I am interested in networking with other like-minded people. I love studying quantum physics. I am also a Reiki Master and an animal rights activist.THE RAW VEGAN MEXICAN FEAST I MADE
Anybody else who is interested in raw or vegan foods and the living foods lifestyle, and anybody who would like to find out information about how they may be able to reverse a health challenge they might be suffering from.
The School Of RAWk LOVES Rock and Roll!
Eating, Earthlings, Be Your Own Healing Miracle, Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore, Living Nutrition I, II and III, Taking Responsibility For Your Health, Living On Live Food, Greens Can Save Your LifeTHE TWO MOST CRITICAL MOVIES THAT EVERYBODY SHOULD SEE:
Did I forget to mention "4 Arguments For The Elimination Of Television" by Jerry Mander in the favorite books section?
Living Foods For Optimum Health, Eating Alive, Conscious Eating, Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine, Living On Live Food, The Sunfood Diet Success System, 12 Steps To Raw Foods, Raw Family, Beating The Food Giants, Green For LifeEVERYBODY SHOULD OWN THIS BOOK:A POWERFUL OVERVIEW & A GREAT GIFTI LOVE THIS BOOK:
Dr. Ann Wigmore, Dr. Richard Schulze, Victoria Boutenko, David Wolfe, Nomi Shannon, Rhio, Karyn Calabrese, Peggy McDonnell, Gabriel Cousens, Alissa Cohen, Brenda Cobb, Royal Rife, Martin Luther King, the ALF, Jr, Paul Watson, Ingrid Newkirk, Julia Butterfly Hill, the Shac 7, Dr. Joe Dispensa, anybody who has successfully naturally reversed a terminal disease.DR. RICHARD SCHULZE www.herbdoc.comTHE A.L.F. ARE HEROIC!DR. ANN!ROYAL RIFE