Brant profile picture


The Gonzogoose Roost

About Me
Not much to tell really. I have been very committed to church and God since I was little. I love movies, comics, reading, writing, acting, drawing, watching wrestling, etc.
I have been into comics since I was about 8 starting with Archie, Spider-Man and Iron Man, then advancing to G.I. Joe and all kinds of superhero comics, to now where I read any genre pretty much from DC, Marvel, Image and many indies.
I wanted to be an artist growing up and would draw for 10-17 hours a day every day. When I was 19 some decisions made me give up comics and drawing for about 5 or 6 years. I then fell in love with writing in college and started writing poetry and prose. I then got back into comics and have been trying to break into the industry as a writer for the past six years.
I also letter comics and I served as an Editor-In-Chief for three years for two smaller companies. I dabble in logo and web design as well.
Outside of comics I aspire to sing and act, and eventually plan to move to California. I'm getting older and it's soon going to be now or never. But I've had a passion for music and singing for as long as I can remember and have sang in church since I was 12. There's just something magical about conveying emotions through song. Singing is probably what I love most with writing a close second.
As for acting, I've always enjoyed playing other roles, but have only acted in church plays for 20 years, mostly playing Jesus. What greater part could there be though, right? But drama is something I've always wanted to pursue, but never could for various reasons. I want to try while I'm still young, regardless of what people think about it.
I also felt a calling to preach when I was 18 and am still heading towards that direction regardless of how conflicting that sounds. I have preached a couple of times, but setbacks have abounded. I am still committed to that walk though, and have a specific area I am pulled towards that kind of falls into place with everything else I want to do.
I graduated high school two years early at the age of 16 (I'm not as smart as that makes me sound though, trust me), then graduated college with a Bachelor's in Business Administration with a minor in Computer Science after taking five long years off from school. I also have Associates degrees in Computer Science and Business Management. Unfortunately I discovered I didn't like the computer industry and have worked crappy jobs I hate up to this point. Some people, I've learned, are cut out for the 9-5 office jobs. I tried to fit into that mold, but it's just not a good fit for me. I'm far too creative and can't stand monotony. That's not to say I'm lazy in the least bit, and I actually have a knack for that kind of work. But it's not what I desire to do for the rest of my life by any means.
So that's me in a rather large nutshell. ;)
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
You Should Be a Film Writer
You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.
You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.
Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.
And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen! What Type of Writer Should You Be?

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

God - someday, face to face as it were.

Jessica Alba - She's an amazing actress and truly one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

BeBe Winans - One of the greatest Contemporary Gospel vocalists out there.

Brian McKnight - In my opinion one of the top vocalists EVER. I feel I could learn a lot from him if given the chance.

Comic Pros such as Bendis, Johns, Loeb, JMS, Turner, etc. - Just great storytellers and artists.

Hugh Jackman, Will Smith, Michael J. Fox, Denzel Washington, Nicolas Cage and other great actors.

Mark Twain - In another lifetime. Brilliant writer

And a bunch of other people I can't think of right now. :)


I'm pretty eclectic when it comes to music. I like contemporary gospel, pop, r&b, jazz, oldies, some rock, showtunes, etc.

Right now I'm digging:
BeBe Winans
Brian McKnight
Joss Stone
Contemporary Gospel
Frankie J
Katherine McPhee
Elliot Yamin


It's a Wonderful Life
Spider-Man movies
X-Men movies
Lord of the Rings
10 Things I Hate About You (guilty pleasure - have to watch it every time it comes on and I don't know why)
Star Wars (Loved the prequels, but the originals rock)
Fantastic Four
Batman Begins
Shawshank Redemption
Coach Carter
Rush Hour Movies
Inside Man
Harry Potter Movies
And a bunch of others


The 4400
America's Next Producer
Top Chef


The Bible
This Present Darkness
Piercing the Darkness
The Dragonlance Chronicles
Dragonlance War of Souls Trilogy
Dragonlance Amber & Ashes
The Hiding Place
Raymond E. Feist's Magician: Apprentice
George R.R. Martin's The Hedge Knight
Harry Potter Series
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit


My Mom
My Nana
Anyone that has come from nothing and became something.

My Blog

Wannabez and Totem got Eliminated... but Good News!

Well, Wannabez didn't make it to the next round of the Small Press Idol contest, but we did gain a cover spot in the Mysterious Visions anthology. So, Wannabez #0 will be on the cover and inside Myste...
Posted by Brant on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:34:00 PST

Wannabez in Round 3 - Need Votes ASAP!

Hello All, Thank you to all of you who voted for Wannabez last round. We are now in some stiff competition and only have FIVE DAYS of voting left!  Wannabez is about a bunch of random people who ...
Posted by Brant on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 10:14:00 PST


Hello All, Round 2 of the Small Press Idol is upon us and these guys need your votes:Wannabez is about a bunch of random people who mistake some bizarre coincidences for super powers. It's a light-hea...
Posted by Brant on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:23:00 PST

Sis. Jessie, You Will Be Missed

You Will Be Missed
Posted by Brant on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 04:52:00 PST

My First WBZ Interview!

As you may or may not know, our website ( is doing continual coverage of the Small Press Idol contest. Included in that coverage are 5-Question interviews with all the round...
Posted by Brant on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:04:00 PST

Small Press Idol 2007!

Well, Small Press Idol has come around again, and yours truly made it past Round 1!  Along with artist and friend Scott D.M. Simmons, I entered a project near and dear to my heart, WaNNaBeZ (pron...
Posted by Brant on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:43:00 PST

Papaw's Off to a Rehabilitation Center

Well, I don't think I've mentioned it here (but on my regular blog) that my Papaw has been sick for quite some time. He had a bout with cancer several years ago, had to have brain surgery and had some...
Posted by Brant on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 11:51:00 PST

Making the Band 4

Well, I didn't make the cut.  I wasn't that good in it really, not nearly my best.  Oh well.  Live and learn.  It was really for fun, and it was cool to be a part for a short perio...
Posted by Brant on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 11:12:00 PST

Christmas Income

With Christmas approaching and income being scarce these days, I figured I'd put it out there that I'm looking for some extra income that I can do from home. This could be lettering, writing, logo des...
Posted by Brant on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 02:02:00 PST

A Message to Anonymous

This is for whoever found their way from here to my regular blog and left me an anonymous comment. Evidently they are an old friend of mine, and I just want to make sure they get my reply. So in case ...
Posted by Brant on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 12:49:00 PST