Billy aka Little Horse profile picture

Billy aka Little Horse


About Me

myspace background - GENERATE YOUR OWN WORLDMAP NOW!OUR SYMBOL OF FREEDOM TO BE WHO WE ARE (TO A POINT BUT WE ARE A WORK IN CONTINOUS PROGRESS) The "GREAT" seal of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians (A Nation within a Nation).I am a proud and vocal enrolled member of a very progressive yet assimilated tribe. I work very hard to end tribal governmental corruption. As an advocate for accountablity of our leaders and champion for the protection of civil rights,it is my hope that the people of the Eastern Band will one day soon no longer be afraid of retailiation from tribal government for raising their voices. I'm a strong advocate and lobbyist for Substance Abuse and Mental Health reform especially in Indian country. I'm proud that I'm in long term recovery from addiciton which means I have not used alcohol or drugs in over 7 years (One Day at a Time) and I have regained my life back as a result of hard work and a committment to remain drug and alcohol free.As a clean and sober role model it has allowed me to become a proactive minded community leader. Being a leader comes with responsablity. I hold many views but the voice of the people and community is what guides my actions. As a people, we have many issues and concerns but the present issues we face in Indian country are a direct result of what I refer to as "Our Historical Legacy" which you may have heard it called "Historical Grief and Trauma".The many ills we face as Tribal nations are a direct result of this legacy. We were taught many things during our history. A majority of things we have learned as an assimilated people are positive, however on a historical level,we have learned many things that are contrary to the Native way and have remained in place in the 21st century. This can be witnessed within some tribal governments with certain levels of corruption and clouded visions for the health and welfare of the people. I hope to change this through advocacy,lobbying and another attempt at tribal office.My passions for equality and civil/human rights runs deep. I have altered and will continue to edit my profile to keep my page current. I will be posting blogs as often as possable that will detail my thoughts on tribal politics and current affairs but my main purpose for creating this webpage is to try and spread the message of recovery and provide information regarding addiction. This actual section is to discuss me (how narcassitic is that?)I am a complex person but let me share some of my thoughts with you. I'm a firm believer that the (greatest) injustices and oppressions in Indian country do not come from the Non-Indian world (I expect this to be argued by some of my fellow Native Americans.) I can only speak for for my tribe having lived here on the reservation for the past 7 years and have witnessed first hand what is occuring but not often known off tribal land. Some tribes are good at cosmetics and my tribe is one of them. What concerns me the most is the day to day living conditions especially the mental health and physical wellbeing of people. Tribal politics for many a non-native is uncharted waters. You may get your information from what you may have read in print but often times the reality of things is skewed. Very rarely will you get accurate information as most Tribal nations keep the real issues in-house especially where tourism is important hence the need for good cosmetics. Please do not misunderstand me. I LOVE MY PEOPLE AND TRIBE but I pride myself in facts not fiction and I do not sugar-coat the real issues. I am actually quite blunt (especially when standing before tribal council) yet I do know how to be a diplomat and I try to practice respect in all my endevors but sometimes, when frustration sets in I fall victim to our human condition. I recently made an attempt of entering Tribal politics to bring about pro-active and healthy change by running for the office of Vice-Chief(2007).It was not my time but that has not deterred nor limits me from my vision for the Eastern Band of the Cherokee. My outspokeness and candid words though refreshing,did not get the job done in 2007. It was a great learning experience for me but very unnerving and saddening as I discovered just how deep rooted our fear and apathy truly is. I am already planning and preparing for another attempt at office. If there is one thing I'd like you to know about me it's this: Within every negative situation or outcome, I look for the positive because it is always there but often times as human beings, we give up to quickly.Political offices are won in two ways generally. You feed and exploit peoples fears.You tell everyone who to blaim for present circumstances and that you promise that you will do it different. I do not like nor ever will feed peoples fears. I did not fall prey to the blaiming game. During my campaign,I was candid about the reality of our situation here in Cherokee and only talked about pro-active change without making unrealistic promises. Some suggested that I point out the faults of others, but my personal recovery from addiction has taught me that I do not take any another human beings personal inventory. I follow and practice the principals of the 12 steps and I will continue to do so during my political journey and for the rest of my life.While I was campaigning, it was heart-breaking to hear some folks remark