I am Chief Provocateur of the Mission Movers Group. Our passion is to help organizations do a better job of connecting with communities. It is our belief that real transformation happens not by problem solving or product development but by being a conduit for the dreams of geographic and NON-geographic communities. By empowering them to create their own future.For more information about our free tools to test for nonprofits or our conferences please go to http://missionmovers.org/Please take time to click on this link and go to http://missionmovers.org to read our report on how to create a high impact nonprofit organization. This report is provocative and goes against many things you have heard in the past. Please leave feedback on the report. It would be much appreciated.I want to have disscusion with people who are involved in nonprofits and why they volunteer. I want to know what they get out of it and why they picked a particular organization to volunteer or support. I want to hear your story.I would also like to hear from nonprofits that are using MySpace as an outreach tool. I would love to hear from them on how they are going about this.MySpace is an amazing place and I want to hear how the social sectors is tapping into it. Please leave your stories.For more information on what we do for nonprofits or our conferences please go to http://nonprofitrules.wetpaint.com/