Nature, writing, numerology, metaphysics, paranormal, walking, talking, sharing, and all that is essential to our evolving paths. I am a Usui Reiki Master and a Tibetan Reiki Master and was trained by one of the first and oldest living Master's in the US. I also make jewelry and glass beads. At one time I wrote articles for a world wide magazine as well as did readings world wide and throughout the PHENOMENAL USA.
People that can share different interests/facets of life's experiences. I love to learn, love to read and love to meet people that have great things to say about life, and all of it's learning experiences.(Of course there are some tests along the way, and yes, we are blessed to overcome them) Staying in the Light.
Love all kinds with meaning, nothing wild, loud only if I love it for sure. My all time favorite is the song, "You'll Never Walk Alone".
Hearts & Souls, The Godfather, Hildago, several others of course. I rarely watch movies probably average 5 a year.
Yeha Noha Sacred Spirit
I think my heroes in life are those that have set incredible images for me and they will be in my heart forever. My Grandmothers and my Father and several other wonderful people. My friends have been a great support to me although they are all at a distance from me, a week doesn't go by that we aren't in touch.