Agents of Karma profile picture

Agents of Karma

Agents of Karma, is a Power House !

About Me

What's Karma got to do with it? Good question, I suppose if you're a believer in such things, Karma has everything to do with it. Agents of Karma, (the second name picked for the band), has taken on a life of it's own, and the fortuitous acronym A.O.K. was a happy accident. Agents of Karma sort of rose from the ashes of Jay Cavanaugh and Conrad Sparnroft's former association as members of the alternative band Gray Zone. After years apart, Conrad exploring other bands and Jay exploring stage and film acting, they started working together again back in 2002. Casually at first, but soon it became clear that something wanted to escape the confines of the basement like a caged animal. So AOK opened the door and took it to the people. Was it Karma? Maybe! These guys are the quintessential New Yorkers. Jay, Conrad and Joe all hail from the outer boroughs of NYC where their musical sensibilities were forged in the furnace of quasi suburban dream land as a reaction to stifling boredom and conformity. And recently Patrick Conlon originally from Pittburgh P.A. now living Jersey City N.J. came from what most native New Yorkers consider the province's or even worse Fly over. The outer boroughs of NY are where the "REAL" New Yorkers live and Gotham, the place everyone wants to move to or at least visit, is a place where you feel anything can happen and often does, even the unthinkable 9/11 tragedy. Like a thick N.Y. accent, AOK's gruff exterior hides a friendly heart, a reflection of the way New York pulled together when the going got tough. It's that same spirit that fills the cup of AOK's music. It's hard edged, it rocks, but it's inquisitive and politically aware at the same time. Their music ebbs n flows like morning and evening rush hours. The Yin and Yang of give and take are always present, no one is the dominant figure musically, they support each other and give space. But when it's time to join together and bring it home they're like an insane cab driver getting you to the airport with seconds to spare. The AOK tune "One Man's Trash" is a good metaphor for a band that takes whats been discarded, polishes it off and finds hidden treasure. This might explain why as a band AOK gets compared to many diverse recording artists. That's because AOK is retro with respect. A combination of Street Wise Irony, Spirituality, Sex + the Politics of Relationships and Society they are always game. Weather it's the frantic search for love on "Looking for Leni", the more philosophical look at sexuality and relationships on "The Delta of Venus" or the driving force of "NYC Not the enemy" they never stray far from a basic Rock n Roll foundation.. This allows them the luxury of being pretentious and stark realists at the same time. The band is psyched about the release of their first CD. Recorded live in the studio in full takes with no punch-ins and minimal overdubs, it's a testiment to a band born of gigging. We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it. Scope out the myspace 4 song sampler and do comment, AOK loves your feedback and if you go to the CD-Baby site you can write your own review. Cheers AOK
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My Interests


Member Since: 4/21/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: JAY CAVANAUGH / Lead Vocals - Bass ___ CONRAD SPARNROFT / Lead Guitar - Vocals ___ JOE MIELE / Lead Drums - Vocals ___ PATRICK CONLON / Percussion - Lap Top - Vocals - Sounds
Influences: Hendrix, Cream, Zeppelin, Who, Yes, Mountain, Rush, Living Color, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Bowie, P.Gabriel, T.Rex, Police, ELP, Blue Cheer, Blondie, Jazz, Raggae, Bob Marley, Joe Jackson, Motown, Van Halen, Foo Fighters, Chilli Peppers, Talking Heads, Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, Ten Years After, Peter Murphy, Jack Bruce, Deep Purple, XTC, Jah Wobble, Bill Laswell, Brian Ferry, Iggy Pop, Roxey Music, Prince, Be Bop Delux, Gentle Giant, Utopia, U2, Horslips, +++++
View Agents of Karma's EPK
Sounds Like: Agents of Karma sounds like Melting Pot Rock! Chock full of secret ingredients, exotic spices and tasty meats, it's been pressure cooking at low heat for decades and it's ready to explode ! That culinary explanation comes from watching too many shows on the Food Network. But food and music both capture the art of the bold and the subtle. It's as much about the presentation as the flavor. We taste and listen with our eyes as much as our ears and nose. (Of course you can't smell the music) but if you could, music would present a cornucopia of scents. As for Agents of Karma: If you don't like bands that occasionally take killer solo's, you wont like AOK. If you don't care for bands that try to write thoughtful lyrics, you wont like AOK. If a little uncrowded space in your music isn't your bag, you wont dig AOK. If you can't handle a band that puts signal processing on an equal footing with pure unaltered aural pleasure, then you wont like AOK and if real New Yorkers freak you out, ya might consider catching the next flight out of town. But, if you happen to like any of the aforementioned qualities you'll probably love AOK! So by all means patronize their merchandise and keep them close at all times. Cheers !
Record Label: Sword in the Stone Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

AOK cares about their audience

I want to say on behalf of the band that we do care for our audience, weather 2 people or 100 people show up. We cancelled a gig a few weeks back because the club changed our set time the night before...
Posted by Agents of Karma on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 10:12:00 PST

How we did it!

How did we record our songs? Live in the studio, by that I mean we set up all the instruments in one single room at Top of the World Studio's in Yorktown Heights and with the skillful help of engineer...
Posted by Agents of Karma on Thu, 10 May 2007 09:14:00 PST