Learning the ART of reading a comic... lost in time a BIT... |
Learning the ART of reading a comic... lost in time a BIT...Can you remember actually acquiring the ability to interpret comics symbolism such as speed lines and company? Have you ever looked at Spide... Posted by on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 21:35:00 GMT |
The Bronze Age of Comics |
I was reading comics from as early as I can remember. My folks read them to me along with children's storybooks. Being in the 1960's, you might think that would feel like "my decade." Gold Key wrapped... Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 11:08:00 GMT |
Zippy the Pinhead made sense to me.... |
Zippy the Pinhead made sense to me....Just quickly about Bill Griffith and the PinheadZippy always made sense to me.I don't know if that's alarming or not. Probably it should be. Bill Griffith has a d... Posted by on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 21:07:00 GMT |
3 New Knuckles the Malevolent Nun strips AND scripts. Illo'ed by Chris Slane & Roger Langridge |
From the work we're currently doing on KNUCKLES THE MALEVOLENT NUN:4 panels in 3 tiers, the 1st and last consuming their entire tiers.1st panel: The title is free and unboxed: (larger) THE CARNIVORE'S... Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 02:52:00 GMT |
The Jazzman 3 by myself and Barry Linton (3 pgs) and Hong Kong Garden (8pgs) " " Andy Tristram. |
THE JAZZMEN 3 is written by Cornelius Stone and depicted by Barry Linton. It was published in UFO 1HONG KONG GARDEN is written by Cornelius Stome, drawn by Andy Tristram and lettered by Roger Langridg... Posted by on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 18:37:00 GMT |
The Camera (comic prose poem story) |
The CameraIs life just a special effect? I think it is.I am a camera. And I came to life.You want to know how. And you want to know why.Rest assured, so do I.Why am I, a mechanism - a battery-powered ... Posted by on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 22:56:00 GMT |
Tom Sutton on fetching the Sunday papers |
TOM SUTTON on fetching the Sunday newspapers:"Remember the old newspapers? Big and heavy, the outside wrapped with comics, and the ink that got all over your hands? The Old Man wanted the Boston paper... Posted by on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 22:13:00 GMT |
Karangahape Rd |
The maggotty whitepotato chip that the smallGoth survived onKarangahapeAnything that has a heart will leave a ghostAnd anything that had a heart has left oneOnly squint your eyes at the Good Morning D... Posted by on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 20:38:00 GMT |
So... Bio... |
So.. bio:CORNELIUS STONE, born 11th October, 1962 in Auckland, New Zealand. Grew up reading you-know-what. First funnybook ever read: a 12c CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST. Other cherished comic memories: B... Posted by on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 13:32:00 GMT |