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Luke Malachi

I dissolve in order to know, releasing healing

About Me

From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let Light stream forth into human minds. Let Light descend on Earth.From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let Love stream forth into human hearts. May the Coming One return to Earth.From the center where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide all little human wills- The purpose which the Masters know and serve.From the center which we call the human race Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells.Let Light, and Love, and Power restore The Plan on Earth.From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let Light stream forth into human minds. Let Light descend on Earth.From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let Love stream forth into human hearts. May the Coming One return to Earth.From the center where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide all little human wills- The purpose which the Masters know and serve.From the center which we call the human race Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells.Let Light, and Love, and Power restore The Plan on Earth. I AM a Child of the UniverseCome world, mirror to me WHO I AM. I would know what is true, the face behind the mask I think I see. I see WHO I AM, blood and bone and sinew-- substance moving among objects, a thing among worlds. Ticking like a clock. Pumps tubes levers. I feel WHO I AM, warm vibrating. Pain opens me to my core and I touch the real ME. I hear WHO I AM marking time with my heartbeat. Yet in my dreams I fly among the stars and beyond. I stand firmly rooted in the silence of mountain to look upon the land and the wave-tossed sea. I play among clouds, always changing yet without form. I AM more than I seem. WHO then am I to stand the turning of the days cloaked in other men's inspirations fed me by the dead bones that masquerade as learning? Unfold the child that hides sacred in the heart and whispers softly in the wind of my soul! Hear now, the soft and stormy musings of the body of all being that roars in its creation of the elements and blazes forth its fields of possibility across the limitless reach of my imagination, a universe of light and being. And I know WHO I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. Through my eyes the stars can see. The brightness of a billion suns the Cosmos knows through me.I AM the Light of Peace.Twenty billion years of endless growth and change, particles becoming atoms drawn together in common fire kindling the furnace of all the stars and blazing elements into existence. Since the beginning, I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. With my voice mountains speak. The Truth of Oneness stills my soul and echoes from each peak.I AM the Sound of Peace.Mountain stands patiently, silently. She has been waiting for me to know and understand the wisdom embedded in her rocks, roots gripped deep into Mother Earth. And I know WHO I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. When I listen oceans hear the gliding sea birds call of life, a robin's song of cheer.I hear the Sound of Peace.Four billion years of endless growth and change, through countless forms tried and tested, a playful universe brought me out of the sea to know its beauty in my special way, to love All of WHO I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. With my fingers clouds can touch the loving softness of the Earth that nurtures all of Us.I touch the Heart of Peace.Three million years of endless growth and change, of knowing, forgetting, and learning again to touch the Earth with gentleness and loving reverence that honors the fullness, the mystery of WHO I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. Through my joy Earth celebrates the passion of Creation-- the smile upon my face.I AM the Face of Peace.Through eons of endless forms and change the universe has created many expressions of joy and playful intelligences that have echoed cosmic wit and grace beyond time and space, the essence of WHO I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. With my heart Creation loves, reflecting all the peace and joy that lives in All of Us.I AM the Heart of Peace.Beyond the atom the world is not material. There is no substance, only energy, a field of energy potential. Through energy the universe expresses love, the Love that I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. a flame of the Central Sun. Circling 'round my starry home, I know my world is One.I AM the Flame of Peace.The energy field of the whole universe is a continuous unity of expression and possibility, every part connected to every other part--unbroken, complete-- its wisdom and truth encoded in each of its parts. It is written in WHO I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. Other people are really me. Becoming is our only path. I have the strength to Be.I AM the Way of Peace.Uncounted years of growth and change have created human beings, unique in the cosmos, able to evolve in new directions with new visions and immense powers of reason and intuition and imagination, to become and be All that I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. My life I co-create with other me-s WHO walk this path to find a Heaven-gate.I AM the Path of Peace.All beings are my teachers, nature is my school. The moon is my reflection, the heavens are my home; the suns and galaxies, my true expression; I AM whispered in atoms and particles. In stars I AM the Light.I AM a Child of the Universe. The word of Truth I speak. I find my home within my heart and with my spirit seek.I AM the Word of Peace.In Truth I touch the heart strings of All That Is. My spirit goes where my body cannot. My heart knows what my brain cannot behold and I find the Universe written in my heart. All is WHO I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. I dance and sing and play. Asleep I learn of WHO I AM and laugh throughout the day.I AM the Song of PeaceThe universe has brought me into being to be a Master of Play. When I dance I move the stars and heal the Earth. When I sing the winds are my song and the seasons my rhyme. When I play the universe opens new dimensions, new realities. Cosmic joy is WHO I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. I follow and I lead. My footsteps are the walking drum connecting all I need.I walk the Way of Peace.In my being I touch the energy fields of true reality and call forth substance created for my divine purpose. My being transcends the calendar of time and the prison of bounded space. Beyond time and space I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. I honor what you believe for what you know is true for you is also true for me.I AM the Truth of Peace.That you and I seem to be separated in the time-space reality is just an illusion we have learned and taught each other. My skin is not my boundary and you are not bound by yours. What I believe is not limited to me and what you believe is embedded in WHO I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. wellness is in my heart for when I send forth Truth and Love my body knows its partI AM One with Peace.In healing, Love has its clearest manifestations in time-space. Love is the energy of Cosmic Oneness and Wholeness without which living systems cease function. My heart is a river of Power and Passion flowing through the being I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. My inner world is whole. Projecting peace around myself reaches deeply soul to soul.I AM a Gift of Peace.One integrated being, at peace within, has the awesome power and passion to heal deeply others WHO are ready to change their life stream to flow with Love and Light, the Healing Light I AM.I AM a Child of the Universe. My Mother is my Home. My Father is my Source of Being. I shall never be alone.I AM a Child of the Universe. I AM a Child of Peace.

