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9 Eagle

Reiki & Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, VortexHealing® Practitioner, Astrologer, www.deerspiritr

About Me

Geordie Numata
Reiki & Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher
Vortex Healer®
Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner
Astrological Counselor
New York City
Anyone interested in receiving and / or learning Reiki is invited to the Reiki Healing Circle every Monday nite 7 - 9 pm @ Madison Wellness Center, 171 Madison Ave. (@ 33rd St. in Manhattan) Suite 908. We also welcome Usui Reiki practitioners of all levels - just bring a certificate so I know you're legit, and come give and receive Reiki with us ! We start with a guided meditation, then give Reiki treatments - $7 donation . I am an I.C.R.T certified (www.reiki.org ) Reiki Master Teacher, Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Vortex Healer, EFT practitioner and astrological counselor.Reiki is the fastest growing healing modality on the planet because it's easy to learn and IT WORKS !! Reiki ( Ray - Key ) has proven effective in the treatment of all disease and is compatible with all other modalities and medications. It promotes deep relaxation and stress relief, enhances the immune system, helps heal anxiety, depression and addictions, clears and balances the chakras and enhances meditation / Higher Power connection. You do not have to be sick to benefit from Reiki. Reiki is a great way to maintain wellness.The modern Reiki lineage was started by a great Bodhisattva named Mikao Usui about 100 yrs. ago in Japan, although the practice of healing by touch is very ancient. Reiki is administered with a light touch while the recipient sits in a chair or lies on a massage table, fully clothed. Healing energy emanates from the practitioners hands and " tunes up " the recipient to a state of harmonic resonance. This universal life - force energy, whose essence is Divine Love, is very subtle and gentle , yet very powerful . Reiki can also be sent long distance and this method is taught in the Level 2 class. The only prerequisite for learning Reiki is a sincere desire to become a channel for this miraculous healing force ! If you feel this desire, I would be honored to initiate you into this sacred lineage . The ability to channel Reiki lies dormant within everyone. This ability is activated when the Reiki Master initiates the student by giving them an attunement.
I have been practicing astrology since 1986. As humans on Mother Earth, astrology is perhaps our most powerful and precise tool for understanding ourselves and our relationships. My intent is to help you know yourself and enhance your free - will choices so that you can realize your potential in harmony with the cycles and laws of nature . I will help you remember your abilities and liabilities , your karmic issues and the learning curve of your current incarnation.
For more info on Reiki classes,Reiki therapy,and astrological counseling, see my blog.....
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Geordie's openness to healing within himself brings about miraculous transformation for those he works with as well as the overall planetary consciousness. His great depth of understanding around the healing process allows for a graceful incorporation of various healing modalities. Our session was quite thorough and exactly what I needed at the time. The intense peace that I felt during the session told me that he had been very present and clear, and his explanation of the integration process was very helpful for me to allow the healing to truly unfold without expectation. I am so grateful to have crossed paths with such an amazing healer and man!
Allison Aichinger
Healer / Teacher
I had my very first Reiki treatment from Geordie last summer and it has been a true awakening experience for me since then. It has opened up my heart in many ways and the healing process is still continuing in me every day. The reiki treatment has started a healing process in me that I could not have imagined possible. It has helped me release that feeling of being "stuck" which I'm sure everyone has felt before or is still feeling while reading this. Changes started to happen in a good way for me and for everyone around me. I knew I was on a good path. This experience I shared with Geordie was so profound that I decided to get an astrological reading from him also. He contacted me a week later with great enthusiasm about my chart. I was also excited to hear what my natal chart revealed about me....who wouldn't be??? Geordie explained in detail about my sun, moon, planet alignments and how each contributes to my identity. He made it easy to understand for those who are new to astrology like me. The best part was that the reading was recorded, so I listen to it over and over again because it is so much information to remember in one sitting!! I have also decided to take his Reiki I and II class this March, can't wait!!
Jennifer Chai,
Licensed Acupuncturist
Geordie, your astrological reading rocked my world! I cannot express the gratitude I have for such a thorough, spiritual,intuitive and concise exchange of time and energy. I felt as if my my very soul was finally understood. What joy to be in the presence of non-judgement! By the time my reading with Geordie was over, I new I'd had a transcendental experience. The understanding that I needed so badly gave me the courage to take my life to the next level (and the next and the next). I am fulfilling my destiny as well as guiding it. Geordie is the real deal--and so are we all!
