music of all and interesting freekz...anything creative..I have a musicians myspace page so go check this link and send me sum adds and enjoy the musicMokes Music Space
victims for my experiments...anyone who wants me to fuck their brains out...anyone who wants to fuck my brains out...anyone who doesnt want to fuck my brains out but will fuck someone elses brains out in front of me so I can at least jerk off...nice people who want to learn how to be bad...the strange and unusual...normal boring people that want to learn to be strange and unusual...assholes that want me to whup the shit out of them...sass mouth teenagers with an attitude problem...adults who think they know it all who still have a sass mouth and an attitude problem and don't know shit...Russian mafia gentlemen with lots of guns, drugz, porn, and prostitutes...someone to entertain me coz I'm too much of a sorry ass to do it myself...dirty little sluts who can lick their own eyebrows...anyone who can't out drink me coz I'm gettin realy tired of being the first one to pass out and then waking up with my ass bleeding...stupid people that will make me seem more intelligent...a freshly plucked raw chicken looking for a good time...anyone who thinks they're better than me coz I could use a good laugh...blind people that think I'm hot and will never know the ugly truth...the dirty bastard who fucked my two timing girlfriend while I wuz off gettin the best blowjob of my life from a drunkin hillbilly trucker at the mens room at this sleazy roadside truck stop...anyone who needs a trip to the wood shed...yeah, I have one so dont worry yourself...other possum farmers, all though, I have yet to meet one...any male person with a bigger dick than mine...yea that will ever happen......any female person with a bigger dick than mine...what?'s possible...a big booty bitch who will give me a lap dance then spit in my face ( thats so hott )...someone who will shoot my pimp coz my ass is wore the fuck out...and lets face it, the moneys not that great !!...anyone who wants to trade places with me for a day...I'll choose the day thank U very much...people that will play murder in the dark with me because I keep running out of playmates...anyone who can teach me how to be cool!!...not U dork...U have to be cooler than me...duh!!!...someone who has a shovel and likes to dig and who will bury the dumb bastards who thought I wuz joking about playing murder in the dark then volenteered and found out I wasn't....people who wont take me seriously when I'm joking...ugly bitches that will at least look at me with there good eye...people that cant take a joke and enjoy getting pissed off at me...any big ugly sumbitches with balls big enough to fill a pickel barrel and enough hair on their ass to weave a rug...people who cant take a joke and get shity with me and want to find out if i wuz joking about wanting to meet any ass holes that want me to whup the shit out of them...any sex starved hottie with enough coke to keep a grown man satisfried...yea I know it's spelled's a joke...dirty old men that can train me for when that day comes for me and it's finaly my turn on the park bench...anyone that can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch...a golf ball through a garden hose will work too...nice people who pretend to be amused by my joking and will just laugh to make me feel good...people that will respond to my email, fully understanding that every second of my life is precious and that I put alot of time and effort into every letter I write and every comment I leave and understand that I at least deserve some kind of response...and if none of the above aplies than surprize me damn it !...I'm pretty easy...try me!!!
alien funk psyhouse-a-delicDJ MOKE - MUSIC or SONGS
good ones
all the time
M. L. King...Jesus...Timothy Leary...Reagan...NYFD...Dr. Albert Hoffman...pee wee Herman..the US Armed Forces!!!