Wouter profile picture


Wouter Vandenabeele

About Me

Wouter Vandenabeele est reconnu internationalement en tant que violoniste, arrangeur et compositeur. La productivité de ce jeune Gantois a atteint des sommets ces dernières années.
Il a joué des concerts aux côtés du violoniste traditionnel sénégalais Issa Sow. Il a dirigé le prestigieux projet « Hadzidakis » pour les Jeux Olympiques d'Athènes 2004 (avec entre autres les chanteuses de « Madredeus ») Il a enregistré une vingtaine de CD's et donné plusieurs centaines de représentations avec « Ambrozijn », « Olla Vogala » (son orchestre de musique du monde) et d'autres projets dont « Bared Ataï » avec lequel il a joué au Maroc et en Belgique ; « Zuiderwind » (EMI) en collaboration avec des musiciens sud-africains (concerts en Belgique et en Afrique du Sud) Il a aussi travaillé avec Steve Houben, Think of one, Erik Vermeulen, Savina Yanatou, Philippe Thuriot, "Ex Tempore"...
Wouter est également apprécié comme professeur lors des stages musicaux « Flanders Ethno », ainsi qu'à l'académie d'été de Neufchâteau, aux jeunesses musicales de Chypre, et aux stages de musique Folk et Jazz organisés par Muziekmozaïek. Il dirige la classe d'ensemble de musique populaire du stage d'été de Gooik. Depuis septembre 2005, il donne cours de violon folk à l'académie de Sint-Niklaas et dirige l'orchestre de jeunes : « Transpiradansa ».
Wouter Vandenabeele is recognized internationally as a violonist, an arranger and a composer. The productivity of this young men living in Ghent had reached tops these last years.
He had played concerts at the sides of the Senegalese traditional violonist Issa Sow, he conducted the prestigious project "Hadzidakis" for the Olympic Games of Athens in 2004 (with the singers of Madredeus) He had recorded a score of CDs, had given several hundreds of representations with "Ambrozijn", "Olla Vogala" (his orchestra of world music), and in various projects: "Bared Ataï" with which it played in Morocco and in Belgium; « Zuiderwind » (EMI) in which he collaborated with South-African musicians (concerts in Belgium and South Africa) He worked with Steve Houben, Think of one, Erik Vermeulen, Savina Yanatou, Philippe Thuriot, "Ex Tempore".
Wouter is also appreciated as a teacher in the musical training courses "Flanders Ethno", also in the summer academy of Neufchâteau, in musical schools of Cyprus, and in the training courses of music Folk and Jazz organized by Muziekmozaïek. He used to conduct the instrumental ensemble of popular music during the musical summer school of Gooik. Since September 2005, he teach folk violin in Sint-Niklaas academy and conduct the young orchestra : "Transpiradansa".
Wouter was selected for " de cultuurprijzen van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap 2007"

My Interests


Member Since: 10/16/2007
Band Website: woutervandenabeele.be/
Band Members:
Influences: Olla Vogala, Chansons sans paroles, Ambrozijn, Transpiradansa,...
Sounds Like: The Olla Vogala ExperienceLike a phoenix rising from the ashes OLLA VOGALA came into being through a combination of social acquaintances mixing with musical talent, all within the city of Ghent, Belgium. Originally a trio, the group rapidely grew into a virtual orchestra no less, performing for the first time during the 1997 Ghent Festival. Inspired by the amazing reception they then enjoyed, OLLA VOGALA went on to play further concerts improving even more in style and concept. The words "olla vogala" derive from the oldest Dutch sentence that has been passed down through the ages, reflecting the groups diverse repertoire of middle age music, including bourrees from Auvergne, Monterverdi, traditional Flemish folk songs, Arabic songs, old French ballads, a-capella, Middle Dutch receipts, 'free' music on several themes and of course original compositions. Each member of OLLA VOGALA has a unique style and background in music, enabling them to jenture into virgin territory, experimenting with jazz influences and improvisation, creating a bizarre cocktail that has become the OLLA VOGALA experience... The present line up of seventeen depictors of word, music and sound are directed by the man who is responsible for the majority of the arrangements, Wouter Vandenabeele, all of which creates a musical event, coming to life via interculturality and multi-ethnicity
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New CD Olla Vogala

Opname nieuwe CD Olla Vogala met Soetkin Baptist, release januari 2008
Posted by Wouter on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 06:43:00 PST

Opname cd: la musique de Issa Sow.

Concerten in Dakar, Senegal met Issa Sow, December 2007- januari 2008Opname cd: la musique de Issa Sow. (zie www.homerecords.be/)
Posted by Wouter on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 06:42:00 PST


Transpiradansa! goes South-Africa!Van 28 november tot 12 december dit jaar. We spelen er vijf concerten, in Johannesburg en Durban, samen met jonge zwarte Zuid-Afrikaanse muzikanten en zanger(e)s(sen)...
Posted by Wouter on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 03:46:00 PST