Holly Troy, Reiki Master Teacher graduate
I am forever grateful for the teachings I received from Geordie. Last year I made the intention of becoming a reiki master after I met Geordie and experienced his clear, loving reiki energy. His enthusiasm for reiki flows into everything he does. We talked for a few months about reiki and the master level before I was actually ready to begin. Once the journey of the Masterwork began, I experienced intense healing. We had a few reiki exchanges which were very powerful for me. Actually learning how to give attunements was incredibly joyful and I got to practice on Geordie several times. All I need to do is think about that experience and the energy starts flowing through my arms and hands. I feel confident in my abilities as a reiki practitioner and look forward to teaching it myself.
When Geordie gives reiki, he just sets the intention and the entire room is amped with reiki energy. One of the last times I received a treatment from him I could see black psychic cords unplugging from my back--thousands of them. Some came back as soon as they were unplugged, but he kept working there and they kept leaving me. I believe the lightness I feel in my life today is partly due to that deep letting go that Geordie helped me with. In the same session, he also focused energy on my jaw. He did not know that I had suffered from an infected tooth for six months earlier that year--some of the time I had to be on powerful pain killers. Liquid in my ear began to move and he seemed to pull repressed pain right out of my jaw! Geordie has been a witness to, and a participant in, major healings in my life.
Holly Troy, Reiki Master Teacher Graduate
Dear Friend and Colleague in Reiki:
I want to congratulate you for this wonderful website. I also want to express my/our appreciation at the Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, for you volunteer service. Our clients have benefitted greatly and look forward to your treatment and presence. Thank you for your giving heart and sensitivity to the needs and complicated issues of our population.
Best always,
Love and Light,
Rev. Raquel Algarin, Reiki Master, ADS, RDT, Thai Massage
Program Director-Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center
I am blessed and honored to have Geordie in my life! He has inspired me to gain the confidence and belief in myself as the healer I was born to be. His Reiki energy is always strong but gentle at the same time. He is a great teacher, practitioner, and genuine healer.
Meryl Susanne Brinin, Reiki Master Teacher
Geordie liked to say while he was introducing me to new members in the Reiki circle: "Diana is one of the few who bumped into me through surfing the internet, she found me on craigslist ! ". Yes, that's how it happened. I encountered Reiki first in Port Washington, Long Island, and visited enthusiastically a circle over there for couple of months. Then I moved into the city and "forgot" about Reiki for a while. One day the idea suddenly came to my mind (in the subway - as usual my best thoughts were coming in there) "I miss the Reiki, I wish to find a circle in the city". That came true very quickly, I found Geordie's craigslist ad, sent him a little e-mail, and he kindly responded and invited me to visit the Madison Wellness Center on one of those nice Monday evenings. So I did go and loved his circle. However, I couldn't go every Monday (as I had school in the same time). Whenever I had my vacation from school or could skip a class, I went to visit Geordie's circle, which I always found very pleasant, relaxing and welcoming. It felt like home. I was comfortable with Geordie and with all of the members who's number were growing. For several months I was only receiving Reiki and took part in the guided meditations. I was thinking about taking Reiki classes, but I didn't act until the last minute, so I surprised Geordie when I told him, "FINALLY, I decided to take the class - I want to become a Reiki practitioner ! ". He said that I hid my interest well before ! I took level 1 and 2 over the weekend and had a wonderful time. I felt that giving Reiki is "just right for me", that Reiki is what I really want to do. The idea began to develop in me: becoming a Reiki Master Teacher so I could give the gift of Reiki to more people. My timing was a little strange as at that time I had already decided to move back to my country (Hungary) and already had my airticket for a week later departure. I shared my feelings and worries with Geordie about wanting to take the Reiki Master Teacher class . I also told him about my imminent departure. He suggested that I meditate on it and figure out if I really want to do this in one week. The next day I had the answer: ABSOLUTELY YES! I wanted him to attune me as a master - I wanted him to teach me so I could return to Hungary and start a circle and a teaching / healing practice. He agreed, and we set up our crazy schedule - Reiki day and night ! We spent the whole Memorial Day at the Madison Wellness Center and two other nights. The cleaning staff must’ve thought we were totally insane !! We were on the one