"On parent knee, a naked newborn child,
Weeping thou satst while all around thee smiled,
So live that, sinking in thy Last Long sleep,
Calm thou mayst smile while all around thee weep."
~When the incense of a man's good actions spreads through the palace of the soul, "the powers that wait on noble deeds" light up the edifice with radiance brought from other worlds~
In the eye of a good man -- in the window of the palace of his soul -- we behold an occupant who fears no duty. We are fascinated and gather about, anxious to peer in upon the fortunate possessor. Therein lies the happiness and the force of good example.
Î’ut let the Censer burn low, and flicker in final sickliness; the great bell called Conscience, hanging in the dome, strikes an alarm that rocks the building. How oft the solemn tocsin sounds ! Let us be thankful its clangor is so harsh !