LISA GREENE profile picture


Music is the food of play on!

About Me

Hi..I am a singer / songwriter / producer who has worked in music for four years, writing for other artists, before finally deciding to make my own music, which I have always wanted to do. I've written songs across the board for many artists but rather than get into that, I'll tell you a bit (other than that!!) about myself. I was born in Zimbabwe, Africa to a single mother and raised there until I was fifteen years old, when we moved to London. I went to college (University to all you Anglos out there!!) and studied Law before getting a job as a secretary / runner / whatever do-er at a studio. I learned how to write songs by watching, listening and bugging the songwriters with questions - one really kind one in particular, you know who you are - you can't buy that experience! I then got a publishing deal and was lucky enough to start getting cuts with artists that enabled me to keep eating!! :-) In the meantime, I was writing music that was close to my heart - jazz. I wrote it just to let it out. I had no idea if it was good but I knew that I felt it to my core and that I had to continue.. So, here I am.. I've started recording my record in LA and I am so happy. I've never felt so alive. I don't know if all of this is what I am supposed to put in a "bio" but this is me, so I thought I would share a little of that. Photoshoots, music and all that good stuff are to follow.. In the meantime, be well and I wish you love, laughter and peace xoxo

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My Interests


Member Since: 1/22/2007
Band Members: Just me...
Influences: My Mom, who simply rocks! Followed by...Frank Sinatra, Mr Porter, Lady Day, Ella Fitzgerald, Shakespeare, GMC, David Bowie, Madonna, Diana Ross, La Callas, Barbra Streisand, Quincy Jones, Bacharach and David, Jim Morrison, Carole King, Mariah Carey, Dusty Springfield, The Bee Gees, Nelson Mandela, Stevie Nicks, Olivia Newton John, John Lennon, Aaliyah, Thandie Newton, Mutt Lange and Charlize Theron (from my part of the world - they are amazing!!), Roberta Flack, Tina Turner, Walt Whitman, and so many more....
Sounds Like: Jazz
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Gratitude would just like to thank everyone for all their wonderful comments, emails of support and responses to my music. It is really humbling for me to ...
Posted by LISA GREENE on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:29:00 PST

I should have patience with my music

Hi everyoneSo I'm here in LA and working like mad.. I'm trying to get my music ready already as well as finish all the other things I am working on, which I won't bore you with.I'm quite torn between ...
Posted by LISA GREENE on Mon, 07 May 2007 07:33:00 PST

Coming soon

Hi, I'm getting everything together now - my music, my page, my photos and it's all really manic! Whoever looks at this page - hola and I'll be putting all my info on it soon! Thanks! Me
Posted by LISA GREENE on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 01:03:00 PST