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Jesus, so I could tell the world the truth. One religion is not the only way! Being perfect isn’t human and All people are the Same in spirit. Reincarnation does exist. You are a spiritual being. You don’t have to be separate to be unique. Love others and you will be loved. The world is our family. Hate is a learned condition. The soul is eternal by its very nature. Don’t hate your enemy learn from them. Explore other religions and see how they all Tie together.
People, who love life and themselves and that can laugh. People who are open minded and know it is ok to be bad sometimes and not judge so harshly. People who speak truth and know knowledge is riches, what one man learns in youth is engraved on stone.
Electric Mandala
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The Gospel Of John - Pt 18 of 22
Please before you judge listen........
I know some of you think jesus is a made up story. Even if it is jesus has great teachings of oneness. He beleved we are one and should be one realizing the awakining with in. Just as buddah and kristna and other religouse storys and figers have done. What realy matters is that he beleved in oneness and the reason so many love this story is because he made the altumate sacrifice. He died to get a point across. and what is the greatest expression of love? To sacrifice ones self for the ones you love. weather that be Dieing or fighting for what you beleve in Freedom peace oneness. The altimate sacrifice is loving others when they hate you You love them anyway. Like I said jesus is not the only teacher they are other great ones including all of us here on myspace. We are the bearers of the fruit. We spread joy love light oneness Namasta!!!!We are gods and Godesses. Jesus said we will do greater things than he and we do. I feel that others who have interpurted the story wrong have put a bad taste in our mouths about it. I grew up in a babtist family I know all about that. but even as a child I knew they were wrong. I listen to the story and jesus is talking about oneness and love that is all. Please watch this and judge for yourself.
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Tantra of Gyuto
Towards Integral Consciousness
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PM Dawn, Enya, Meditation, Celtic, Classic Rock, Spiritual, Alternative, Rap, Regee, Classical
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Bridging Heaven & Earth Show # 157 with Almine and Iasos Music Videos
Bridging Heaven & Earth Show #182 w/E. Gonzalez & WhatTheBleep/Huckabay Videos
Meditation/Science, Ch'i/Chi/Qi/Ki - Bio-energy under scientific test conditions
A wizard exists in all of us. This wizard sees and knows everything.The wizard is beyond opposites of light and dark, good and evil, pleasure and pain.Everything the wizard sees has its roots in the unseen world.Nature reflects the mood of the wizard.The body and the mind may sleep, but the wizard is always awake.The wizard possesses the secret of immortality.
harry potter,lord of the rings,titanic,the pirate movie,7years in tibet,little budda,martin luther,the gospel of jhon,deepok chopra,quills,amadaous,forest gump,goonies,mollflanders,romeo and julet,the twelth night,a midnight sumers dream,shakespere in love,memwires of a gasha,the last samari,interveiw with a vampire,branstokers dracula,anne of green gables
Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none.The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed- It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.The course of true love never did run smooth.Love is merely madness.Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin As self-neglecting.How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.I am wealthy in my friends.A friend should bear his friend's infirmities.Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.God bless thee; and put meekness in thy mind, love, charity, obedience, and true duty!Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.By:William ShakespeareTHE GOD CODE
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Weeds, Survivor,
"Oneness" Great principles shared by all other religions." A Handbook of chakra healing" By kalashatra Govinda,The book of Enoch
Jesus, God, MyParents, for putting up with my shit! My Hubby {He is the one}!!!Martin luther,William Shakespeare
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When we chooseto dance alone,separate from the music within us,we experience neitherour own beautynor our own completeness, ...we become much lessthan what we are capable of being,leaving behindthe significance of all that we areand all that surrounds us.Yet, when we chooseto dancewith the elegance of creation,we become the generosityof our own spiritsand, one enlightened leaf,joyfullydrinking in the rainand opening itself to the sun,the entire treeis made more beautifulby a single statementof grace.- Heather K. O'Hara -