Kev F out of The Beano profile picture

Kev F out of The Beano

I am here for Networking

About Me

I'm Kev F Out Of The Beano (currently writing and drawing comedy adventures starring The Bash St Kids, Dennis The Menace et al, in the weekly comic and annuals), also the comedian who does The Sitcom Trials (you'll have seen us in London and Edinburgh and, hopefully, on TV), also a close associate of The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre , and I turn up at parties caricaturing people (my last solo show was Kev F Draws The Crowds, you can guess what the unique selling point was).

I like to keep myself busy. Why not email me to ask more?


Click image to read the full comic strip by Kev F, as published in The Beano, .. now. Copyright 2006 DC Thomson & Co Ltd. All rights reserved.

These guys are possibly my closest friends in the world. And they're socks.

My Interests

I go round schools teaching kids how to draw comics (when I should be at my desk drawing The Beano, I'm a fool to myself) and I draw caricatures at parties and events. These videos show you a bit of how I work. See more caricature examples on Facebook.

And you can hire me to just draw caricatures all day and night, if you fancy. I can draw one in a minute, which means everyone at your party gets drawn, eventually. Email me to enquire further.


(below) A couple of episodes from The Sitcom Trials TV series (format copyright ©2007 Kev F Sutherland). Two brand new sitcoms compete head to head, the audience vote for their favourite. Second series in development hell. See more at

(below, left) Tony 'Baldrick' Robinson in a sitcom I wrote, Didn't You Used To Be..?, (right) the work of my favourite artist Heather Tweed

Check THIS out, a video by 12 year old Oscar Harding which I got to make a guest appearance in. Remember where you heard his name first.

And on the right is my schooldays rock band Walter Tottle. Weren't we brilliant?


No more heroes anymore. So here are some more peoples faces:

My Blog

More caricature examples

Since I am such a genius brilliant and superfast caricaturist, I thought I'd better plug myself. Cos, although I want The Socks to make a big breakthrough on TV, and my most satisfying creative work i...
Posted by Kev F out of The Beano on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 01:22:00 PST

Beano Annual 2008 - BUY IT NOW!

First item you must add to your Christmas list, and add it now, is the Beano Annual 2008.Oh, I know you'd have been getting it anyway. But just in case you forgot, or thought of getting some rubbish i...
Posted by Kev F out of The Beano on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:15:00 PST

Edinburgh - notes to myself

It's 7.30 in the morning and I'm awake. That can only mean I'm no longer in Edinburgh. Last night I was able, for the first time since August 1st, to drink before midnight. I'm not a Gremlin, I just h...
Posted by Kev F out of The Beano on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 11:51:00 PST

More Edinburgh reviews

Been so busy I'm even forgetting what shows I've seen, so I'll keep these reviews short:Gilhooly & Luke - 2 stars. Studenty revue which I only went to see cos it had socks in. No competition for the l...
Posted by Kev F out of The Beano on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 01:19:00 PST

Edinburgh report and review 2

Blimey, the Socks can manage to make a video every day, and I leave nearly a week between postings on my blog. Of course a lot of that's because all there is to say is that I did my show, the socks di...
Posted by Kev F out of The Beano on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:29:00 PST

Edinburgh report

Blimey it's been a busy week in Edinburgh. The Socks (The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre) have been posting a daily video diary, but for myself I've just been getting my head down and knuckling...
Posted by Kev F out of The Beano on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 04:42:00 PST

Did I mention the Nicotinell gig?

I do some odd gigs. Here was me compering a heat of the Nicotinell Comedy competition, in a pub in the centre of Bristol. That's right. The punters are sat there looking at a big fag in an ashtray....
Posted by Kev F out of The Beano on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 08:06:00 PST

Aberdeen signing - Sat Aug 4th

Attention Beano fans, and comic creators in the vicinity. I'll be doing a signing / personal appearance at Asylum Comics in Aberdeen on Saturday August 4th from just before midday till sometime before...
Posted by Kev F out of The Beano on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 04:48:00 PST

Report from my Comic Art Masterclasses

Having just completed two solid months of Comic Art Masterclasses, teaching comic art to kids across the country from Year 3 to 6th form, from Wales to Lincolnshire, Scotland to Devon, London to Coven...
Posted by Kev F out of The Beano on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 09:07:00 PST

My socks are more popular than me

Officially, and by every measurable measure, my socks are proving more popular than me. I've always known they were funnier, but now the bloody things are looking like being more financially successfu...
Posted by Kev F out of The Beano on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 08:55:00 PST