I am Jamie Boxhead. profile picture

I am Jamie Boxhead.

i like your work but, like, my friend thinks you're gay, but she's lame xoxoxcore woot!!

About Me

JAMIE SMART is personally sponsored by the following things what he made;


My Interests

hello my name is jamie. i draw. i do other things but chances are they'll be of little interest so lets, for the sake of fun and no more tears, pretend all i do is draw. i find myself among the ranks using myspace as a place for gloriously unashamed self-promotion, so i'm going to do the same.
things what i have done;
i drew a comic called Bear, kindly published by SLG publishing. it has ten issues. if you are so inclined you could pick them up, they look like this.
there is much swearing and use of the word 'knockers'. also there is the first book and the plushy toys

and the most recent book, Bear Demons, available in all good comic and book stores now. NOW!

this is BOHDA TE, the range of T-shirts and comics i set up this year. click on it to come see ^_^

i spent most of 2006 drawing a strip called My Own Genie for The Dandy, but for the moment i'm resting that to work on Space Raoul instead (see other box).

obey this monkey

this is Chaffy. we need your help.

i've drawn alot of greetings cards in my time. as such i have cuteness singed onto my brain, and it's quite a searing heat.

(after this picture was drawn, he was dragged outside and killed.)

sometimes i get bored.

I'd like to meet:

if you..
put up some huge picture in my comments box that fucks up my page, put up that stupid spangly writing, add me without knowing anything about me, add me so your stupid band seems to have more friends, or do that stupid photo of your haircut from a top-right angle, then i will hunt you down and maim you. everyone else is very welcome.


probably everything you hate.
Dubious habits punching holes in wolves, destroying worlds. little bit of loco roco. mainly the wolves thing though.

My Blog

ten cartoon shows that got it right.

i dislike children's tv cartoons. intensely. i can barely sit through an 11 minute episode of a show i like, let alone a show i don't. but i do have a real passion for how i think things SHOULD be don...
Posted by I am Jamie Boxhead. on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 09:33:00 PST

the most enjoyable work that might never be seen.

for anyone even vaguely interested in how i spend my days and the patchy work that ebbs out, i'll detail them thus. contrary to my suggestion, and photo, i'm not reeeally walking round with a box on m...
Posted by I am Jamie Boxhead. on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:49:00 PST

this makuh me happy.

Posted by I am Jamie Boxhead. on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 09:01:00 PST

I am Jamie Boxhead

don't judge me.
Posted by I am Jamie Boxhead. on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 07:25:00 PST

a day in the life of an artist you might have once respected.

unemployment's been a weird haze so far. anyone still under the illusion that doing comics buys you a big Elvira house to live in and skulls to eat, you are wrong. comics pay little. merchandise pays ...
Posted by I am Jamie Boxhead. on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 03:20:00 PST

coming soon.

Posted by I am Jamie Boxhead. on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 09:35:00 PST


SKUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLSSS!BOHDATE.COM has undergone a bit of a tidy up, been pulled together and centred a bit. come and check out the new look!however, best of all, it is now proud bearer of the NEW and ...
Posted by I am Jamie Boxhead. on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 10:55:00 PST

f’ing leg it.

it's nice that people share the vitriol about brutalising calvin and hobbes, just goes to prove you don't alter a classic. why can't they alter the other shitty strips they run instead of that one, ma...
Posted by I am Jamie Boxhead. on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 08:35:00 PST

dont fuck with calvin and hobbes

this makes me so fucking mad. and maybe it shouldn't, i dunno, maybe i'm getting overly precious about comic art. you will notice in the first panel, calvin's speech has had the word 'video' changed t...
Posted by I am Jamie Boxhead. on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 09:33:00 PST

Looshkin - the winner by a bollock.

the winner, after counting all votes on myspace, journal and a few by mail, is belligerent jim..nice one meeester, can you email me ([email protected]) your address and i'll wing this priceles...
Posted by I am Jamie Boxhead. on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 09:40:00 PST