"Bringing about education and healing through creative writing and spoken word."
Poets in the Streets, Inc. is a not-for-profit literacy organization based in Little Rock, Arkansas. In an effort to fulfill our mission of bringing about education and healing through creative writing and spoken word, our members have appeared in a number of schools and universities across the state as well as a number of performance venues across the nation. Our poets have represented the state of Arkansas at the 2005 National Poetry Slam in Albuquerque, New Mexico; the 2006 Southern Fried Poetry Slam in Birmingham, Alabama; and have featured in such cities as Dallas, Texas; Chicago, Illinois; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Kansas City, Missouri, just to name a select few.
Through custom-created courseware and a passionate approach, Poets in the Streets, Inc. moves beyond the attempt to combat basic literacy by engaging and encouraging students to develop their own voices through performance and writing. By getting students excited about literature, our members arm these students with the ability to be part of and involved in their own education. We have successfully used this approach in a number of classrooms throughout the state of Arkansas, including but not limited to Foreman High School, Harris Elementary, Sheridan Junior High School, University of Central Arkansas and Arkansas Tech.
To bring our members in your schools or to book a performance, please contact us by email at [email protected] or check out our website at www.poetsinthestreets.org.