that they were not going to vote because why should they bother seeing that tribal leaders don't do what they promise when they get elected. I have also heard this mentioned during this national campaign year. I have voted in every election since I was able to cast a vote. All I can say is if you don't exercise your right to vote, you get what you get. I truly dislike apathy. Apathy is a bitter pill for me to swallow and I work very hard to remove this shroud by remaining vocal even in the face of strong opposition and threats of retailiation when I voice and lobby for accountability of leadership. To the standard United States citizen, you have the luxury of being able to voice your views without fear of retailation from your government. The same does not apply here in Cherokee where retailiation is the normal standard of practice. This is why I am at the present time a proud and active member of a community political action group called "Cherokee Citizens for Ethical Tribal Government" and the fruits of our labors will culminate with a successful impeachment of the present Chief. This will be acheived if the promises of assitance from Federal agencies, certain Senators and Congressional leaders are followed through with. The month of January and February of 2008 will be very interesting and as a people, we pray that our present Chief will be removed by mid-year of 08. But on a national level, please vote for change. Right now I am torn between Hillary Clinton and John McCain as a registered Republican but I am willing to vote outside my party if the candidate is the best choice. I was part of the drug court team here in Cherokee. In Indian country as well as nationally, this alternative to incarceration is the best way to address drug and alcohol related charges. As a result of retailation as mentioned earlier,I now act as a volunteer consultant (privately)and also as a recovery coach. "Advocating for the ending of stigma towards people with addiction" is a passion of mine especially when political sentiment comes into play with regard to common held views of incarceration as oppossed to rehabilitation.This issue of drug interdiction and getting tough on drug dealers is a hot topic of debate. My feelings on this topic are as follows: We need to stop focusing our attention on the supply( The national war on drugs has failed but it makes good press). WE NEED TO ADDRESS THE DEMAND. Elimanate the demand, and like any business or company where there is no longer a need for the product, 2 things will occur. The business either bankrupts or moves to another market where there is demand. We need to move past the criminalization of addicted people. I am in full support of the legalization of "Medical Marijuna" but have strong reservations (no pun intended) regarding legalization across the board but will entertain discussion on the subject.Through the hard work and gift of recovery,I have been appointed to serve on the board of directors and perform the duties of Mid-Atlantic representative, for Faces and Voices of Recovery (FAVOR for short). http://www.facesandvoicesofrecovery.orgFaces is a National lobbying and advocacy organization that advocates for recovery friendly legislation on Capital Hill and regionally. As a regional representative, I am responsable for the states of Virginia,West Virginia and my current state of North Carolina. Adovcacy is a fundemental componant of any recovery movement.If you reside in these areas send me an e-mail at [email protected] to voice your concerns regarding recovery and addiction and how I can help you organize a recovery movement in your area or help your recovery organization network, participate and join the Faces and Voices of Recovery. Together as a national recovery advocacy movement we can and will be heard on Capital Hill or within our own State Governments to raise awareness to the fact that long-term recovery is not only possable but is being experienced by millions. As a Native American,I have been very supportive and active locally in the WELLBRIETY movement first started by the WHITE BISON ORGANIZATION. This movement will do wonderous things within Indian country if only allowed to flourish. All addiction issues aside for a moment. For Native Americans, I hold the view as taught by Tribal elders, that alcohol and drugs have/had no place within our tribal communities. Yes, I ignored this fact/teaching and suffered with an addiction issue for many years but through the wonderous gift of sobriety, I have come to the understanding that as a true Native American, drugs and alcohol have no place in our lives. To learn more about the wellbriety movement check out I have always loved politics (bet you couldn't guess that). I'm what I would call a product of the 80's and was influenced and involved in many of the political movements back then. I spent most of my time questioning the direction the government was heading. However, as I grew older and revisted some things and thoughts, I was actually fond of Ronald Reagan. I was very involved with the anti-nuke movement(in California)as well as a one time member of greenpeace. I also at one time was an active member with AIM (American Indian Movement) but soon came to the realization that I was more about pro-active change then pointing fingers and blaim (of course holding this view makes me somewhat unpopular with some fellow Native Americans) and I have been subjected to name calling as a sell-out but of course I place no power in labels because I know who I am. I spent several years as what I would call a closet socialist. Having read the communist manifesto (Karl Marx)I feel in love with the elimination of class status and equality for the masses however knowing the human condition as I do,true marxism could never exist as envisioned by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels. I AM NOT A COMMUNIST........ Big difference in ideology if you look at it under a microscope. Marx/Engels had it right, Lenin perverted it and created the Soviet Union where no one but those in power have rights (sounds like our present tribal government)..................................You might be interested to know that Native American communities (historically) were the entity of true socialism even before the manifesto was published.The Europeans learned much from Native people and also taught us many positive and negative things but your life is what you make of it and I do the best I can with mine. I am a very complex person. I am always watching and thinking. Some would say that I'm reserved. I often do keep what I'm thinking to myself. I'm not overly private (because if I were then politics would be out of the question and I certainly would not have a myspace profile). Of course it's a shame that free expression of thought on websites such as this can cost you a job or entrance into a university because people love to pass judgements. Sounds like discrimination against free thoughts and expressions..................... I was not born on the reservation. I was actually born in Chicago and raised in the big cities. I'm what you would call an "urban Indian". Like many families,as a child I experienced divorce. My Mother remarried and then I was adopted by a wonderful man who legally became my Father and I love this man dearly.This wonderful man, the love he provided and the values he instilled in me, has made me what I am today once I made the decison of becoming clean and sober (I Love Ya Dad). I have meet and have established(somewhat) a relationship with my biological Father. He is a full blood Cherokee and also a good man and has done some wonderful things in Indian country and with our tribe back in the day. We are still working on getting to know each other. My Mother is both Seminole(Florida),Spanish,Irish,Polish as is my understanding and my love for her is without questions. Some would say that I'm putting out to much info about myself. I would say "why does it matter?" The whole idea (at least on my end is the hope that maybe something written in my profile, may reach the eyes of someone who may relate and who is trapped in addiction and may reach out to me for help or just someone to relate to that has been where they have been). I'm not ashamed of who I am or what I have accomplished. What I'm saying here in this profile is all the things I would say or divulge in public. Unlike some in politics, I have no desire to have skeletons in my closet. I will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. "I'm a continous work in progress" I am a Native American living in the 21st century with dreams of the future and I have a vision for the Eastern Band of the Cherokee that will include returning us back to the status as the principal people where everyone will have rights.I am very proud of my heritage but I do not wish to become a prisoner of the past. As Native Americans, we are an assimilated people though we may not wish to admit it. This assimilation has both pro's and con's. I will not forget our tragic history but I will also not blaim the present anglo culture for the misdeeds or transgressions of (their) ancestors. To do so is racism in my eyes and of course this view I hold will be very unpopular among some of my fellow Native Americans. I have said it many times and I will state it again "THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO KEEP US DOWN AND OPPRESSED ARE OURSELVES" but this is not to say that we should forget the trauma our ancestors experienced. It is time to move past being victims and become agents of pro-active change especially on our reservations if healing is to begin and take hold in our communties. If we are to survive as a sovereign people,this can only occur with forgiveness,trust,and unconditional love. We are all members of one race folks----(HUMAN)........................... and we must move beyond this learned helplessness that exists.Here I am up on my soapbox lobbying/advocating for recovery and change..............................STRONG SYMBOL OF NATIVE PEOPLE AND OUR NATION AND ALWAYS ON GUARD WHEN DEMOCRACY IS THREATENED.RE-EDIT THE BELOW SECTION 6.20.08 (JUST A NOTE TO MYSELF WHILE WORKING ON UPDATING MY PROFILE)Well, our elections have concluded 9-6-2007 and change was not in the cards. The incumbant Chief was re-elected with only a 30 vote margin but you must be made aware that he stole the election and violated peoples rights in the process and continues too.Our Tribe cannot afford a repeat of the previous 4 years. Economic development has occurred(but at to high a price in health and wellness),THE TIME FOR IMPEACHMENT HAS NEVER BEEN SO CLEAR AND WILL BE CALLED FOR VERY SOON ONCE EVERYTHING IS IN PLACE.