GEEKS for a CURE profile picture


Brainstorming to apply technology to GOOD causes

About Me

Do you have an inner GEEK? It's time to get your GEEK ON!
GEEKS are creative thinkers! Let's put our GEEK heads together and come up with some unconventional ideas to FIGHT the many diseases that take away our loved ones!
This page is NOT going to ask you for money and does NOT sell anything! If you want to contribute IDEAS for charities to utilize, then you are in the right place.
GEEKS for a CURE is not about curing one disease, it's about curing ALL of them!!
Instead of focusing on one disease, we seek the "best demonstrated practice" relating to raising funds for ANY good cause and how they can get their respective messages out to the public in the most effective manner (preferably for FREE).
See "The Charity Page" in my top friends for links to many myspace charity and non-profit pages. See any that need to be added? Just let them know and they will add you.
Do you want YOUR good cause to be listed in our top friends? Send us a message and tell why your good cause should be there.
If you have suggestions, or have information on successful events or fundraisers that other charity groups may benefit from, please leave a comment. It might be just what someone is looking for.
Why This Page Was Created
I wish I knew how to bake a better cookie … but I don't. Volunteering for a bake sale just doesn’t work for me. But I want to do something!!
I’m thinking there are other GEEKS out there sort of like me… they want to do something, but don’t know where they fit in the puzzle or even what the puzzle is.
OK, so I don’t bake, but I could design a flyer, post on craigslist, make a video and post it on YouTube, create a myspace and yada yada yada all with similar goals… to help a charity raise more money, get more people to their event and kick ass on public awareness of their cause!
Is it possible to come up with a GEEKY “toolkit” of ideas that ANY charity could utilize to make their efforts more effective? Something as simple as a checklist of places to post, things to do and so on.
I’ve seen well advertised charity events that were very popular, but expensive to promote. How could GEEKS come up with ways to cut some costs on advertising and other areas by using new digital technologies?
What sort of cool new gadgets could be used at a big event to raise money?
How can concepts like Web 2.0, crowd sourcing, “user generated content” and social networking be applied to good use by charitable causes?
It just seems like there is a lot of “untapped” talent out there. Any thoughts?
Save The World - One Click At A Time!
On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!
Click here to post this on your page or 'blog

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Super GEEK, Super GEEK, you're Super GEEKY, yow!

If your band would like to do a "Weird Al" style parody of the Rick James Super Freak song called "Super GEEK", I will add the song to this site, put up a banner for your band and put your band in my top friends!

Get your GEEK ON!

Would you rather type on a keyboard than run in a marathon? If typing and geeky stuff is "your thing", then you should join our folding team at:

Team Name: GEEKS for a CURE

Team ID #84451

Download the Folding software from the Stanford site and run it in the background of you computer. You don't have to do any "work", your computer does it all! It's real EASY! The program sends folded protein data back to Stanford University. This data is used in research for many diseases including Cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's and many more.

See how fast your computer is at folding proteins vs. other members of the team! If you got a PS3, those are wicked fast too. It's the first "speed test" I've encountered that made me feel good inside!

Recently Stanford announced that this Folding@home distributed computer project had achieved 1 Petaflop. A petaflop equals one quadrillion floating point operations per second (FLOPS). If you'd like to imagine this enormous computation capacity, think about calculating a tip on a restaurant bill, now do that for 75,000 different bills, now do that every second, and lastly, imagine everybody on the planet is doing those calculations at the same second- this is a petaflop calculation. Now you see why I say enormous… read more in my blog.

GEEKS for a Cure is now within the Top 1% of all folding teams!!!!

Join the GfaC team NOW and become part of the most POWERFUL computer on the PLANET!!

If you are a gamer with a fast graphics card from nVidia or ATI, you can help the MOST!!

1. You need a graphics card; preferably a 8800 series nvidia card. Requires PCIe 16x slot.
2.Download GPU2 client here: http://folding. stanford. edu/English/DownloadWinOther
3.Download the latest drivers for your new gpu.
4.Turn off any existing cpu folding
5.Run the GPU2 client for team 84451!

