Pia Guerra profile picture

Pia Guerra

Pencil Jockey, dollhouse enthusiast, Destroyer of Worlds.

About Me

Hey all, some of you may know my work as penciller and co-creator of the Vertigo comic Y - The Last Man. I've been working as an illustrator in all types of media for over 15 years now. I won a Shuster award for Outstanding Canadian Comic Book Artist in 2006 and our book has garnered a few nominations including some Eisners, a Harvey and a Prix du Scenario at Angouleme. Probably the neatest was being added to the Wall of Fame at my old high school, Terry Fox Senior Secondary back in 2005. I'd like to think of that one as 'Ultimate Mom Crack'.

I live in Vancouver with my amazing husband, writer Ian Boothby and three spazzy yet lovable cats. I also like to build dollhouses in my spare time.

Please check out my blog at www.hellkitty.com where you can read more about the next book I'll be working on with writer Tony Lee over at IDW. That's right, it's Doctor Who! Also, you can find information about pages for sale. Finally!

My Interests

Art, comics, miniatura, astronomy, travelling with my husband and a portable scrabble board.

I'd like to meet:

Y fans, Doctor Who fans, and anyone who loves comics.



Film soundtracks, Harry and the Potters, Tenacious D, David Bowie, Amon Tobin


Spartan, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Little Miss Sunshine, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Darjeeling Limited, Until the End of the World, Garden State, Kill Bill, Jet Li movies


Doctor Who, Life on Mars, Whedon anything, Arrested Development, Futurama, Family Guy, Lost, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, NOVA, Corner Gas, Spaced


Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell, Snow Crash and The Diamond Age by Neil Stephenson, Flicker by Theodor Roszak,the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling, No Tresspassing by Cornelius and Margaret Bakker, Powers by Bendis, Planetes, Cages by Dave McKean, The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran


Sir Henry Austen Layard, Len Wyatt, My sister Victoria

My Blog

Freedom River

Ian was going through some old cartoons today and came across this beautful parable narrated by Orson Welles about Freedom.  Fortunately someone had already posted it on YouTube.  To all tho...
Posted by Pia Guerra on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 09:32:00 PST

Privacy setting mix up

I've had a couple of responses lately regarding some weird setting on my account that wouldn't let people add me as a friend without them knowing my last name or someting.  It took me a while to ...
Posted by Pia Guerra on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 09:32:00 PST

New to MySpace!

So I got suckered into this whole MySpace thing.  Welcome!  For more bloggy goodness check out www.hellkitty.com
Posted by Pia Guerra on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 06:30:00 PST