hand, but on the other hand we were not at all. We just simply did what had to be done. He was teaching and talking and showing and sharing, day and night. I was learning and learning and asking and sharing, living and dreaming with Reiki. That was a very intense and beautiful time for me, I got so much that even if my English was perfect, I couldn’t describe it properly ! I will be grateful for it forever, and will never forget our one crazy week. He is an extraordinary teacher and healer, and as he also did my astrological reading. I can frankly say he is a great astrologer. A wonderful person who I really miss since June 1, the time when I left New York and moved to Budapest, Hungary. Luckily via email we can stay in touch, I like writing emails to him and it seems so does he. His sharing and caring means a lot to me..Thank you Geordie! I’m waiting for you to come to Budapest to teach Karuna Reiki® to me and to my first student - my brother!
Diana Batki - Reiki Master Teacher Graduate
I wanted to take a few moments to thank you for being a Vessel of Sacred Healing and for creating a wondrous Reiki Healing Circle. I am so happy to say that after I returned home this past Monday night, I checked my answering machine for messages and had a snack. Then, I went to bed. Geordie, ever since my late maternal grandmother, Regina Alvarez, had a stroke on Wednesday, December 15, 2004 I rarely sleep the entire night without waking up at least once or twice. However, this past Monday night I did. I was so overjoyed that I cannot help but be surprised that I did not shed a few tears. Sometimes people do that when they are happy, too. Nevertheless, thank you for honoring and accepting your Sacred Path. I shall happily be in attendance next Monday, February 12.
May Goddesses and Angels Lovingly Bless you with Joy, Riches, Success, Radiance, Prosperity and Peace.
Sincerely yours,
Robert Alvarez,Psychic Witch,
Creator of "The Tarot Tribune" and "Goddess Blessings."
201-583-1541 (Home)
[email protected] (Email) "The Goddess has plans for you."
Geordie is a very gifted intuitive healer. He has the natural ability to read energy & channel Reiki healing with an open heart for the highest good. He has a deep understanding & respect for the healing arts & is able to apply his knowledge & gifts in a gentle & powerful way. Reiki makes me feel calm, centered, balanced & aligned w/Universal energy; I leave our sessions feeling All is right with the world. I am so deeply grateful for knowing Geordie & the sessions we’ve had over the past years. I highly recommend him as a healer.
In Light & Love, Heidi
This is a transcript of a voicemail I got recently from an 84 yr. old client with scoliosis and chronic back pain -
" Hi Geordie, I just wanted to tell you that since the treatment you gave me a week ago, i've been totally pain-free ! Thank you !"
I found Reiki about five years ago while still looking for ways to fully heal from depression in my college years. Just a few sessions from my Reiki Master Teacher and I was seeing more results than therapy, medication or anything else had given me before. I was immediately interested in learning more and so began my journey as a Reiki practitioner. As a level III practitioner I am well aware of the benefits of Reiki and what a wonderful experience a session can be. And yet the treatments I received recently from Geordie exceeded some my expectations. It is clear that Geordie is a highly intuitive, accurate healer. From the very beginning he was capable of pinpointing health issues, even minute ones. His healing skills showed immediate results and aided in my healing of pre-cancerous cells which my doctors suggested surgery for. I am very grateful to have met Geordie and be able to share in Reiki exchanges with someone as devoted to healing and following intuitive guidance as he is.
Paula Orozco, Reiki Master Teacher graduate
Hi Geordie,
I want to thank you for your guidance, time and friendship during my Reiki Master Teacher Training. Yesterday was such an amazing day!! The healing gifts received were so deep and I felt such unexplainable joy after you left. I was literally laughing from the intensity of it. It was wonderful also to learn beyond what the manual covered and discuss with you knowledge you've gained in different areas.Reiki is truly beautiful but it is made even more so by humble, gifted teachers like you to continue the lineage. Thank you! I am grateful to have you as a teacher and friend.
Very humbly,
Paula Orozco, Reiki Master Teacher graduate
Geordie, Friday night, I had an incredible experience sharing the symbol that you shared with me. I was in a Shamanic Journey Group and had a beautiful healing with the energy. One of my friends thought the symbol was of Atlantian origins. The power of Mercy and Compassion (Chesed) is needed more than ever in our world. Thank you so much for being the healer that you are! I am blessed to have you as a friend.
Reiki Love & Gratitude Forever,
Hi Geordie,
It was a lovely evening at your Reiki Circle last night and I went home and slept like a baby! Thank you so very much! And also for the introduction to Patricia and Glenn. You are a very giving and inspiring teacher! I am proud to be your associate!
Jackie Rose, Reiki Master,
Organizer of NYC Reiki Meetup
Click here to check out
The NYC Reiki Meetup Group! CURRENT MOON moon phases

