Comics Gal profile picture

Comics Gal

Just a gal who loves comics.

About Me

I started reading comic books from a certain corner store since the days of my childhood and Pac-man popsicles. I've been reading comic strips even further back. (My mom had bound volumes of Doonesbury which was cool reading strips that were written when I was too young to read.) It wasn't until later that I started finding out about graphic novels and all sorts of wonderful related things, and all in all, I haven't slowed down a wit in my reading.I'm not a trivia nut, nor do I claim to be any kind of expert. I just love comics.

My Interests

comics, movies, a bunch of pop culture-y things, sci-fi, gaming, improving my web skills, reading, goofing off, eating comfort foods as often as possible.

I'd like to meet:

People of similar interests, and folks who might intrigue me with new interests yet unexplored.


My collection is pretty varied, but I confess you won't find any Country within it. ( that's another thing altogether.)


Current favs: The Zero Effect and Gun Shy. Childhood favs: The Last Unicorn, The Cat from Outer Space and Sleeping Beauty. (I still want to be Malificent sometimes.)


I don't watch TV. Used to, but not anymore.


People who make lemonade when life gives them lemons.

My Blog

With references like this, no wonder some folks think comics’ fans are warped...

I was reading an article about when Fidel Castro tried to persuade everyone to think communism was the way to go (Armando Valladares: Twenty-Two Years in Castro's Gulag, written by ...
Posted by Comics Gal on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 12:57:00 PST

Ya know, I must have broken a mirror and not realized it.

My luck of late has mostly been of the "did I walk under a ladder?" variety.  So right after I say I want to start making review vids, the camera breaks.  (No, not while it was filming me, t...
Posted by Comics Gal on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 01:17:00 PST

Making lemonade when I can...

So while driving over a good portion of Northestern NJ trying to buy a pack of cigarettes (I smoke Djarums, and not everyone sells them.), I tried to give the frustration I've been feeling the he...
Posted by Comics Gal on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 01:21:00 PST

To play catch up or to not play catch up...that is the question.

The wrap up of the book I ghostwrit plus all the new and exciting house finds that required fixing (or have yet to be fixed) has caused this summer thus far to fly by. I've got a bookmark list a half ...
Posted by Comics Gal on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 04:50:00 PST

Holy Cow Time has Flown

Despite my complete and utter posting absence in the last 30 or so days, things actually are going well.  I have not fallen off a cliff or tripped and landed onto a live wire or anything as ...
Posted by Comics Gal on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 02:42:00 PST

Funniest commentary on Superheroines I have seen in a while.

Not everyone seems to get Lore Sjoberg's sense of humor, but I often do, hence why I read his Alt Text column at Wired.  I finally clicked on one of his podcasts today, and I have no idea wh...
Posted by Comics Gal on Sat, 24 May 2008 10:34:00 PST

Now where did we put the....

I am happy to say that we're safe and sound in the new house.  The spate of rain we've had in the last few weeks, and with more to come, has been quite a shock to the system, since last year we w...
Posted by Comics Gal on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:02:00 PST

Moving along, and almost moved out! Plus one odd news thingy.

This news event happened late last month, but all I can say is this: "What kind of an idiot robs a comic book store on a FRIDAY?!?  Didn't they at least take the two seconds to research it a...
Posted by Comics Gal on Fri, 09 May 2008 05:17:00 PST

Chaos in motion, but at least we’re moving!

An update just so folks know why I'm still not back on track yet: We've been moving stuff up to the new house slowly but surely.  Next week we get the truck for the big stuff, and then hopefully ...
Posted by Comics Gal on Thu, 01 May 2008 01:16:00 PST

Hella lame excuse, but it’s the truth.

The last two weeks have been a bit more chaotic than usual.  Long story short, my landlord finally dropped the straw that broke my camel's back, and thanks to the powers that be, I managed to fin...
Posted by Comics Gal on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 01:19:00 PST