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Shaun ThreeWolves

Shaun ThreeWolves Gamache, Artist, Artist Painter, psychic automatism, automatist, spiritual explore

About Me

Shaun ThreeWolves Gamache
Shaun was born in Calgary Alberta in 1976. He has chosen to live in Calgary up to this point. He is not new to visions. His work reflects his experience as an indigo child. It helps those who do not understand indigo children of today get an understanding of indigos’ experience threw visual representation of the worlds they experience. Indigos’ do not see as the vast majority see. They perceive a greater depth and layers upon layers of realities.
Shaun has been doing art all through his life. He Went to college at the Alberta College of Art and Design in Calgary where he did four and a half years of study. He then went into a study of shamanism in 1999 and the study of mysticism in 2003. In 2004 he embarked on the journey of a break from the collective reality for a year. Due to this he was unable to complete his BFA.
He still embarks on the Great Work as his life path. Shaun Gamache’s work is greatly influenced by his own personal spiritual journey as his paintings are self portraits as there is really no separation between what is outside of oneself and inside. To change the world he changes himself, and explores this dynamic through his paintings. He asks the question “what is the unconscious mind; how big can I imagine myself to be?” Shaun makes a commitment to bliss as he embarks down the path to enlightenment. Or as he would put it,” Self Mastery”.
Remembering Who We Are
Shaun ThreeWolves Gamache
I have always been asking the question what is reality? When the veils thin I don’t see much separation between what is me, and what is collective, otherwise known as ‘us/we’. Then I ask the question what is wholeness, and who am “I” if I perceive myself as whole, perfect and complete. If “I Am as I am” then there truly is no separation. From a spiritual perspective this thought space can be held. Then we Have this collective hallucination some call a hologram, some call reality, some call the physical world. My art is truly a bridge between these two worlds. . I sign all four corners as there is an image every way the painting is hung. This has to do with the interconnection with all things. The complexity of the multiple images interweaving into each other talks about the minimum effort, maximum efficiency the universe uses to create itself as a conscious thought. And then I would say the multiverse. On a quantum level all thoughts are able to interweave with each other seamlessly. Then the predominant matrix becomes physical. For the viewer, which ever matrix they are tapping into at the time will determine which image they see. So, in essence, these paintings are teaching not only how to see, but how to manifest. This is a direct correlation to the Object, Subject discussion where the viewer is completely separate from any intention of the artist. Instead It is their matrix created between the viewer and the art work that is of importance to them, for there really isn’t anything else that could exist. My fascination now is to look at the world in a Dharmic way of seeing. We have lived through pain and suffering for many life times. It is now apparent that we choose to learn through joy, ease, grace, love, and bliss. I want to explore into how this dynamic can be expressed in our psychology. It is about changing the mind. A master once told me “if you can find the question you can find the answer”. So I am looking for the questions about how people can learn to live dharmically. This will be done by setting the intent and then doing the automatic painting. The movie “The Secret” is just the tip of the ice berg. I want to dive into the collective thought form and find the possibilities of where we can move as a people. Much is spent on the negative. It is the predominant thought that will become manifest. It is about focusing on our greatest light within us and what is possible. How can we live as sacred humans. How do we stand in our truth and our power in a way that does not cause harm. Everything has already been don and everything is now, so I am exploring the moment. To be present in myself. For in my understanding of I am, there is no separation between me and any other human on this planet. We are all interconnected. So when I set the intent, I become that intention for the duration of the painting, and it is able to flow through me. For me my work is highly figurative, even though many only see color field. What I love about the figurative play is that it almost always talks in paradox, for this place is created in duality. I explore a place where there is wholeness and duality does not exist. Is it here we can finally let go of the human condition? The masters say to be in the world, but not of it. When I paint I go into no mind and paint, and then get to see what it was that I painted when I am done. To step outside is the only way to see clearly. It is here I can create the sigils of love, bliss and wholeness. I have been asked, “how does my work relate in a cultural context”. I find it interesting everyone looks outside of themselves to find an answer to this. How can anything be anything other than a direct communication of how they perceive their world. In that any time I am looking at the world and making opinions and digesting the information coming in I am looking at myself. I cannot see in another person what is not in me first. In the concept of wholeness I am my culture. Any time something is introduced to the morphogenic field, or more popularly known as the collective unconscious, and I buy into the thought created as being real, then it becomes real to me. In that it becomes me. Now I can perceive it outside of myself as a mirror of what I have accepted as a reality within myself. The matrix said it great; “there is no spoon”. It is all me. I am my culture. To ask the question how does my work impact culture one would have to see culture as separate from themselves. The better question is, what am I now willing to see in myself in my work. For even when I look into the eyes of another human, I am looking into my own eyes. Does the world revolve around me? I am still working on the answer to that one.