My Interests

Reiki and All Body Work & Vibrational Healing Modalities,Meditation,
Astrology,Star Lore,Exopolitics,Mayan Calendar,World Peace,Native American Culture and All Indigenous Medicine Ways,Sweat Lodge,Tantra,Cooking Healthy Food,Laughing,Playing Guitar,Listening To Music,Reading,

Mikao Usui,father of Reiki w/ Mr. Hayashi & Mrs. Takata

I'd like to meet:

Everyone has a gift and the only way to keep that gift is to give it away ! In giving, we receive from the source of all creation. Through sharing,compassion,unconditional love and selfless service our families,communities,nations and planet are healed and maintained in health,happiness, peace and unity.

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..THANKS TO A LOVING CREATOR FOR THE GIFT OF MUSIC AND ALL THE WONDERFUL MUSICIANS WHO HAVE BLESSED US WITH THEIR BEAUTIFUL MUSIC ! America gave the world Jazz and Rock'n Roll - without it, this planet would be a smoldering cinder !!John & Alice Coltrane,Sun Ra,Pharoah Sanders,Miles,Jimi Hendrix,James Brown,Sly Stone,Chaka Khan,Smokey Robinson,Chuck Berry,Doctor John,The Temptations,Eddie Kendricks,Etta James,Larry Graham,The Supremes,Roy Orbison,Fats Dominoe,Laura Nyro,Johnny Winter,Carole King,Stephanie Mills,Sade,Taj Mahal,The Who,The Byrds,Bruce Springsteen,The Nice,McCoy Tyner,Tisziji Munoz,Jimmy Garrison,Rashid Ali,Sonny Fortune,Ravi Shankar,Anoushka Shankar,Choying Drolma,Steve Tibbets,Midival Pundits,Dub Gabriel,Sly & Robbie,Thelonius Monk,Dave Liebman,Wayne Shorter,Mahalia Jackson,Janet Jackson,Moby Grape,The Ultimate Spinach,Spencer Davis,Doc Watson,Peter Paul and Mary,Simon and Garfunkel,The Smothers Brothers,Ruben Blades,Santana,Nina Hagen,Miri Ben Ari,Los Lobos,The Young Rascals,The Lovin Spoonful,Frank Zappa,Captain Beefheart,Ry Cooder,Bill Withers,George Clinton,Bootsy,Shalamar,Tina Marie,Kool and The Gang,Earth Wind & Fire,Isley Brothers,Stevie Wonder,Curtis Mayfield,Marvin Gaye,Ashford & Simpson,George Duke,Weather Report,Pat Metheny,Allan Holdsworth,Tony Williams,Deniece Williams,The Emotions,Phyllis Hyman,Patti Labelle,The Beatles,Simon & Garfunkel,The Mamas and Papas,Steppenwolf,Beach Boys,Grateful Dead,Aretha,BB King,Paul Butterfield,Leadbelly,Muddy Waters,Rolling Stones,Moody Blues,Neil Young,CSNY,Country Joe,Bob Marley,Biggie,Milton Nasciemento,Egberto Gismonti,Hermeto Pascoal,Eddie Palmieri,Tito Puente,Celia Cruz,Jerry Gonzalez,Karsh Kale,DJ Cheb I Sabbah,Talvin Singh,Ravi Shankar,Asha Bhosle,Azam Ali,Ofra Haza,Bill Laswell,The Police,Sting,Zeph Noise,Balkan Beat Box,Oum Kalthoum,Zakir Hussein,Visionary Underground,Deeyah,Jamalski,The Band,Bob Dylan,Return To Forever,Tower Of Power,The Doors,Yoko Ono,The Troggs,John Scofield,Junior Wells,Jaco Pastorius,David Bowie,Daniel Johnstone,The Shadows of the Night,Van Morrison,Seals and Crofts,Dave Brubeck,Shirley Bassey,Burt Bacharach,Ornette Coleman,Doobie Brothers,Steely Dan,Johnny Thunders,Trilok Gurtu,Stevie Winwood,Jefferson Airplane,J.S.Bach,Luciano Berio,Art Tatum,Charlie Parker,Bjork,Dizzy Gillespie,Duke Ellington,Albert King,Cream,Derek & The Dominoes,Allman Brothers etc.,etc.



