Early black and white horror/monster movies: Frankenstein, King Kong, Invisible Man etc, plus Marx Brothers, Citizen Kane, Metropolis, Laurel & Hardy 2 reelers, early Flash Gordon serials, ...waste of time me having a colour telly really innit?
Slightly more contemporary stuff: Donnie Darko, 2001, The Wicker Man, Planet of the Apes (the original version), The Time Machine (again, the original version), LA Confidential, Back to the Future, sixties James Bond, Batman (1966) to name a few. I can't stand Star Wars though 'cos if you're going to put robots in a film make them kick ass types not fey wimps like C3PO. And don't get me started on those bloody Ewoks, or that muppet who annoyingly he spoke. The bits with Carrie Fisher in a bikini were worth watching though.
Doctor Who, Life on Mars, Peep Show (when I remember it's on), bits and bobs. I tend to buy DVDs of shows I like so I can watch them when I want, such as CSI, Babylon 5, Alias, Xena, original Twilight Zone, Seinfeld, The Prisoner, UFO, Lost in Space, Timeslip, The Saint, Danger Man etc. Selected cult tv but I'm definitely not interested in Stargate or Battlestar Galactica although I keep hearing how good Galactica is. I only saw one bit and the shaky hand held camera work got on my nerves. Convince me I'm wrong and I'll buy you an ice cream.
As far as comics creators are concerned: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Mike Higgs, Leo Baxendale, Ken Reid, Mike Noble... to name but a few whose work first attracted me to comics and therefore set the course of my life.