"Even if you are on the right path, if you don't keep moving you will get run over!" Will Rogers
The truth about the Mayan calendar is really not difficult to understand. The problem is only that we have all been conditioned by a materialist mind that makes us look for the ultimate explanations in the material reality rather than in the divine plan. Needless to say, many, especially in the West, have egos that find it difficult to accept that they are subordinated to a divine plan that can not even potentially be manipulated by physical means. - Carl Johan Calleman.
What Prevents Us From Being Happy?
I believe every person on this planet who is not happy is suffering from one emotion. It is the cause of all wars, racism, crime, and hate. What a powerful emotion it must be to be responsible for all of that negativity. That emotion is fear and it is affecting you in ways you may not even be aware of at the moment. Fear of failure, fear of being alone, and fear of what people will think. Have you stopped and looked at the lives of the people you are afraid might judge you? Are their lives in a place where you would like to someday be? If not, then why are you concerned with their opinion? You will always face opposition. They will judge you out of envy and ignorance. When they see you succeed they will not be happy for you. They want the success for themselves, but they do not want to take action to succeed. They will say you are lucky, or spoon fed, or more attractive. They will die with a million reasons as to why their life didn't turn out like yours... but they are just excuses. I would much rather die with reasons why my life was great instead of excuses why my life was not. If you take a chance, what is the worse that can happen to you? You fail. Sure there are a bunch of other details but ultimately the thing you remember is the feeling of failure. Do you know what failure is? It is feedback. You take action and the Universe gives you feedback. Failure implies the end of your efforts. To never try is to truly fail. Everything that happens to you in life whether you want to call it luck, tragedy, or failure is merely a lesson. You are the person you see today because of your experiences, you cannot know something without having experienced it first hand. So, if you want to be something different but are afraid to take a chance you will never change. Positive thinking, affirmations, and prayers will not change your life without action. Without action those are just words created by man formed into a nice little phrase. You have to show the Universe your intentions. Would you like to learn there is nothing to fear? How powerful would you be if you realized there was nothing to fear? What would you change? What is shaping your life today? Your life today is the outcome of your thinking and beliefs up to this point..
Couldn't one learn about courage and charity just as easily by living in a world like that of the Brady Bunch or Leave it to Beaver, instead of a world where millions of children starve to death, nations inflict war and genocide on each other, and the inner city is full of rapes, muggings, shootings, hopeless drug addiction, and lives of noisy desperation? This much evil in the world is not necessary for improving our souls; in fact, it is surely counterproductive -- it makes people more fearful, greedy, and indifferent to others than they otherwise would be.
How many warning from GOD just for you to wake up?
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"Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things.
Meaning lies in us."
LONGBEACHEASTSIDE March-2007 Your uncle wanna be a scary man. I'll knock him on his forehead =P ****a SMILE to you!**** ****My momma so CUTE with a face on****LOL lQQk!! my 2 stars above.
God, My parents and my Angels