Lord Narasimha profile picture

Lord Narasimha

Om bhagavanaya namah!!

About Me

Fools deride Me when I resort in human form, not knowing My superior nature as the Great Lord of all beings. Their hopes, actions and knowledge are all fruitless, they are senseless, demonic and unholy, indeed, they are stupefied by material nature.Take it from Prahlada; to approach with confidence and above all, 'RESPECT' is the only way to me. Any other approach will get your ass snapped into confetti, or worse. Show me your [bad] attitude and I will show you your death!Behold ! My divine yogic abilities! The soul may be spared, but the body belongs to me.Opulent Adoration.Those who are faithless in their Sacred Duties, O slayer of enemies, and who do not attain Me, return by the path [of rebirth] to this material world of death. All the material universes are pervaded by My unmanifested form. In Me all beings exist, though I am not situated in them. And the beings do not dwell in Me, behold my divine yogic ability! Although I am the maintainer of all beings, I do not dwell in them, My Self being the Source of all beings. My opulence is unmistakable, undeniable and utterly majestic in all austerities!************************************************ ********************My first real guitar. I've had it since I was 17 years old. I lived in Arlington Texas in the 1980's and grew up with Pantera. Those guys are very dear to me. Now that my friend Darrell is gone, there is nothing left for me in this world of music, but to cry alone with my instrument and remember him. He was who got me to where I am now. Without this young man, who use to look no different than screetch on saved by the bell when he was first playing, my wishes of playing along side the greatest will not come true. Not in this life anyway. We loved to go watch them at the schools and places they would play at because they were not old enough to play in bars and clubs yet. This is when I knew them. Vince is one of the sweetest guys anyone could ever know, as is Darrell his brother. I have lost touch with them since high school and with the loss of Darrell, it was better that I wasn't so close. It hurts me enough to almost cripple me now, so I would hate to think what poor Vince is going through. Please show your support for him and his family. Those people are the kindest people around.This guitar I purchased for a friend for their birthday. I still get to play it now and again! Gibson Les Paul studio with custom polka dots.

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My Interests

My girlfriends boobs, music, art, all martial arts, cooking, philosophy, sacred books, eating, counter-terrorism, watching funny comedians, neurology, scientific study, the paranormal, physics and metaphysics, social behavior, revealing fakers, busting bubbles, playing Quake, pwning other Quakers, sucker punching people for no reason at all. taking people's guitars away from them 'while' they are preforming at clubs, and showing them the "proper" way to aproach the instrument. I've actually done this, with 100% success, until I hurt someones feelings one time, that stopped me. The lesson learned was impulse control!I study audio dynamics, psychoacuostics, harmonic manipulation and modulation, i.e. "the way complex (or simple) sounds are created" and the effects of "certain" sounds on the human species.The hand of a Martyr.The hand of a Saint.Rama~!

I'd like to meet:

THIS ANGEL! Her name is Aepril Schaile!AEPRILSCHAILE.COM"www.aeprilschaile.comTHESE TWO HOT GUITAR PLAYERS!!!"ETSUKO"!!!!!!!She plays for FLUFFY JUMP SPOON! (I know, she's hot!)"MASAMI"!!!She plays for GUNSHIP666 and ZOMBIES!!! (Yes, she can kick your ass!)******************************************************* **************************This girl will be featured in my upcomming "Virtual Harem"(c) 2006 www.getyourownfuckingideas.comAs will Bunny Hole here.As will my lady Laura.X-tina from Chicago. (Yes, she's absolutely gorgeous!)My totally seductive Fin from HELL!I'd also like to meet this lovely lady!!!


CRO-MAGS!!!!!!!! NOTHING COMPARES!!!! THERE IS NONE HIGHER!!!!!!!!!!!Click here to experience their bliss.note: You may have audio trouble using firefox with their page. Use IE to hear the audio.My Influences: Randy Rhoads Darrell Abbott (Dimebag) Harley Flanagan CRO-MAGSBlue Cheer, Richie Blackmore, W.A.S.P., Iron Maiden, S.O.D., Hillbilly Orchestra, Damageplan, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, Rebel meets Rebel, David Allen Coe, Dokken, Slayer, King Diamond, Pantera, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Meryn Cadell, Marilyn Manson, NIN, Eric Braden, Bootsy Collins, Grandaddy, George Clinton, Steve Lukather, Dr. Funkenstien, the GAP Band, Bar-Kays, Victor Wooten, Stanley Clarke, Motorhead, Al Dimeola, Jeff Beck, The Dixie Dregs, Gunship666, Melvins, Shawn Lane, Dimmu Borgir, Time is mine, Anthrax, Prong, Megadeth, Faith no More, Benny Goodman, YAS (Real, Modern, Persian Hip-Hop) Kayhan Kalhor, Johnny Cash, Dark Chamber Music, Traditional Persian Kamancheh(Iranian spiked violin), The Ventures, Surf/Spy Music, Swallow the Sun, Powermad, James Bond movie soundtracks, Anything Classical.Wonderment=Brian May. (derailment w/polar shift) UTTER AND TOTAL ANHIALATION TO THOSE WHO DARE PLAY THE MASTER'S CLASSICAL MOVEMENTS AT TWICE THE TEMPO THAN WAS ORIGINALLY INTENDED!!! DEATH TO YOU COCK_SUCKING FUCK-UPS!!!!!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU PLAY THE PASCAGLIA AND FUGE AT TWICE THE TEMPO!! I WILL FIND YOU BLASPHEMERS AND TEAR YOU INTO FUCKING SHREDS!!!!!!!!! DEATH TO THE INFIDELS!!! THE STREETS WILL FLOW WITH THE BLOOD OF THE NON-BELIEVERS!!!!!!!A lot can be said for 'music'. Ah yes, everyone loves music. However, very few ask the question, 'why do we like it'? That is why I am here, that is my duty. To explain this phenomena to the masses. Here's an example: Classical movements that have inherant 'effect sounding' traits, where no effects were used, but the instruments themselves upon playing the particular movement, creates the actual 'effect' that is near indistiguishable from oscilators, or sythesized electronic effects. "the instruments themselves have created a form of oscilation from the resonant frequencies and rich harmonic content and wide dynamics that the author of the movement would have had no possible way of realizing that he had created such a movement."Many play the electric guitar, but few have them 'set up' properly in order to achieve the dramatic effects that gain so much praise and attention from our audiences. That is why I am here. I came to teach you people how to do this. I don't claim to be the smartest musical genius, or even the finest technical player. I do however, hold a terrifyingly frightening rank when it comes to 'flash value' and tonal quality. My sound can slpit your shin bones apart on a concrete slab floor at 60 feet! Am I bragging? Hardly, because I'm going to show you all who are interested, how to achieve this feat!...and last but certainly not least, I will mention he who needs no mention for his merits: Jimi fuckin Hendrix, God of the "active guitar".To play Hendrix's guitar, the way it was set up at Montery, would be much like stepping on a live land mine.Time is Mine.


