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This profile is an introduction to my upcoming book "The Oneness... A Practical Conversation of Peaceful Surrender" The content in this site is a preview of what will be in this soon to be released work. This is a conversation of Oneness; it is not an essay or an authoritative text. The format is basically a series of short stories or parables in each chapter followed by an appropriate teaching. I am very pleased to share these viewpoints with you. I am grateful to those who have been placed in my path, who have supported me in my adventure and for teaching me so much.Oneness is not a new concept, nor is it original. It is as ancient as the eternal can be. Everything has emanated from One. And will return. If you can change your perspective to see that all things make up a Oneness, you will be supremely objective; eliminating individuality, persona, and separateness to reveal to real nature of you, the universe. Oneness is God. It is the entire sum total of the eternal infinite universe. You are Oneness. Your essence, the Oneness that you truly are, hears and knows these truths. Only your ego; it's confusion and desires stand between you and conscious Oneness. The eternal infinite universe is One "organism". Oneness is the notion that I am to the Universe as the moon is to the galaxy; a significant, but a mere tiny fraction of a whole. The earth, air, fire and water and I are the same energy, expressed in different form. Everything perceived and in-perceivable is a mere component of the Oneness. There is One god. It is Oneness. He/she is Oneness.§ We Are One §"We are learning, through physics and other sciences, that we are all connected in more ways than just being made of the same stuff as stars. We learned of the Big Bang that described a singularity that exploded into energy and matter that then formed into all things. We have speculated on the Gaia hypothesis, that the Earth is a single organism of which we are part. We have expanded these ideas to include the entire universe as a whole, connected thing. But these are not new ideas - they are just "truths" we are learning to accept. In the Upanishad, a Hindu scripture written over 3,000 years ago, we read this: "In the beginning there was existence, One only, without a second. He, the One, thought to himself: Let me be many, let me grow forth. Thus out of himself he projected the universe; and having projected out of himself the universe, he entered into every being. All that is has itself in him alone. Of all things he is the subtle essence. He is the truth. He is the self. And that... THAT ART THOU!" - excerpt from