Upcoming Solo show at Weeds Cafe 1903 20 Ave. NW Calgary, AB CA August 2008
Anne Archers Gallery of Contemporary Art Group Show December 2007 - March 2008
Live Painting performance
Federation of Canadian Artists: Mad about art
November 3, 2007
Group Show: Fissure Untitled Arts Society September 14 2007
Solo: Illuminata Books "Automatic Painting" January / February 2007
Calgary Fringe Festival During the Summer in Inglwood
Solo Roasterie "Automatic Painting" February 2007
Group: Haymarket Café: Anarchist Show 2 pieces January – March 2007
Solo Java Sharks 1996
Other Exibitions during College 1995 - 1999
Seccond Cup in Kensington on Tenth December 15 2007 - Jan 5 2008
Address: 810 Edmonton Trail NE
Ph: (403) 230-4404
It is a healing house with reiki, sound
tables, aroumathereapy, journying and much
My email is [email protected]
Annihilation of the image seems to be where all expressionists want to go. They want to deconstruct the image till there is nothing left but a color field and texture of what was there before. Is this getting to the essence of what is there, or is this denying responsibility for the new creation through transformation from one thing to another as nothing can be destroyed, only change form. I am looking for the birth of what comes out of the organic movement that aligns with harmonic resonance and the movement of all our multidimensionality weaving the cords together to create what we call "here". Are we aware of what we are constantly creating through transformation of energy/thought into a multidimensional existence, and then taking responsibility for that. Or do we want to negate responsibility and say that it is only color and texture. It is an excuse for our lack of awareness and ability to perceive and see. There can be five images in one, yet even that is a limitation. The image can create itself so that the image is present for everyone that would ever look at the piece. It would simply be the individuals responsibility for being the key to unlock the painting. In seeing the image we can then take responsibility. Can we take responsibility for the emotional response. We can when we isolate the cause so that the issue being sparked can be cleared. I believe life is a sacred ceremony and every moment is a chance for us to remember more of who we are. We cannot do that if we consciously negate responsibility for who we are, for there is no separation.Shaun ThreeWolves Gamache
I hear a lot about formlessness. At first I could try to associate it with chaos, yet even that has a form and a pattern to it in the big picture. For me it is a feeling, yet cannot be put into thought that makes sense. Even in the disorientation of feeling like my body is no longer physical with waves of something passing threw me, can this even be formlessness as I can sort of put it into words or try to rationalize it. Part of me goes, how could one step into formlessness yet still function here and where would be the purpose. Or is it a state of experience one experiences for a moment, then it is gone, and we return to the human condition with a new perspective. Is it the state of expansion where there is no separation, no security, only expansion. It felt as if the universe existed within me. Yet even this I try to rationalize. Try to understand it. I put myself into a protective bubble so that I can feel that I at least have some kind of boundary to myself as this is known. To let go of the rational mind, does this mean one must loose touch with this world and everyone in it, only to find another. Yet here we get locked up. HeHe. There must be some functionality, yet the mind must be able to let go. Is it the edge, a high wire, a freefall, or floating in a void vacuum, or none of the above and outside explanation. I feel like I am just playing with myself trying to find a rational explanation for something that is not rational. Yet my intent is giving away the addiction of the illusion I have been programmed with, I suppose to change my point of reference. --- To function without a belief system, only to use what is most appropriate for the moment. I think to myself is it possible to be this fluid. I am constantly going to newer depths of where I am attached. Of where I am not willing to let go of what I think is. Then create the fight, the war againsed what is to hold onto what is known. Sometimes it is like I am fighting for my very life, for my very sanity. And all it is, is fear. That simple, yet I purposefully try to slit my own throat with it. HeHe. Even now, I am creating all this drama around "trying" to understand, yet isn't my understanding I have to let go of with clarity being an enemy here. All I have to do is not take it so personally, yet in the depth of my core that feels like betraying the very fabric of who I think I am. LOL It feels like I am killing myself and nurturing myself at the same time. To have self care in the death, held safe in the womb of whakan. Even in the knowing of the ruthlessness of nature, yet at the same time, love beyond measure. ThreeWolves