My Interests

-The ride down the tunnels of time many going to and fro Do you recognize me? Do you know me? Not in this world Nothing is as it seems, and all masks remain fixed All is as it should be Selah- Other worlds exist above our heads,below our feet, and right inside our palms. Sometimes these worlds erupt their boundaries, cross the lines that divide. After all, they are as thin as cellophane and more permeable.What separates us from them grows less permanent, more fragile as something beckons, something calls,hovers like a relentless hummingbird with wings droning in the ear, stirring memory. Will you hear the call and pick up your drum, or will you settle back into the easy chair of your old life, content just looking out the window? Get up and walk outside into the grass. Leave behind the porch of this life, the house of the ego. Call to the spirits; call loudly from your heart. Sing out your soul's song, which thrashes against your ribcage for release. There is bliss,there with the spirits,free from the bodyand from this earthly pain.There is perennial compassion in the redtail's wings or the wolf's howl and with this you can return to the world heart spun open,hands outstretched bathing those who suffer in light.This is your birthright from the beginning.Claim it.Get up.

I'd like to meet:

Father, take my hands and let them transmit light and life;Take my mind and fill it with only love and the beauty of life;Take my eyes and let them see only the wondrous magnificence of Your creation;Take my ears and let them hear only Your voice, above the confusion of man;Take my shoulders and give them the strength to joyfully and proudly bear the load that I have been given;Take my mouth and let it only bring forth messages of love and life;Take my feet and let them be guided on Your path eternally, my Lord;Take my very Being, and let me work only in Your service, for Your Cause.Take my life, this body and this mind and let them be guided by Your Light, In YourDivine Plan. 3d-7d36b5dc30fa 3d-7d36b5dc30fa



My Blog

Malachi - Sacred Nectar - Psyambient/dub mix available _sacrednectarTracklist:1. El Assouat -MASTER MARGHERITA2. Gengis Khan's Reverie - BLUE PLANET CORPORATION3. Travelling Chip - SIGNAL TO N...
Posted by Luke Malachi on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 07:34:00 PST

Psyberry fields sets available for download

Here are a couple set from Psyberry Fields.Thanks to all who came out. We will be back againsometime....Luke Malachiwww.goaheadproductions.comwww.604head.comARI AND UZI'S SEThttp://files.vrillusions.c...
Posted by Luke Malachi on Sun, 20 May 2007 02:47:00 PST

Psyberry Fields - Akron, Oh - Sat. 5-5-07

GOAHEAD PRODUCTIONS Presents: PSYBERRY FIELDSSaturday, May 5th, 2007, Akron, OhioImagine&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&..Psytrance lineup:ONNOMON - Soular Records - Philadelphia, Pa. - LiveGoahead is happy to we...
Posted by Luke Malachi on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 10:05:00 PST


------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------WINTERDELICA - SAT. JANUARY 20, 2007 - Kin 127: BLUE PLANETARY HAND-------------------------------...
Posted by Luke Malachi on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 07:27:00 PST

Ancient Ambience

My latest chill mix enjoy.Malachi - sep 2006 mix:Ancient Ambience _malachi2006sep
Posted by Luke Malachi on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 01:46:00 PST

Chimera 9-23-06

Posted by Luke Malachi on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 09:15:00 PST


Gods aim is to take our soul life through death in company with His Own life in us; whenever His life in us is resurrected in our daily experience our soul also is raised with Him and produces fruit t...
Posted by Luke Malachi on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 06:56:00 PST


"A man with the vision of God is not devoted to a cause or to any particular issue; he is devoted to God Himself."...
Posted by Luke Malachi on Tue, 02 May 2006 05:34:00 PST


"The mystery of God is not in what is going to be-it is now, though we look for it to be revealed in the future in some overwhelming, momentous event."...
Posted by Luke Malachi on Mon, 01 May 2006 08:11:00 PST


"We must never measure our spiritual capacity on the basis of our education or our intellect; our capacity in spiritual things is measured on the basis of the promises of God."...
Posted by Luke Malachi on Mon, 01 May 2006 08:08:00 PST