Podcasts and blogtalkradio (links follow soon): my apologies to all who had a podcast or blogtalkradio featured here but it was no longer obtainable ... though I saw in the codes 'autoplay' was turned off, they all started at the same moment, people couldn't hear the featured poet anymore and six to seven voicesmingledgives no one the chance of being listened to properly. If possible I will feature you in the future ... if possible, do send me direct link to your work so I can insert it here!
* Mercury Child
* DC (Writer/Director)
* Me, the lionness
* Hiz Passion
* Felix the Inkslinger
Free Licks With FELiX
* Speak Easy Café: Open Mic radioshow
* April Sims
* LeJuane Bowens
* Teach Me
* Wordplay Radio (Podcast + Blogtalkradio - Saturdays 7pm EST)
We exposed the masses to a life changing, spirit moving life style called spoken word poetry. South Florida is now a nationally recognized poetry scene because of the talent we have, and the people who listen to us. Thank you South Florida! Spoken Word Poetry ... We are not underground anymore
Dare to be creative.
and Poetry Lounge
1350 NE 125 Street
Suite 200
North Miami, FL 33161
Simply Kat
"Dimlights" - Every Thursday - Hosted by: Besskepp -
JB on 1's and 2's - $3 - 300 second st. - pomona CA 91766
En 2008, la scène ouverte parisienne OPEN YOUR MIC s'installe au Théâtre de la Reine Blanche pour vous proposer, à chaque édition,
près de 2 heures de spectacle en compagnie des étoiles montantes de la musique et de l'humour.
OYM donne à ces artistes, un espace d'expression à la hauteur de leur talent.
Rire, musique et émotions se mêleront tour à tour pour vous offrir des soirées inoubliables pleine de surprises!
Théâtre La Reine Blanche
Direction N.Martinez et N.Herviais
2 Bis Passage Ruelle
75018 Paris
M° La Chapelle / Max Dormoy
Entrée : 13 euros
Tarif réduit : 9 euros
Tarif de groupe : 11 euros
Réservations :
01 40 05 06 96 ou par email : [email protected]
Location et points de vente:
Fnac - Billetreduc - Théâtre On Line
Info Line Open Your Mic:
06 88 25 90 73 / [email protected]
interview wih Uncle Ben (Oncle Ben) by Open Your Mic
Turn On Your Love Light open mic at The Vault
There are too many important and interesting artists and organisations than this friendlist can show. Do check the favourite artists under music !!
Featured artists
1. Anne Savage - No Valentine
2. DENIZ ECE Z.S - Billowy Hearts
3. Wordmachinist - The Case of Midnight Skinner
4. Isa & the Filthy Tongues - Dreamcatcher
5. ~ EDI ~ - Ecchymose
6. Poetic Speakz - Conversations with Death
7. Andrea Grant (spoken word) - Hex
8. Yunnus A. Quddus - Whisper
9. KAREN GIBSON ROC - Herstory
10. Destiny 7 Manifest - She dances
11. Destiny 7 Manifest - An Angel Dreams
12. SAGE Francis - Sea Lion feat. Saul Williams
13. Ainsley Burrows - Torres
14. Def Poetry - Vanessa Hidary
15. Tshaka M. Campbell - Press on - On his new album: One!
16. Romantic Blues -Romantic blues
17. Totem Maples - ATGWM
18. Scorpio Blues - Allright with the Moonshyne
19. ~ EDI ~ - A la recherche du bonheur
20. Astromancer - Across the Water
21. Rayn - America
22. Afro-Preachah - Poppin' my colla
23. Beny Blaq - Silence is forbidden
24. Inua - Phaze - Candy Coated Unicorns and Converse All Stars
25. Broadcast Live - Underground
26. Produced by Tone Def Jams , lyrics by Scofflaser Amerika , organisation: 10K Poets - A true Liberator
27. High Performance Poetry - The Devil is at Command , written by Craig Wilson & Passtime , music by HB Clayton of Blind Truth Studios . About the English and American reaction to the 9/11 attacks in New York 2001. To be released shortly!!
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Videos of performances of defpoetry and spoken word. I refer you to the blog where I regularly post a few :)!
Books on myspace: (as usual: updates are more than welcome)
* Inua ~ Phaze - Thirteen Fairy Negro Tales
* Kerry Wagner - She did that
* Alvin Lloyd Alexander Horn - Brush Strokes
* S. Joaquin Riviera .
Demon in the mirror.
Broken Sword Publications.
* Tshaka M. Campbell
* Eric de Jesus. Cult of the Moon. Sloow Ley Lines, 2008, Belgium. Drawings, photo’s and lunar stories. Half black & white, half full-color. Bound together by the hand. http://www. sloowtapes. blogspot. com/
Recycled Books Records CDs
200 N. Locust St.
Denton, TX 76201
United States
* Justin Blackburn
* Jon Sanders
* Jonah Gabriel - Without Company
* Veronica Sublett. Life through my Eyes. Seen through a broken heart.
* Larry Kuechlin
* Michael Grover . The man that lived in the Park. Covert Press. Covert Poetics. This is his latest chapbook of a series of selfpublished chapbooks. Interesting Poetry!
* Scott Rogers . Poetry of the Heart. Selfpublished.
* Ben Myers . Spam: Email Inspired Poetry. 2008, Blackheath Books.
* Tricia Psarreas and Shane Sellers . Freedom's Rein.
The profits of this book are spent partly to support charities and good causes ...
* Nikkea Smithers . SweetDreams.
* Kevin D. Sokol . Wicked Game.
* etc.