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Mayra Mieses { Official Site }

Mayra Mieses

About Me

[THIS IS A CAMPAIGN AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE] if you don't like the abuse against women and children , unite my campaign and together lets try to eliminate the Domestic Violence from our life's. Hi, my name is Mayra. I'm Dominican and live in New York. My hobby is writing songs preferably of social content. I live very closely the domestic violence because I grow up in a home where I saw it almost daily like my father abuse of my mother. And this experience devolope in me the interest that I have today to help the women who have today this problem. I'm sure that 99.9% of the women are abuse in some time in their lifes. My songs are inspired by the thousands of cases of abuse against the woman that happens daily inside and out of the country. I wanted to use the magi col power of the music to come to the heart of every woman that is living through this problem this moment. That you do not have to continue with this relationship, there is help and you have to look for it.
[THE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE] Iis a epidemic worldwide for the one the one the nobody does anything to eliminate. Each year the ecstatics are higher. Which is only talk about when a tragedy happens, where all the media of communication get united and they spend at list one week in a BLA, BLA, BLA. That then they stop and don't do anything and the systems supposedly makes a campaign once a year on the month of October after that they don't talk about it anymore. They put it away. The topic of Domestic Violence on still next year when they come out to show of which is the only thing they know to do, plus getting pay check for not doing anything and the Domestic Violence goes on and never stops and there is nobody who can stop women getting abuse because if the laws would punish the abusers more and maybe with less frequency tragedy's will happen, and there thousands of cases, and the weak system what motivate me to get involve in this topic. I created this space to share the topic with every woman that now this one having the problem. To leave that relationship because it does not cost a sorrow. If he humiliates you, he ill-treats you and beats you mercilessly and this is ending with you because he does not love you, do not allow that he should condemn you to the suffering and a sorrow, let that badly man now and break the chains.
[THE VIOLENCE IN THE CHILDREN] this is the most worrying that there is no law that protects them, because the system is a disaster. They abuse our children abuse in all forms and ways, already when it is not in the house, they abuse them in the school. Every day goes out an abuse more horrible and abominable without the ones that don't report and of this it is enough. This looks like a history of terror where the children interpret the paper most degrading. Our children are not safe already not in the school, because the worst this delinquent is inside the system. That angry and make sad to see the form in which handles ours children the system. The abuses increasing, the children are not assurances and of this to continue this way. We remain without future.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/29/2007
Influences: ESTA ES UNA CAMPANA CONTRA LA VIOLENCIA DOMESTICASi repudias el abuso a la mujer y los ninos. Unete ami campana y juntas luchemos para erradicar la Violencia Domestica de nuestras vidas. La Violencia Domestica, es una epidemia mundial por la que nadie hace nada por eliminar. Cada ano las estadisticas son mas altas. De esta solo se habla cuando sucede una desgracia donde todos los medios de comunicacion se unen y pasan por lo menos una semana en un BLABLABLA que luego paran y no hacen NA! Y el sistema ni se diga, hacen dizque una campana una vez al ano en el mes de octubre despues de ahi no se habla mas nada "engavetan el tema de la Violencia Domestica hasta el ano proximo, cuando vuelven a salir a figuriar y hacer bultos que es lo unico que saben hacer aparte de cobrar el sueldo que se les paga para no hacer nada y la violencia pa lante y nunca para. No aparece quien detenga que la mujer sea abusada, porque si las leyes, los verdugos mas severamente castigara, aqui otro gallo cantara y de seguro con menos frecuencia pasara. Y son los miles de casos y lo debil del sistema lo que motivo que yo me inspirara en este tema. Y he creado este espacio para compartir el tema con toda mujer que ahora este teniendo el problema. Que deje esa relacion por que no vale la pena. Si te humilla, te maltrata y te pega sin piedad y esta acabando contigo porque no te quiere na. No dejes que te condene al sufrimiento y la pena, deja ese verdugo ahora y ROMPE YA LAS CADENAS.Y LA VIOLENCIA EN LOS NINOS Esa es la mas preocupante. Que no hay ley que los proteja. Porque el sistema es un desastre. Nuestros ninos los abusan de todas formas y maneras. Ya cuando no es en la casa, los abusan en la escuela. Cada dia sale un abuso mas grotezco y repugnante. Sin los que no se reportan, que de esos hay bastantes. Esto parece una historia de terror escalofriante donde los ninos interpretan el papel mas degradante. Nuestros ninos no estan seguros ya ni en la escuela porque el peor delincuente esta dentro del sistema. Es indignante y da pena ver la forma que maneja nuestros ninos el sistema. los abusos aumentando, los ninos no estan seguros y si esto sigue asi quedaremos sin futuro.[ MAYRA MIESES ]
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