Hi Folks,I need more work, please look over my skills and pictures. I have been in 2 more car accidents on my current job, both slammed from behind on wet streets,my car that is un-drivalble,now in the shop...got a rental..Second day,rainey also,in the second car we are stopped and the kid slams us and his car is now in the dump.I would love more local work.I am firecely loyal to my jobs.I am a Leo Woman and a hard worker.Please send me a message.thank you.......................................<>
I love animals, and kids :)
..Creating any type of Art, in any medium has been of paramount importance in my life, and always will be.
There are many things I can/like to do and so many businesses I want to incorporate all of this in. My computers keep me alive, who else feels this way ?
My real friends are ones who are standing by me right now and they know I love them and appreciate all they are doing for me and with me sooooo much !!!!,Since the car accident I was a passenger in in June 2007, I have been more out of work than in, I am looking for more work currently.
I am going to be painting places as the weather gets better, I am sick of hardly any work that I usually do.....
<> Stop NAFTA Stop Our COUNTRY from being conbined with CANADAand SOUTH AMERICA !DO NOT VOTE FOR HILLARY and her GANG !..
! !
Courses atThe Museum of Fine Arts Got out of high school on the honor roll Went to Fashion Design School Courses at Mass College of Art Next was Broadcating and Comunications Along the way was Dance,Actting, Modeling and Charmschool ..Later was School of Technology and Web Developement ..A few yrs ago was Jeannie Deva Studio of Music
..My father and other men taught me construction,paintingand cars2-5-08
Got a lot going on, looking for moral support...
The time I feel the best is when I am on here and can be my trueself that I often can not be in person where I live.I am lookingfor friendship, understanding, humor,and leads for good thingsthat help me to help these others..
Thank you, Lahj
11-27-07 OK, Why do I have everything on here as I do ? Iam a night owl, my jobs have had me on days and nights and a lotof the time it was BOTH ! 7 states,I am a hard worker and I domany things to keep my sanity in this crazy, mixed up place Ilive in .....The car accident has cost me a ton of lostwages,opportunities, possesions, hours and pain. Trying to dealwith it all 1 day at a time...
Well for 1 reason is to try to re-connect with a ton of folks Imet in the last few yrs or so, who probably thought I fell off ofthe planet.So many of my contacts and links have been destroyedby forces I cannot deal with (basement floodings, drunk ex, andbad other peeps some on drugs),,I would like to find you again if I met you indiffrent states,SOME PLACES WERE - ST LOUIS,LAS VEGAS,DALLAS,WEST VA,OHIO,NEW YORK,COLORADO,QUEBEC,NEW JERSEY,PENN,FLORIDA,GEORGIA,CONNETICUT,MAINE,RHODE ISLAND,MA,THE CAPE,MINN,NH,VT,LA,OAKLAHOMA,in stores, and jobs and living there for for awhile.
I miss so many of the great peeps, and want them to know I didnot forget them.
11-17-07 OK, I met someone in person from here today who thoughtthat I "photoshop myself into my pics with others". Nope, if I amin a pic, I was really there with the other peeps.I have had somefascinating times with some great people in my life I expect alot more...
I posted the picture of one the thieves.The dk haired woman.Beware if you run into this person, she will rob you blind andnot think twice.
>:( 8-18
Was the Birth Day :)
I am
Hard Core Tech,
I have been working for companies all over the country and theysent me (I drove) to 7 states to do the work.
I would love to have a tech job that will fly me someplaceto break/fix their IT equipment.
I am A+, Dell and HP Certified and want to get my BachelorDegree by 2008 or 2009.
I am a Web Designer and Graphic Artist.
June 112007 and am slowly recuperating and am looking for morework.I have a good lawyer and had a great chiropractor,that I sawup to 4 times a week for my back and rib.Finally got anOrthopedic Doctor and he had me on meds.Update 10-23-07 Went toradiology today and they show in the X-ray that the 7th rib ISfractured, just curtailed my work and my other parts of myphysical life....
I have a varied background that I knew natuarally.I am a quickstudy and pick things up fairly quickly. Plus I went to a lot ofclasses or schools,or family/friend taught me some things.Modeling Promotions-Proctor and Gamble,trained byBobbie Brown,as well as a lot of other professionalsSomecommercials, a lot of trade shows, demos in stores,pilots forshows.
Sales - door to door and store tostore.
Construction framing, sheet rock,demo-ing,finish,Painting,both hand brushes,ragging,spongingtexture,rollers,spraying.
Cement-coins,wrapping,EFISand Plastering Work.
Singing andDancing,Gymnastics,Acrobatics,Photography,Writing songs andpoems
Fashion Design with a lot of Sewing.
I used to work for 2.5 yrs as a VIDEO GAME ActivisonRep they sent us twice to Las Vegas......
I spent 4 years working as an Epson Printer Rep, theysent us to Saint Louis once and Dallas twice.
I am on Orkut and a few other sites,
I have On Line Stores Please shop for your family and friends:) -
I love music from almost any era no matter how old.
Some of mytraining has been with MaryAnne Topper,Mr Bonano( whotaught me opera),Mrs. Fernandez, AL Vega,JenniferTruesdale, and Barbara Wilson Arboleda,Lone WolfSpirit,and CAzz,Billy Duncan,Mike Z andRoderick Camelia and Kevin O'Neil.
Iget very affected by Marilyn Monroe who was sexy andbrilliant (she was going to star in The Taming of the Shrew),Madonna is Strong ,Princess Diana wasa real life fairy Princess of Love and Poise and Charity work forthose that really mattered and I can't believe it has been 10years that she died...I cried for 3 weeks when she firstdied,,,,She was like a sister, she was wonderful. AnnaNicole beautiful, troubled talented and sexy and gone.....Iuse her pictures for my fashion designs, she is still beautifulno matter what her weight wasEva Peron was the firstroyality-type of person, the original Princess Dianna in BunesAres
Replaced the Engine that totally blew up on my car.
OK Guys, I am a Lady I do not have affairs with guys I am NOT InLove WIth, I am sincere when I find the right guy and I do fall in love.Been thru a lot of bad stuff and I am looking
to meet nice people.I would like to have nice
dates to help to get past very difficult times .I am serious about my music and art and computer work.
I want to make better contacts,get more customers, and to havesome nice fun with good folks :)
HI Gang, I enjoy each of you as my friend and will rotate allof you on my top 40 list :)
This in My Photoshop Album These pix areof my Original Fashions on Anna Nicole. MY Photoshop work.I haveother albums for other photos of my family and friends,high-lights of my handi artwork,painting, and drawing work
Soon to be my own music - Enjoy and Let me know what you think ofmy pix. Thanks, Lahj
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