My Interests


I intend Mastery and Light Body Activation. It is a simple agreement with my higher self. Everything else falls in place to give me that every four secconds. If we can catch a thought that then becomes a physical response we are able to clear it and let it go out of our fields. The illusion is that we have to process everything. Simply clear it. Could you emagin recapitulating everything from all life times never mind what you are doing in the moment. Simply allow it to clear. We then drop density and further align ourselves with the assension process.

I'd like to meet:

Simon Haiduk
Peter Estok
Zora el Barone
Rick Rivet

I desire to meet those who are full of bliss and chosen that as thier walk. I desire to meet light workers and light beings, those that melt my heart with the mear feeling of them. Those that choose to cause no harm and act only in the highest good, the highest truth. I would like to meet artists who bring in the higher vibrations into this earth plane. Vibrations that create positive change and healing to all they touch. I am interested in meeting those that yearn to remember who they are and remember that they are whole and were allways whole. Separation is the illusion, pain is the illusion, suffering is the illusion. We can now choose to remember through joy ease and grace. I want to meet those who desire to go through light body activation. I am an Indigo and would like to meet others. I would like to meet those who lead from the heart and love, but not in Drama. I would like to meet those who have crossed over and come back so that I can hear what the have to share. I desire to meet those who have a light in their eyes that could never be put out. I would like to meet those who know how to intend their reality. I would like to meet enlightened masters to learn from and remember more of who I am and get ready to take on students. I would like to meet those that make a difference simply by being. I would like to meet those who stand in their truth and mastery.Shaun ThreeWolves /span


Alanis Morsette, Madona, Sting, Mobey, Paul Simon, Gwen Stifani, Peter Gabriel, Ambient, The Rose


At the moment I do not know what I like. Alot of what is apearing in this post modern world is about glorifying hell on earth. Glorifying the dark story. Then the Hero becomes an egotistical structure that is trying to prove he is of the light by battling the dark. For one who has stepped outside of duality there is no fight that needs to be had. To purge oneself of their darkness. Does the rest of the world need to become background noise. Where is it that I stand in my truth. If I engage in a film and get exited by the drama, I in fact agreeing with that reality. It becomes part of my manifestation and cocreation here. For the most part I do not watch movies or TV. Then again you have to look at where the people creating all this medea are viewing reality from and what is the motivation behind production. Is it to help us evolve ourselves and remember who we are or is it for money and selling tickets. I herd a recent statement that if there isn't enough violence in a film no one will go see it any more. Or we get a nice chick flick where they wellow in self pitty. The world is full of drama if you are into that kind of thing.


"When I am in my painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing. It is only after a sort of "get acquainted" period that I see what I have been about. I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through. It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is a mess. Otherwise there is pure harmony, an easy give and take, and the painting comes out well." - Jackson Pollock|


The Power of Now: Eckhart Tolle, Four Agreements, Song of the Deer: the sundance journey of the soule, the Celestine prophecy, Carlos Castaneda, Mysts of Avalon, Shakespear, The SecretFor a long time I was the Warrior. Yet to engage in life that way is to embrace war. That can no langar be part of my intent. I herd SwiftDeer say "the ware inside does not stop until resurrection. Even Jesus Christ on the cross had a moment of this- when he says: ‘my Father, why have you forsaken me?”It was simply that Jesus did not understand he had to go home to complete his transformation. It is when we look at the small picture and cannot see whole we think we are in battle. It is here we have faith in Spirit. I ask spirit to back off enough to see the larger picture of why something is happening so that I can step out of duality and fear with it and see from a spiritual perspective having a human experience. I intend wholeness and bliss. Than all that has to happen to achieve that mastery will fall into place. If I intended war I would be stuck in the karmic way of being and never get out of it. I have been doing that for a long time. It is now time to do something different. For me it is about being who I am from the identity of the I am pressence and not get caught up in the drama of this place. It cirtanly is a learning curve. I am Blessed and ohnored to have the awareness of making that choice.


My Hero's are those that are masters and remember their wholeness. That is everyone.

My Blog


I can't emagine what would happen if I could manifest instantly. Some of the meloncoly I have been doing lately would have really adverse effects. I am thankfull for the safegards in the universe. Spi...
Posted by Shaun ThreeWolves on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 09:36:00 PST

Story Of Stuff   Interesting video on Consumption and Consumerism
Posted by Shaun ThreeWolves on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 09:37:00 PST

Story Of Stuff   Interesting video on Consumption and Consumerism
Posted by Shaun ThreeWolves on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 09:40:00 PST

New Art Pastels

Posted by Shaun ThreeWolves on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 07:28:00 PST

working in pastels

Learning how to draw. It is like two faces that come together as one. And as usual one is male, the other female. This is still a work in progress, however, looking at it from five feet back it is qu...
Posted by Shaun ThreeWolves on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:01:00 PST

Remembering Who We Are

Remembering Who We Are Shaun ThreeWolves Gamache  ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> I have always been asking the question, "what is reality". How large ca...
Posted by Shaun ThreeWolves on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 10:30:00 PST

Grand Opening and Gala : Anne Archers Gallery Of Contemporary Art

  I will be having Five Pieces in the Show. The newest gallery to hit Calgary is Anne Archer's Gallery of Contemporary Art. And it's not your typical gallery. We are breaking the rules of what C...
Posted by Shaun ThreeWolves on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 01:39:00 PST

Where is up

  In the dance of all we are ascending into who we are Can I identify myslef as I am Can I be one with creator yet I still have all my separate parts Where is oness in the separation where is se...
Posted by Shaun ThreeWolves on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 10:59:00 PST

Dilligence of love and compassion

I am learning how important it is to have the diligence of compassion and love in my additude and energy prjection, or intending. The movement must be positive going towards what I am creating in the ...
Posted by Shaun ThreeWolves on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 10:46:00 PST

Cause no Harm

In how many ways have we been taught it is ok to cause harm in our culture, in this place on earth. We cause harm in our language, in how we throw our thoughts and feelings around and at people. It is...
Posted by Shaun ThreeWolves on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 01:59:00 PST