隠みに 八 重垣作る その八重垣を」を口ずさみながら 、八雲琴の最初の曲を作ったと伝えられてい ます。
初代中山琴主氏”1803-1880”は、1821å¹´ã«å‡ºé›²å¤ §ç¤¾ã«å‚æ‹ã—ãŸæŠ˜ã«ã€ç¥žæ„ã‚’å¾—ã¦å…«é›²ç´ã‚’å‰µæ¡ ˆã—たと伝えられています。彼より7代目にあ㠁Ÿã‚‹äººé–“国宝、山本氏”1903-1986”の愛弟子ま㠁§ç¶šãæ›²ã¨å”„を私達は、不思議な縁の導きに㠂ˆã‚Šå½¼ã®æ„›å¼Ÿå­ã‚ˆã‚Šã€ã€Œå¾Œä¸–ã«ä¼ãˆã¦ã‚†ãã€ç ´„束をし、厳しい教えを受けながら、今此処㠁«ã€ŒéŒ¦ä¹‹å®®ãƒ»å…«é›²ç´ä¿å­˜ä¼æ‰¿â€é›…”の会」と㠁—て、私達が立ち上がりました。
八雲琴は、”御神前楽器”「神様だけに聴か せる楽器」という扱いで神聖視された為、世 間には、殆ど知られる事はありませんでした 。その結果、たくさんの問題も抱える事にな りました。 ”奏者の高齢化で引き継ぐもの がいない。楽器を作っている職人も高齢化し 、技術を引継ぎが出来ない。楽器の部品の調 達が困難”など。20年後には、時代の中に埋㠂‚れ滅び行く無形文化財です。皆様の御理解㠁¨å¾¡æ”¯æ´ã‚’何卒、宜しくお願い申し上げます㠀‚
八雲琴は、一般で知られる”箏”とは対照的 な作品が多いです。、繊細で静かな曲があれ ば、ダイナミックなドラマ性のある曲もあり ます。その作品性の為に 弾き側は、それなりの演奏技術を必要とされ ます。弾き方としてもっとも近いのがベース ギター。それを横にしたような楽器です。曲 だけではなく、唄もあり、時には弾き語りで 日本の古典的世界を表すこともあります。唄 は、詩吟の発声法に近いのですが演歌とも謡 曲とも違う独特の節回しをしながら詠います 。日本の楽器の中では、まだまだ未知数な楽 器といえます。
 「神路山」、「五十鈴川」共に三重県の「 伊勢地方」、「伊勢神宮」に因む曲です。少 々、長い曲ですが是非、聴いて下さい。
---現在の活動状況--- 錦之宮という神社で毎月、執り行われている 「月次祭」への参加、錦之宮に関わりのある 神社での「奉納演奏」、菰野町主催の「芸術 祭」及び「新春邦楽の集い」と活動範囲が限 られております。今後は、「奉納演奏」を中 心に全国へ音楽活動を広げて行く予定です。
イベント等を企画している皆様、ご依頼、お 待ちしております。

Imploring Support to Preparation for Founding the Nishiki-no-miya Foundation..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
Sekai-keirin Nishiki-no-miya, a Japanese name for "The Shrine of Brocade for the Divine Plan of the World Government," is the organization which takes over the ambition of Onisaburo Deguchi (1871-1948) and acts toward the realization of the earthly paradise: Onisaburo Deguchi devoted his entire life to his sacred mission of building the everlasting ideal world where all humankind and creatures live peacefully and joyfully.
Nishiki-no-miya holds the beliefs that all things in this world, from human beings down, are the self-manifestation of the One above, that the world's diverse religions and teachings originate from this one supreme Deity, and that human beings are children of God. With these beliefs and without religious sectarianism, we have continued our activities all over ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Japan for several decades, and put together a large number of cooperators to accumulate steadily the results of activities.
A sign of the time is in chaos. Throughout the world, environmental destruction causes disasters, war and terrorism cause starvation and famine, and economic differentials increase. Human beings forget awareness of their true nature as "children of God" and become coldhearted. This results in incessant racial discrimination, violence, outrage, cruelty and slaughter.
We hold up the following objectives and vigorously promote our activities for universal charity for all mankind and creatures:
1. Support of those who suffer from starvation, famine and disasters, and handicapped people
2. Preservation of intangible cultural assets, support of activities of traditional arts, and promotion of intercultural exchange
3. Support of activities of rearing guide dogs and hearing-ear ones
4. Support of one parent families and people in the low-income brackets, and of activities to protect and bring up orphans and ill-treated children
5. Support of activities to eradicate cancer, AIDS, hepatitis, and cerebrospinal fluid diminution disease
6. Support of researches and development of environmental protection and next-generation energies
7. Activities of building up the ecological, self-sufficient system of economy in cooperation with relevant companies.
We are now making preparation to provide organic vegetables to those who suffer from famine and starvation, by re-cultivating fallow fields. And we are promoting our activity of preserving the yakumo-goto, or the horizontal harp with two chords which is recorded in the oldest document of Japanese history, and of livening up the Japanese martial arts, judo, kendo and aikido. Moreover, we are making up a network which helps people in the law-income brackets and debtors who are unable to repay multiple creditors to start on the road to a new life
We do not take blindly a negative and critical attitude toward the social situation of today, but express gratitude to the situation in which we are and respect to predecessors' wisdom and effort. We continue our activities with thought that to spare no effort to create better situation on the basis of predecessors' achievements is the very just rule to build "the everlasting ideal world in which all mankind and creatures live harmoniously and joyfully."
We hope that we will promote our activities with many supporters and pass on to the next generation the supporters' benevolence. For this purpose, we consolidate our cooperation and push on toward the establishment of the foundation.
As the initial step toward this goal, we just set up The Preparatory Secretariat for Founding the Nishiki-no-miya Foundation.
We humbly implore that those who can support our activities make a benevolent donation to the Preparatory Secretariat, in order to realize "the everlasting ideal world in which all mankind and creatures live harmoniously and joyfully."
We humbly implore everybody to give understanding, support and cooperation to our activities.
July 2006
The Preparatory Secretariat for Founding the Nishiki-no-miya Foundation243-6 Fukumura
Komono-cho, Mie-Prefecture
510-1240 JAPAN
(TEL & FAX) 059-394-1993
Bank Account
Nishiki-no-miya Zaidan Zaidan-kikin-jimukyoku (The Preparatory Secretariat for Founding the Nichiki-no-miya Foundation)
Saving Account 2353311
Komono Branch, Daisan Bank
Keiko Tsuji (Ms.)
Representative of Nishiki-no-miya
(E-mail) [email protected]

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

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Imploring Support to Preparation for Founding the Nishiki-no-miya Foundation..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />          Sekai-keiri...
Posted by &K® kò4ÝXÅ n on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 12:36:00 PST