**** Please check out for the "REALITY OF OUR SITUATION"......................... LOVE THIS PHOTO AFTER ALL THEY ARE OUR FUTURE SEEING THAT WE ADULTS HAVE MESSED IT UP SO FAR.......................The "Red Road to Sobriety" is a path I hope all my fellow Native Americans who struggle with drug addicition or alcoholism will begin to follow..... The use of Drugs and Alcohol is not the Native way. When we lift that bottle and place it to our lips, it does not give to our spirit, IT TAKES. Well as you can imagine some of my friends say I'm too serious and that I should lighten up every now and then. I'm trying. I proudly served my country and left the military honorably (How I do miss it) PLEASE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS no matter what your political views are. After all if it wasn't for them, where would we be? I have resigned myself to the fact that our troops need to begin coming home. As a Republican I supported the war in the beginning but as a veteran I now see politics clouding the judgment of all concerned at the expense of our service men and women. Just like Vietnam, We expect our troops to fight with one hand tied behind their backs because politics is preventing a quick end to this war. GET IT DONE OR BRING THEM HOME....................ALWAYS ON GUARD TO PROTECT MOTHER EARTH............. I'm a very proud veteran of the United States Coast Guard and US Navy. I am generally laid-back. I pride myself in being a team player. I'm a very confident person but in reality I'm just a little kid at heart sometimes. Now just because I'm a Republican dosen't mean I'm close minded LOL. I respect the Democratic party and their views but can they say the same for my party? I have issue with my own party and will gladly point it out but it never fails that when I get into a debate with some Democrats (especially Liberals-- now I have issue with them "But I remain open-minded") but they just want to talk about my party and our faults. Can't wait to see McCain and Hillary go at it. Yes, I'm calling for McCain to represent my party and Hillary to represent the Dems. I actually like Hillary because she reminds me of Maggie Thatcher. I feel she will be great with domestic issues and remain tough regarding foreign situations. She's a tough woman.This is why I love tribal politics because we do not emphasis political ideology. We are one nation (tribe) one people but we struggle with ethics and integrity but I hope this will change following our elections in September.I'm very proud of my (people) and with some of our Tribal government and will speak for those who are afraid to for fear of retailiation or who are just plain scared or lost in apathy. I appreciate beauty and people who are not afraid of self-expression. I love the finer things in life and work very hard to succeed. I also do not neglect the smaller things life has to offer. Beauty is not just external. Internal beauty is the best of all. I'm hoping to meet as many new people as possable. That's the only way too learn new things and broaden ones mind. I'm already in need of a 12-step support group for a myspace addiction (LOL) yet it is comforting to know that free speech is being practiced and self-expression uncensored (to a point)Well that's just some things about me. As times permits, I will periodically change items from time to time. Thanks for taking the time to get to know something about me. I look forward to getting to know you if you decide to send me an add request or I do as I look through the hundreds of profiles. It is interesting to see the wealth of diversity and self-expression. We truly are a wonderous race now if we could only all get along..... Utopia, what a concept.......................
You Are The Magician
You are powerful and wise - beyond what anyone can see.
Deeply complex, you have the resources to connect to the spiritual and material world.
You posses the knowledge to manipulate your life and the lives around you.
You also have a great healing power, should you choose to use it.
Your fortune:
You have unhidden powers that you have yet to tap into.
Soon, you will better understand how to use your intellect and intuition.
Believe it or now, you will discover how you can manipulate yourself and others for good.
You are at the beginning of a path of spiritual enlightenment. What Tarot Card Are You?
You Are a Dreaming Soul
Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult
You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.
Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?
Your Brain's Pattern
Your brain is always looking for the connections in life.
You always amaze your friends by figuring out things first.
You're also good at connecting people - and often play match maker.
You see the world in fluid, flexible terms. Nothing is black or white. What Pattern Is Your Brain? "Abusive alcohol intake can affect your brain power" better to abstain then gamble.........
Your Five Factor Personality Profile
You have high extroversion.
You are outgoing and engaging, with both strangers and friends.
You truly enjoy being with people and bring energy into any situation.
Enthusiastic and fun, you're the first to say "let's go!"
You have high conscientiousness.
Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life.
Most things in your life are organized and planned well.
But you borderline on being a total perfectionist.
You have low agreeableness.
Your self interest comes first, and others come later, if at all.
In general, you feel that people are not to be trusted.
And you're skeptical that anyone else really feels differently.
You have low neuroticism.
