The Minor Poets profile picture

The Minor Poets

The Minor Poets

About Me

The Minor Poets has a floating membership. Since the others can barely complete a sentence, it falls to me to speak. When I last counted I was one hundred years old. I know what it means to crumble, but I can still manage a biography.The band was formed back in the nineteen twenties, when there were still opium dens down at the London docklands. There were ships bearing strange cargos, spices and stolen jewellery for rich merchants. There were fires, there were exotic women, there were crowds that pursued us. We've had our ups and downs.I slept through decades of war and madness. I slept like a vampire sleeps. I was nourished by the stuff of my dreams, and woke up so very thin. Eventually, walking the streets of a cold, bright city by night, I hooked up with a few others of my kind. Thus was born for a second time this band. I tell the legends of the saints. I sing the stories of the sinful. Maybe we will meet up sometime and share the night's perfect hours.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/4/2008
Band Website: coming
Band Members: The band consists of:Christopher Hallam- voice and guitar; Father Antebus Zero- bass; Doghouse Riley- drums; Others, various- various other instruments.
Influences: These are many and varied. The first few that come to mind are, in no particular order: Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Peter Perrett/The Only Ones, The Smiths, The Libertines, Patti Smith, W. B. Yeats, Jean Cocteau, R.D.Laing, Michel Foucault, Zygmunt Bauman, Thomas de Quincey, The Verve, Syd Barrett, The Kinks, John Keats, Lord Byron, The Marquis de Sade, Virginia Woolf (Orlando), James Joyce, Lindsay Anderson (If...), Brilliant Chang, Lou Reed/The Velvet Underground, Nico, Psychedelic Furs, Nick Drake, Bob Dylan, Alexander Trocchi, William Burroughs, Frederico Garcia Lorca, Jacques Brel, Djuna Barnes, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre, Oscar Wilde, Love, Fat Dog Mendoza
Sounds Like: Mixture of the above? Mutant monster bred from the unholy congress of all of the above, along with an orgy of Others? English romantic literature meets Foucault-Ecclesiastes playing the Blues and the hungry street-ghosts of Victorian London playing electric guitars...Thomas de Quincey with a post-rationalist haircut.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Songs n stuff...Update

The recent addition My brother Simon is a song I wrote in a previous life. I have lost the original, and perhaps more successful version, along with numerous other songs and sound sketches belonging t...
Posted by The Minor Poets on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 05:22:00 PST

New song..where is it, then?

In case anybody has come here looking for the new song, about which I posted a bulletin tonoght, I have had to take it down, I'm afraid. Too hurried to get it online, but the guitar was shit and the w...
Posted by The Minor Poets on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 11:54:00 PST

Introducing The Minor Poets

But who are The Minor Poets really?   OK. On bass, allow me to introduce Doghouse Riley. A hard-boiled but elusive character, Doghouse lives inside a Bogart movie, with which some of you will dou...
Posted by The Minor Poets on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 12:24:00 PST

Friends and myspace...

I am relatively new in the Myspace zone, and it has been a joy to meet all kinds of interesting and like-minded people. One thing that pisses me off, however, is the way the "Friends" thing is us...
Posted by The Minor Poets on Tue, 27 May 2008 10:50:00 PST

Who Are The Minor Poets?

The Minor Poets...who are they? Firstly, they are the speakers and writers of words which live in the fringes of life, of literature, of history. Their Words do not look to any particular Author to gi...
Posted by The Minor Poets on Thu, 22 May 2008 07:10:00 PST


My truth it ain’t pure my tale it ain’t simple I write the legends of the saints I sing the stories of the sinful my body is a temple but it’s a ruined temple they dug me up like thi...
Posted by The Minor Poets on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:14:00 PST


When the night is on fire in the cable and the wire and the Telecom Tower is a needle in the sky's arm.... This song is a first example of the recent material, and you can expect more in the same vein...
Posted by The Minor Poets on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 01:41:00 PST


This is a first word to any passing friends and strangers who happen upon our little page.  This band has been a long time in the making. It is customary- we've all seen a lot of this latel...
Posted by The Minor Poets on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 10:13:00 PST