Harvey Diamond - Fit For Life profile picture

Harvey Diamond - Fit For Life

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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            Harvey Diamond is one of the most celebrated and successful health authors in history - certainly one of today's truly great health thinkers. ....

            .... He has been studying and teaching the principles of healthful living for over 36 years and is recognized as one of the most effective and well-respected authors on the subject of health in the world. He is considered to be one of the original pioneers credited with helping shift people toward a healthier eating lifestyle. ....

          .... Owing to his forward thinking, innovative approach to health and well being his FIT FOR LIFE books have sold over 12 million copies in 33 languages and are read in over 80 countries. He has helped literally millions of people worldwide to not only dramatically improve their health, but also to overcome serious, catastrophic disease, including cancer. .... ....

            The original FIT FOR LIFE book was only one of four books to sell 2 million hardcover copies in the entire decade of the 1980s and was fourth in total U.S. non-fiction sales in that decade.  The book continued to break records in the 1990s, is still in high demand on Amazon, and still sells 100,000 copies a year worldwide.  It held the number one position on the prestigious New York Times Bestseller list for an unprecedented 40 consecutive weeks, and held bestseller status in USA Today, Time Magazine, the Los Angeles Times Book Review, Publishers Weekly and the San Francisco Chronicle Review, to name only a few. In 1986 it achieved the coveted position on the Publisher's Weekly Top 25 Bestselling Books in Publishing History List, along with "Gone with the Wind" and the Bible. ....

            .... During this time, .. .. Harvey .... made multiple appearances on Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, Phil Donahue, Nightline, Geraldo Rivera, .. Me .. rv Griffin, The Regis and Kathy Lee Show, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Sally Jesse Raphael, QVC, Pat Robertson's 700 Club and many others. Introducing his appearance on ABCs Nightline with Ted Koppel, it was stated that his book was the fastest selling book of its kind in history.   In 1989 informal research by The New York based Saatchi and Saatchi found that for every one person who had purchased FIT FOR LIFE , five additional people potentially were affected.  Another informal survey in the 1990s revealed that approximately 65% of American adults had at least heard of FIT FOR LIFE. .... ....

          FIT FOR LIFE spawned juice and salad bars, fruit sellers on the streets of .. .... .. .. .. New York .... , and the juicing industry; at one point causing demand to exceed production for a major juicer manufacturer.  It was a pivotal force in the advent of the natural food supermarket and the explosion of natural food consumption nationwide.  Newsweek Magazine attributed, at least in part, an 11% increase in vegetable consumption and a 7% increase in fruit consumption to the FIT FOR LIFE phenomenon. The book was a trigger for Surgeon General Koop's New Dietary Guidelines for the American people and launched a nutritional awakening in the .. .. United States .... and other Western countries. ....

            .... In a stunning validation of his methods, .. ..Harvey.... triumphed over a devastating condition called Peripheral Neuropathy, brought on by Agent Orange poisoning while serving his country in .. .... .. .. .. Vietnam .... . Although he has significant lingering damage to his musculature, thanks to his considerable understanding of the human body and its proper care, he is one of the longest known survivors of this devastating condition to still be walking around on his own without assistance.  Despite his physical challenges .. .... .. .. .. Harvey .... is as positive, upbeat, and good natured a person as you will ever meet.  He is an inspiration to all who meet him. ....

            .... A primary reason for Harvey Diamond's phenomenal success lies not only in his ability to simplify seemingly complicated subjects with common sense information that helps people, but it is also his engaging writing style. His style is conversational and totally non-technical. In his words, "I don't write for doctors and scientists, I write for folks. You won't need a dictionary by your side in order to understand what you read." ....

          .... His words seem to come alive and jump right off the page at you. His reader-friendly, light-hearted, frequently humorous approach to writing make many a reader comment that, "It's almost as though he's sitting in your living room having a conversation with you. It reads more like a novel than a health book."

.... ..>

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in contributing something toward the betterment of humankind. Those individuals who, as they journey through life, leave in their wake people who feel uplifted, empowered, and enlivened.

My Blog


  THE ATKINS DEATH DIET by Harvey Diamond                   If the dark forces of evil ever wanted to come up with something sure ...
Posted by on Fri, 26 May 2006 15:29:00 GMT


And make no mistake about it, dear reader, we must not be naïve, this is all about money.  Anytime you have hundreds of millions of dollars at stake there are certain people who will sacrifice th...
Posted by on Fri, 26 May 2006 15:28:00 GMT


The snow job put over on the American public continues. If the people of the United States were to somehow become aware of the true and actual effect that dairy products have had on their health, the...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 11:19:00 GMT

Beware The Cashectomy

Do you happen to know what a cashectomy is? Oh! You don't? Well, brace yourself, because whether your'e aware of them or not, cashectomies are being performed on you every day of your life with the pr...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:53:00 GMT

Tylenol Kills!!

Have you ever heard of acetaminophen?  Well, if you haven't, you had better brace yourself.  According to the poison control centers in the United States acetaminophen fatalities dominate st...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:13:00 GMT

The Protein Myth

            In 1970 when I first started studying the subject of health, the #1 question asked of those who upgraded their diet was, "Where do you get...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 15:01:00 GMT