Author J.J. Hebert profile picture

Author J.J. Hebert


About Me

"Unconventional is a wonderful story full of heart, humor, and what it means to truly be successful. An A+ novel for the keeper shelf." - Gemma Halliday, award-winning author
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J. J. Hebert is a writer. Surprising, huh? He has written fifty-two novels, including the immensely successful, award-winning Willard’s Heart. J. J.'s also an archeologist, and he recently unearthed an ancient religious scroll in Jerusalem that, in time, will prove absolutely nothing about anything important. He presently resides in Yemen, where he enjoys being the richest man in the land.
Of course, the aforementioned isn’t true (except for the “J. J. Hebert is a writer” part), but you found it entertaining, right? Perhaps just a little funny?
Honestly: J. J. Hebert has written two novels and a picture book. Unconventional , his latest soon-to-be-published novel, is looking for an agent, followed by a publisher, to marry. He—J. J., not the novel—is also the creator and moderator of the Worldwide Fiction Writer’s Group , a place where published and unpublished authors—and editors, literary agents, and publishers—can converse freely about the writing process and beyond. Currently, he lives alone in New England (but is very much in love with a special lady, thank you very much), home to some of the greatest sports teams in the world (for now), where he’s at work on his third novel.
[Courtesy of my official website, .]

My Interests

IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER: Writing; reading; being creative; my girlfriend; baseball (the Red Sox); basketball (the Celtics); football (the Patriots); the ocean; the lake; boat rides; movies; music (gotta have it!); hiking; concerts; Fenway Park; God; spending time with positive people; deep and meaningful conversations; friends; the Internet; my family.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone. I'm not picky. Really, I'm not.Contact me here, on AIM (authorjjhebert), or via e-mail ([email protected]).


IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER: Five For Fighting; Coldplay; John Mayer; Sarah McLachlan; Alanis; Sting; Richard Marx; Howie Day; Dido; James Blunt; Keith Urban; Rascall Flatts.


IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER: The Shawshank Redemption; The Green Mile; the Harry Potter series; the Lord of the Rings trilogy; the Star Wars series; Field of Dreams; Road to Perdition; V for Vendetta; War of the Worlds; Dances with Wolves; Ace Ventura; Dumb and Dumber; Black Sheep; Beverly Hills Ninja; Tommy Boy; Man without a Face; Superman; Passion; Notebook; King Kong; Narnia; Good Will Hunting; K-Pax; and the list goes on . . .


Seinfeld is my obsession at the moment.


IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER: The Bible; A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (Dave Eggers); Running with Scissors (Augusten Burroughs); The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien); Hobbit (J.R.R. Tolkien); Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis); Tuesdays with Morrie (Mitch Albom); The Five People You Meet in Heaven (Mitch Albom); Alone (Lisa Gardner); The Green Mile (Stephen King); On Writing (Stephen King); Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling); Eragon (Christopher Paolini); Cell (Stephen King); Fat Kid Rules the World (K.L. Going); Saint Iggy (K.L. Going); Without A Map (Meredith Hall); Dark Lord, the Rise of Darth Vader (James Luceno); Different Seasons (Stephen King); Angels and Demons (Dan Brown); Meg: Primal Waters (Steve Alten); The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown); Revenge of the Sith (Matthew Stover); Left Behind (Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins); All He Ever Wanted (Anita Shreve); New Spring (Robert Jordan); Fear (Jeff Abbott); Panic (Jeff Abbott); The Purpose Driven Life (Rick Warren).


Jesus and Robert Frost

My Blog

My real blog . . . isn’t this one

Please visit my official blog at or and make sure to subscribe. ...
Posted by Author J.J. Hebert on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 10:56:00 PST

Free chapters

Posted by Author J.J. Hebert on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 08:08:00 PST

Introducing UNCONVENTIONAL, my latest novel

"Unconventional is a wonderful story full of heart, humor, and what it means to truly be successful. An A+ novel for the keeper shelf." Gemma Halliday, award-winning author According to a recent rep...
Posted by Author J.J. Hebert on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 07:59:00 PST