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MERCHANDISEJohnny Saturn No. 1Introducing Johnny Saturn, the old-school mystery man who has carried his mission into the world of modern day, high-flying meta-heroes! Johnny may get no respect from his colleagues, but all he really wants is to stop terrorist Dr Horatio Synn. Woe be-it to anyone foolish enough to get between Johnny Saturn and his goal! Full Color Inside and Out, 6.625" x 10.25", 24 Interior Pages, Saddle-Stiched $3.50 + $1.00 S/H Order High-Quality PDF Download for .99 centsJohnny Saturn No. 2Things were never easy for Johnny Saturn, but now he's got to deal with a home invasion from the Squadron Premiere! Johnny battles through belligerent meta-heroes and runaway tanker trucks to foil the plans of diabolic terrorist, Dr. Horatio Synn. Warning: This book does not end the way you expect it to! Throw your worn out clichés and well-used plot formulas out, because this is one wild ride! Full Color Inside and Out, 6.625" x 10.25", 24 Interior Pages, Saddle-Stiched $3.50 + $1.00 S/H Order High-Quality PDF Download for .99 centsJohnny Saturn No. 3Is even death enough to stop Johnny Saturn? Never! Johnny's quest continues through unearthly landscapes and he battles on to stop the now truly diabolical Dr. Horatio Synn. If you were expecting the standard, spandex tale, you are in for a shocking surprise. Full Color Inside and Out, 6.625" x 10.25", 24 Interior Pages, Saddle-Stiched $3.50 + $1.00 S/H Order High-Quality PDF Download for .99 centsJohnny Saturn No. 4Johnny Saturn nears its crescendo! This comic begins with a war in heaven, and ends with the battle for Elysium City! Heroes die, mysteries are revealed, and the hellish Dr. Synn is poised for his final conquest of the mortal world! Full Color Inside and Out, 6.625" x 10.25", 24 Interior Pages, Saddle-Stiched $3.50 + $1.00 S/H Order High-Quality PDF Download for .99 centsJohnny Saturn No. 5This is it! The end of the first story arc! All questions are answered, all fates are sealed. Full Color Inside and Out, 6.625" x 10.25", 24 Interior Pages, Saddle-Stiched $3.50 + $1.00 S/H Order High-Quality PDF Download for .99 centsScott Story Sampler 2005This book contains a lengthy interview with Scott, as well numerous black & white and color illustrations, and a behind-the-scenes look at the development of Johnny Saturn. 28 interior pages, black & white with 9 Color Pages, 8.5" x 11", GBC Binding $5.00 each + $2.00 S/HThe 2006 Special Edition Scott Story SketchbookEvery page is loaded with illustrations from Scott Story's wide ranging cartooning and illustration career. This includes numerous drawings and paintings from Scott's private sketchbooks! 24 interior pages, black & white with grayscales, 5.5" x 8.5", saddle-stitched $5.00 each + $1.00 S/HSketchbook Combo Pack!Get the 2006 Special Edition Scott Story Sketchbook and the Scott Story Sampler 2005 for a reduced price! $8.00 + $2.00 S/HJohnny Saturn Black & White Preview EditionThis black & white comic contains a condensed, early versions of issues 1 and 2 or the regular series. It is meticulously grayscaled, and a must-have for any Johnny Saturn fan. Color Cover, B&W (Grayscaled) Interiors, 6.625" x 10.25", 32 Interior Pages, Saddle-Stiched $1.00 + $1.00 S/H Â