Modern Problems, with Chevy Chase. No other movie has this much entertainment value! Phantasm, The Hunger,(with David Bowie) Stargate,(the movie) Scanners. Creepshow, Strange Brew, Ghost Busters, Night Stalker, One Step Beyond, The Chinese Connection, Enter the Dragon, Goldfinger, The Spy Who Loved Me, Live and Let Die.


Night Gallery, Beavis and Butthead, (I strongly identify with Beavis, as I myself am a hyper-active child) Saturday Night Live, (original cast) The bullshit on the news that they feed the masses, so I can see what NOT to fucking believe. Nightflight, Assulted-Nutts, Kids in the hall, One Step Beyond (from the 50's), Rad Boy Go (a cartoon released by mtv in the 80's), Horror flicks of all flavors, (the worse they are, the better I like them)Those fucked up 1970's acid-trip/witchcraft/conspiracy flicks where the star of the show learns of a secret witch cult (only to be too fucked up on LSD spiked punch to do anything about it).


The Veda, The Talmud, The Torah, The Hexateuch, The Septuagint, The Kabbalah, The Tripitaka, Bardo Thodol, The Koran, The Apocrypha, The Babylonian Bible, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Avesta, The Bhagavad Gita.


The Dalai Lama, Swami Chidananda, Swami Sivananda, Meher Baba, Harley Flanagan, Dr. Wafa Sultan, Lewis Black, Andrew Dice Clay, Michael Faraday, Edward Witten, Minky Boodle. The Brides of ChristThis is my 16 year old son. He is the spitting Image of the Lord Krishna!

My Blog

An interesting story for my Hindu friends

I know you've been wondering some things about me and some of you have asked to know more about Narasimha, you can check out my new friend, "STHANU NARASIMHA", for extensive details on the specifics o...
Posted by Lord Narasimha on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 01:56:00 PST


Well, it was bound to happen! After a long search for the ULTIMATE GIRL ROCK BAND, I have FINALLY found a group that HAS IT ALL!!!FLUFFY JUMP SPOON!!!CLICK ON THE PICTURE OF ETSUKO, TO HAVE YOUR ASS, ...
Posted by Lord Narasimha on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 03:58:00 PST


To date, I have eradicated myspace of 34 hackers who were going around hacking my friends profiles. When these 'script-kiddies' were aproached with THE SEVERITY OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF FUCKING WITH MY ...
Posted by Lord Narasimha on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 03:34:00 PST

Choke of Infinite Inductance

Here we shall begin our Guitar Sounds workshop! I am going to be covering many aspects of the Electric Guitar in this workshop. The quality of this venture is going to be based on  participation....
Posted by Lord Narasimha on Thu, 25 May 2006 07:51:00 PST

Brahma-nishtha, what is it you ask?

Ok. A lot of people have been asking me, 'just what the heck is a Brahma-nishtha anyway'?I didn't choose this, it chose me.I think Swami Chidananda explains it better than I ever could. "Brahma-nishth...
Posted by Lord Narasimha on Fri, 19 May 2006 10:04:00 PST

Female Stalker COOL!!!

This girl, whom I will call "Nora" has invaded my life and is snooping through my underwear drawer! I had a blog up with her earlier that mysteriously disappeared. But, thanks to backups, here it is a...
Posted by Lord Narasimha on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:23:00 PST

Guitars belong on stands!

Here are two of my cats and two of my guitars. Actually I am borrowing the pola-dot les paul from a close and dear friend. The white one is a 1976 gibson explorer which is actually a 1959 explorer bec...
Posted by Lord Narasimha on Tue, 16 May 2006 12:37:00 PST

Fellow Roganites unite!

Ok, there's this little stinky fucking VH-1 Best Week Ever critic who is bashing my (PRE-MYSPACE) friend Joe Rogan. Being a Roganite myself, I'm pretty pissed off. This highly offensive little shit ea...
Posted by Lord Narasimha on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 11:37:00 PST