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About Me

Are you looking for a better life? A life with Better Health and Wealth? This is your answer! The product is called Original Limu! Limu was discovered by studying the people of Tonga, in the South Pacific. They have a very high percentage of active centurions’.

Medical studies have been done on the active ingredient "Fucoidan" from all over the world. The medical website to view the studies is Type in keyword "Fucoidan". This is a medical website that has nothing to do with the Limu company. **There have been over 650 individual studies done on Fucoidan and the results have been unbelievable. The overall findings of this large body of research, and the evidence provided by a long history of use of Fucoidan-bearing seaweed in areas such as Japan, Hawaii and Tonga, indicate that Fucoidan demonstrates great potential as a safe nutritional answer for a wide variety of health complaints. In at least one study the Fucoidan WAS FOUND TO KILL CANCER CELLS!
The reports we receive outline an amazingly wide array of exceptional health benefits, including: • *Restful Sleep, *More Energy, *Improved Joint Mobility, *Healthy Immune Function, *Healthy Cell Growth, *Healthy Gastrointestinal Function, *Healthy Blood Glucose Levels, *Healthy Cholesterol Levels, *Smoother Softer Skin, *Consistently Good Health, *Feelings of General Mental Well-Being, And More!
As you know I was so impressed by reports that I ordered my own products and have a website to give my friends more information.
www. discoverlimu. com/bestlife
Go there to view videos and testimonials! And if you are interested in living not only a long life but a long life with quality health, then sign up to get Limu and try it for yourself. Give yourself 3 months of drinking Limu twice a day and you will see the health benefits! When you FEEL the difference, SHARE Limu with others and then experience better WEALTH!
I am very impressed with the Limu, my cramps are decreasing, my energy levels are outstanding, my skin is softer and I am sleeping much better after taking Limu only a short time. (Read My Blog for more results!) I hear positive testimony almost daily! The company is very good and I like the marketing design. The Studies speak for themselves!
How can a product do so much? In studying the information, I believe Limu suppresses inflammation, and builds our body’s Immune system. If you are as impressed as me and want to try it, use my website www. discoverlimu. com/bestlife Or call toll-free (866) 852-4832 My Distributor ID is: 8561442. ______
Some of Results ==__ Fucoidan & Cancer 69 studies, Evidence of Anti-Cancer effect! __ Fucoidan & Virus 40 studies, Evidence of Anti-Viral effect! __ Fucoidan & inflammation 58 studies, Evidence of Anti-Inflammatory effect! __ Fucoidan & bacteria 92 studies, Evidence of Antibacterial effect! __ Fucoidan & immunity 99 studies, Evidence of Enhanced Immunity effect!
Try today and feel what Limu can do for you!
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For thousands of years Fucoidan was a mystery of science - not present in a single land based plant, fruit, vegetable, or grain. Had the Tongans failed to explore the deep blue waters of their ocean paradise to harvest the amazing Limu plant, it might still be a mystery today.
But Gary Raser, founder of The Limu Company, had a different idea. He made it his mission to turn this life changing SUPER-NUTRIENT... that almost no one had ever heard of... into a global phenomenon that would make a difference all over the world.
Today, Fucoidan is the subject of more than 650 unsolicited, independent, third-party scientific studies that all validate its astonishing life-sustaining, immune-supporting properties. It's hailed in such reputable medical journals as: * Anticancer Research * Infection and Immunity * The British Journal of Pharmacology * Nutrition and Cancer * Developmental Biology * The Journal of Molecular Immunology * Journal of Neuroimmunology * Antibiotics and Chemotherapy * Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Working on both a cellular and sub-cellular level, Fucoidan boasts an almost endless list of health benefits. Based on the research, Fucoidan may just be the most powerful immuno-supporting nutrient ever discovered!
Limu Choice

www. discoverlimu. com/bestlife

My Blog

Notes on "Your First Year in Network Marketing" by M & R Yarnell

Notes on the Book Your First Year in Network Marketing by Mark and Rene Yarnell Introduction Attrition is a considerable factor in Network Marketing.   Over sixty percent of all new network ...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 15:38:00 GMT

BIG results with Limu

Larry and Jackie Pardue: Downsville,Louisiana We were introduced to Limu on August 2, 2007 at a meeting we were invited to by some good friends.We really didn't know what to expect,so we were totally...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 21:00:00 GMT

Cholesterol Drops 20%!

I wanted to share my recent Cholesterol results with you.  I have been tracking my cholesterol results at the hospital since 2004.  The lowest it has been is 194, 2 weeks ago my ch...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 13:15:00 GMT

Info for Diabetics & General Health Concerns

Clinical studies have shown that Fucoidan can ·         Stop formation of cancer cells through a process called apoptosis (cell self-destructing) ·  ...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 02:34:00 GMT


How much is it?   3 to 4 dollars a day What mainly does it do? the studies show it modulates the immune system - which can help a lot of varying disorders- from allergies to athritis......
Posted by on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 13:39:00 GMT

What do doctors say about Limu?

..TR style="HEIGHT: 196.5pt; mso-yfti-irow: 0; mso-yfti-firstrow: yes"> ..TR> ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Original Limu is the one product I have ...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 16:34:00 GMT

Monthly Cramps 2

This is my 2nd month on Limu and this is the 2nd month I have not had cramps leading up to starting!  So far so great!  Today is basically day 1 and I have taken 1 Motrin 800 and feel ok.&nb...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 00:57:00 GMT

Olympic Champion Rowdy Gaines obsessed with Original Limu! Rowdy Gaines 3-Time Olympic Gold Medalist and Official Spokesman for Original Limu" the best tasting nutritional beverage ever! Rowdy was named Wor...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 19:36:00 GMT

Limu, Chiropractor - Health and Wealth

 My name is Dr. George Culli. I am 76 years old.  God has blessed me in that I have been able to practice Chiropractic for 43 years.  However, in the last year my health started failing...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 08:12:00 GMT

Limu May Prevent Blood Clots! Studies Listed!

One of you asked for some evidence of anticoagulation results.  Below is some studies I found at  Remember OriginalLimu is rich in Fucoidan.  I just searched  fucoidan ...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 08:09:00 GMT