For Info go to -
Coming Up -
From the end of April we will be holding afternoons in the HNM cafe, Molenstraat 21A
The Den Haag Songwriters Guild is a network of singer-songwriters. If you would like to join please send an email to [email protected] Our official website can be found at www.denhaagsongwritersguild.blogspot.comIn addition to finding lots of opportunities for our local members to play, we also aim to act as a contact point for artists from other parts of the country and the world to find good places to perform in this area.Every Sunday night we present three artists in Lokaal Vredebruek. Every two weeks there is a guild artist on the radio program Kakophonie, on Radio Midvliet. On the last Sunday of every month there is a performance in SCSI-cel, Casauristraat at 2pm. Every three months is Singersongwriters Condensed, in the Haags Pop Centrum (HPC)