Kat profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Not much to say about me, really. I'm a pseudo-gothy artist chick. I can usually be found wandering around downtown Vancouver wearing my favourite accessory: my vinyl cat ears headband. My hair is prone to changing strange colours, suddenly and without notice. I'm kinda' weird, but nobody in my life seems to mind terribly. I'm a professional animator working for a Canadian cartoon studio. I have a siamese/tabby cat(she's only striped on her legs, tail and face) named Schala. I tend to worry too much, and procrastinate a lot.

I also love animals, especially cats who attack children.
Myspace Animations

You Are 72% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 100%
Envy: 80%
Gluttony: 80%
Greed: 60%
Pride: 60%
Sloth: 40%
Wrath: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 60%
You'll die from overexertion. *wink* How Sinful Are You?
The Canadian Strangler
People Iced: Thirty Five
Car Bombs Planted: Sixteen
Favorite Weapon Rusty Chain
Arms Broken: One
Eyes Gouged: Twenty Two
Tongues Cut Off: Eight
Biggest Enemy: The Toe Slicer
Get Your HITMAN Name

Though you probably can't stand goth music, you tolerate going to clubs because of the occasional Ministry and Misfits that they play and the hot people in vinyl and chains. Not that you'd ever have the social skills to date one of them, but eh, *something's* gotta fuel those masturbation fantasies, right?
What kind of goth are you? Created by ptocheia
You Are Heineken
You appreciate a good beer, but you're not a snob about it.
You like your beer mild and easy to drink, so you can concentrate on being drunk.
Overall, you're a friendly drunk who's likely to buy a whole round for your friends... many times.
Sometimes you can be a bit boring when you drink. You may be prone to go on about topics no one cares about. What's Your Beer Personality?
Find out which Transformer you are at LiquidGeneration!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Descriptions of the Lilith demon appear in Hebrew, Iranian, Babylonian, Mexican, Greek, Arab, English, German, Oriental and Native American legends. Adam's first wife before Eve. Adam tried to make Lilith lie beneath him during sexual intercourse. Lilith would not meet this demand of male dominance. Adam tried to take her by force. She cursed Adam, uttered the sacred name of god, and rose into the sky. She fled to a secluded place by the Red Sea, where she copulates with demons and gives birth to hundreds of lilim(or succubi) a day. By night she flies around the globe with her daughters, the lilim, strangling children in their sleep and seducing men while they dream. Her realm can be seen beyond mirrors. All in all, a pretty cool chick. If she was real, I'd be her bud.
Ruby Gloom

My Blog

Scrubs: Best Show on TV???? *quizzical eyebrow*

Many people I know watch this show called Scrubs. You may have heard of it. Now, I've never been one to watch drama/sitcoms/soaps set in hospitals. Mostly because it's just too easy. Want to make a t...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 11:23:00 GMT

Open Letter to the preppy cunt who meowed at me today

Hello, I don't know who you are, but maybe one day you will read this. And maybe someone who has done something similar will enjoy (or hate) this letter. As I said before, I'm pretty sure I don't kn...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 21:36:00 GMT

What kind of goth are you?

..> You scored as Perky Goff. You are a perky goff! You like cute things, glitter, and scary carnivals. You think that the contrast between playful innocence and dark corruption is tantalizing, whi...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 14:09:00 GMT

Debit Card Fraud

Last week 10 people in my office had their debit cards compromised somehow. Some people lost a lot of money. Some people had their cards locked before anything could go missing, but they still had the...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 00:05:00 GMT

Katomon is evolving!!!!!!

Inspired by Nigel's blog here. He pointed out that he is a much better artist than I am, and I naturally agreed. You'll see.This is just a basic overview of my whole life, and the evolutionary stages ...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 19:27:00 GMT

The Strange and Painful Tale of an Ankle and it's Sorry Fate

Beware, for this harrowing tale shall make you shake in your very bootes.  My friend JD wanted a model for some portfolio pictures. So I went picture taking with him. Unluckily, the day...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 22:14:00 GMT

Pan's Labyrinth: A review

Okay, the first part of this review is for people who have not seen Pan's Labyrinth. It's spoiler-free. I will warn you when spoilers are coming, okay? Read on. Set in post-Civil War Spain, Pan's Laby...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 13:30:00 GMT


OMG, so I cut my hair. It's an angled bob and it looks pretty sweet. My stylist, Kristy, is awesome. The part that used to be black is now midnight blue, and my formerly blue and purple bangs are now ...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 14:25:00 GMT

Finish the fukken' sentence

Bulletins are busted, so it goes here. 1. Hi, my name is... Kat 2. Never in my life have I...skydived 3. The one person who can drive me nuts...is usually the person sitting next to me on any bus. 4. ...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 14:51:00 GMT


I don't want to have to put this in a blog, as it's ALREADY in my music section, but I've been getting a million rapper friend requests. I HATE RAP, HIP-HOP and R&B. So if you're a rapper, don't a...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 14:06:00 GMT