HAVEN'T OWNED A TV FOR 20 YRS ( tell a vision suks ). I don't read "newspapers" and rarely go to the movies.

Dear Radharani & Krishna - I am just a foolish rascal with no qualifications. Please, if it be your will, would you take me and use me like a broom to sweep the dust from the hearts and minds of the people ? That is my only wish..... Times Square Kirtan

My Blog

Chek Out My New Site - deerspiritreiki.com !!

Deer Friends - My new site - deerspirtreiki.com, just launched !! YAY !! Designed & built by me & Jazuli Henderson - Smart, zuli.com.au, my deer friend / client / student. Chek it out !! I got pay...
Posted by 9 Eagle on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:24:00 PST

Reiki & Vortex Treatments / Reiki Classes / Reiki Circle / Astrological Counseling

Anyone interested in receiving and / or learning Reiki is invited to the Reiki Circle every Monday nite 7 - 9:30 pm @ Madison Wellness Center, 171 Madison Ave. ( @ 33rd St. ) Suite 908 .We also welcom...
Posted by 9 Eagle on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:14:00 PST

2008 Summer, Fall and Winter Reiki Classes @ Madison Wellness Center

Reiki Classes at Madison Wellness Center  Summer, Fall & Winter, 2008171 Madison Ave. @ 33rd. St., Suite 908, N.Y., N.Y. All classes begin at 9am and end at 5:30pm  Lunch Break, 12pm  1:30pmRei...
Posted by 9 Eagle on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 01:19:00 PST

Biological Alchemy Of Ascension - from lightworkers.org

Dear Beloved Ascending Human,..Much has been written of the emotional process of ascension. Little on the other hand has been written about the biological alterations that accompany the emotional chan...
Posted by 9 Eagle on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:02:00 PST

Red Holly Shares Her Reiki Meditation Experience

Holly Troy ( Red Holly in my top friends ) is one of my Reiki Master Teacher graduates. She is also a certified Hatha Yoga Teacher and a very gifted artist, singer and writer. I love her so much ! She...
Posted by 9 Eagle on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:41:00 PST

Check out this video: Karsh Kale & Taal Dance Collective, Walt Disney Concert Hall

Check out this video: Karsh Kale & Taal Dance Collective, Walt Disney Concert Hall ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by 9 Eagle on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 08:35:00 PST

MUST SEE - Jill Bolte Taylor Describes Her Spiritual Awakening / Stroke

Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroanatomist, describes her stroke in which she experiences the separate functioning of the left and right brains. She rocks the joint with her powerful, humorous and deeply mov...
Posted by 9 Eagle on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 02:12:00 PST

Karsh Kale Live Compilation

Karsh Kale - the King of World Fusion plays the sound track for my life. Enjoy ! ...
Posted by 9 Eagle on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:56:00 PST

Bringers Of The Dawn - video of Barbara Marciniaks Pleiadean Channeling

One of my favorite books which I love to re - read from time to time. This video is a nice reading from the 1st chapter with great music and graphics.Enjoy !! ...
Posted by 9 Eagle on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:22:00 PST


Dr. Richard Boylan, our Star Nations Ambassador introduces Blackfoot medicine woman, Wendi Powers at the 2006 Earth Day Star Knowledge Conference. Wendi delivers a very beautiful & powerful message fr...
Posted by 9 Eagle on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 11:01:00 PST