FLANDERS ETHNO: your meeting place for young folk musicians from all over the world.
TAKE YOUR CHANCE and PARTICIPATE NOW!!!! Since 1999 with participants from CHINA, ECUADOR, CUBA, SENEGAL, UGANDA, INDIA, SLOVENIA, HUNGARY, GERMANY, ROMANIA, BULGARIA, BASQUE COUNTRY, AUSTRIA, CZECH REPUBLIC, LEBANON; TUNISIA, SWEDEN, SERBIA, NORWAY, ESTONIA, RUSSIA, DANMARK, NETHERLANDS, INDONESIA, ENGLAND, CYPRUS, SCOTLAND and BELGIUM!!! All instrumentalists are welcome as well as singers. In this week of FLANDERS ETHNO, taking place in July every year, you will teach your own music, songs and dances to the other participants. You will also learn fantastic new sounds and rhythms from them and find out how to adapt them to your own instruments. Teaching and learning will be mainly by ear - don't be afraid, you'll love it! L'idée est de faire se rencontrer des jeunes musiciens de 15 à 25 ans représentant les musiques traditionelles de leurs pays. Pendant une semaine, ils jouent, mangent, dansent, chantent, dorment et échangent leurs musiques lors de workshops (ateliers animés à tour de rôle par les représentants de chaque région)… ou lors des nombreuses sessions. Cela donne rapidement un répertoire commun et beaucoup de connivence et d'amitié.
For Sfinks Festival, Belgian TV1 made a nice feature about Flanders Ethno '07
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And here's a great little documentary about Flanders Ethno '07 - by the people of Indymedia Belgium . . .