The exclusive 10,000 point Club. Do you have the raw power to get there?

Our Secret Weapon Against Disease - BT's Super Computer ExtraFloppy...

Averages 17,000+ Points Per Day!

The Folding Team is just ONE idea. You don't have to join that to help our fight! Please leave a comment about any ideas you have for raising money and awareness of health related charity causes.

If a charitable group has made an impact on your life, give them some props here in a comment.

Getting a Charity WIRED!

What would you do?
The game is to come up with the best “technology” strategy for use by ANY charity. But there’s a catch:
It’s got to be FREE and donated stuff doesn’t count! This will probably limit it to Internet related stuff, but some GEEKS are crafty!

The focus should be on advertising and promoting an upcoming event, but if you’re a REAL GEEK, I bet you can give me more than that.

Do I have any players?

I’m really looking for “cookie cutter” uses of technology that ANY charity could adopt. FREE means there are no hurdles to jump and it can be implemented quickly and without displacing anything else.

There is a wide array of different area’s that could be looked at, but I wanted to start with advertising a charity event. Promotion of an event or idea is one of the most universal elements involved with most all Good Causes. I’ve seen events succeed or fail based on the advertising alone. I find that sad and something GEEKS might be able to do something about. What digital elements would you put into place and what would the timeline be?

My Blog

Fundraising with text messages?

Does anyone have experience using the service from that allows your non-profit to raise funds by text message donations? This seems like a really cool idea and one that fits into the origina...
Posted by GEEKS for a CURE on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 08:08:00 PST

Win a Geforce 8800 GS Graphics Card!

I'm giving away my "new" EVGA Geforce 8800 GS graphics card in September! I've only had it for two weeks now, but I'm so impressed with its folding ability that I decided to give it away! Not only do...
Posted by GEEKS for a CURE on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 05:36:00 PST

A Little Hope for Cancer Treatment

Let's learn a new word today kids: nanoimpellers gallery_nanocancer    ...
Posted by GEEKS for a CURE on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 07:22:00 PST

It’s a RACE for 2nd place!

Things are heating up on the Folding@home team. shanealicious has edged out Cynisca for second place, but watch out for javawired  in fourth place and moving up REAL FAST! Who's got the horsepowe...
Posted by GEEKS for a CURE on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 06:46:00 PST

Cancer Therapy Without Side Effects Nearing Trials

Cancer Therapy Without Side Effects Nearing Trials By Jennifer Laloup 04.13.08 | 1:00 PM .. --> only display photo on first page -->.. --> start article photo --> A promising new cancer treatment th...
Posted by GEEKS for a CURE on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:06:00 PST

GEEKY New Technologies to Help Good Causes!

Here are links to a couple of recent WIRED articles that I thought could be utilized by those involved with good causes. Amazon is starting a p...
Posted by GEEKS for a CURE on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 03:31:00 PST

Good Cause for the Month of October and some samples of what this site is all about.

The GEEKS for a CURE name was conceived in late August and a couple days later, this page was born. I had a basic idea of what I wanted to accomplish, but things started out a bit vague as I grew the ...
Posted by GEEKS for a CURE on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:12:00 PST

Definition of a GEEK

Thanks to my friend  River Jordan  for digging into the definition of a GEEK. ri...
Posted by GEEKS for a CURE on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 04:46:00 PST

Folding@home goes over 1 petaflop! Stanford says research moved forward 10 years!

The momentum and excitement for the Folding@home project continues. This time it's something that the Folding community and the computer science field as a whole have been anxiously awaiting  the cro...
Posted by GEEKS for a CURE on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 11:12:00 PST

Cancer Action Network - Tell your story and help FIX health care in this country

The health care crisis in this country and the 47 million people without health insurance coverage are about to get some help from the American Cancer Society. Go here for more info: It...
Posted by GEEKS for a CURE on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:09:00 PST