The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund was founded in 1986 to defend the First Amendment rights of comic books and the people who create and sell them. Since its establishment, the Fund has defended dozens of retailers and artists in important First Amendment cases, and provided free legal advice and education to hundreds of others. The CBLDF's guiding principle is that comics should be accorded the same constitutional rights as literature, film, or any other form of expression.
What: BLUESMAN Graphic Novel Launch Party, featuring a special performance by legendary blues singer Bill Sims Jr (Lackawanna Blues, PBS's American Love Story) & blues diva Pat Cisarano (Sundance Channel's Flying Confessions) with Bluesman author Rob Vollmar!
When: Sunday, June 8, 7 PM - 11 PM
Where: Village Pourhouse, 64 3rd Avenue @ 11th St, New York, NY
How Much:
General Admission: $10 suggested donation at the door.
NBM Publishing & JahFurry
Georgia v. Gordon Lee -- After three years, as many arraignments, and at least two sets of facts all arising from the same incident, amounting to nearly a $100,000 price tag, the case of Georgia v. Gordon Lee has yet to go to trial. Meanwhile, Gordon still faces up to two years in prison because of a comic book about Picasso. Learn more about one of the strangest and most necessary defenses the CBLDF has undertaken.
Learn more!
Support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and help preserve comics as a vital medium for the next century. Everyone in the comics community, from fans to pros to retailers, has a vital interest in preserving the medium's ability to grow, and by joining the CBLDF, you'd be helping protect First Amendment rights of the comics you love.
JOIN THE CAUSE! Become a member of the CBLDF now!
Purchase signed & rare graphic novels, prints and more! Leading creators in comics have donated signed & unsigned copies of their work to benefit the fund. Take some of these items home for your enjoyment and you'll be fighting censorship at the same time.
Featured Item: 300 Signed by Frank Miller