You are very emotionally stable and mentally together.
Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly.
Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure.
Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is high.
In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.
You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.
A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything. The Five Factor Personality Test
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian
You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...
But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.
You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.
You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! How Machiavellian Are You?
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b
This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b

My Interests

Progress not perfection. Time for a change in the 11th district of Western North Carolina. Heath Shuler has been a disappointment and supports the corruption here in Cherokee by remaining silent and absent when we ask for assitance from his office. Recovery voices do count and we vote. As we begin another election year it is important to exercise your right to vote by casting your ballot for the candidate of your choice. At Faces and Voices of Recovery, we are beginning a voter registration campaign for 2008 and in the next few weeks I will be posting more info or you can check out the (FAVOR)website at for further details about what we do and how you can join if you would like to help us advocate for recovery. LET'S RALLY FOR RECOVERY TOGETHERTHE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER IS NATIONAL RECOVERY MONTH(REAL PEOPLE-REAL RECOVERY)IS THIS YEARS THEME.STAY TUNED FOR FURTHER RECOVERY MONTH DETAILS AS THE TIME DRAWS NEAR. PLANNING KITS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE SPRING. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT RECOVERY MONTH PLEASE CONTACT MESHOULD I SCRATCH ON THE DOOR OR PEE ON THE RUG. A true cognitive dilemma My main man (90) Keanon Orr... NFL bound you watch folks.Well we finally hired a new coach and he is coming from the powerhouse Nebraska so App State WATCH OUT in 08 "ADDICTION IS NOT A CHOICE---- BUT RECOVERY IS-------"For too long those most affected by the disease of addiction have been absent from the public policy debate. Faces and Voices of Recovery is a national campaign that consists of individuals and organizations joining together with a united voice to advocate for public action to deliver the power,possabilty and proof of recovery. Faces and Voices of Recovery is governed by a diverse group of recovery advocates from around the country and supports local recovery advocacy by increasing access to research,policy,organizing and technical support; facilitating relationships among local and regional groups;improving access to policymakers and the media;and providing a national rallying point for recovery advocatesBecome an advocate and help us break down the barriers and stigmatization that people with addictions face. Please visit www, to get involved and urge others to do the same. Use the recovery resources, cutting edge advocacy tools and link-up with a recovery organization in your community. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD and support the millions of Americans in long-term recovery, our families, friends and allies. PLEASE GET INVOLVED TODAY. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO HONOR THE CIRCLE OF LIFE. THE MEDICINE WHEEL IS A FUNDEMENTAL SPRITIUAL COMPONANT OF NATIVE AMERICAN LIFE AND FOR ME, IT KEEPS ME FOCUSED AND WELL. A far less harmful addiction of mine and my main means of relaxation.WELCOME TO THE QUALLA BOUNDARY (It's not a reservation as noted on most maps. Our ancestors who remained behind in the moutains of the Smokies following the Trail of Tears, purchased back our land from the United States but what we ended up with is a community where we have limited civil rights. I'm ashamed to say and not afraid to state that our present tribal leadership does not practice nor recognizes the principles of Democracy. We are a Dicatorship and it is my hope through the many hours of committed service by numerous people in the community that we will bring Democratic values to the Qualla Boundary and remove the corrupt tribal politicans from office and the rolls as a result of their transgressions against the Cherokee people.I have a very strong interest in mental health issues and psycopathology. I've studied the above book for over 5 years to better understand mental illness and properly diagnosis. I do however hold the view that we need to move away from the label "Mental Illness" towards "Mental Exceptionality"--it has a positive tone to it. I spend alot of time reading addiction journals especially those that pertain to Native Americans and would like to conduct my own research one day soon especially regarding long-term outcomes of recovery and effective after care.I am a devoted Bear fan and have been since birth. (if you can read the caption it's just a little humor)but compromise is critical to good relationships.I'm always interested in other peoples views on life. I am always willing to agree to disagree. If we all felt the same way about life and closed ourselves to other views, how boring life would be. There are no absolutes when it comes to the discussion of life and every view is valid and should be respected. World views are interesting to hear, but we must never forget that we are all members of ONE TRUE RACE---- THE HUMAN RACE. The color of our skins represent our earth suits. Take off the suit and you cannot tell us apart.What a wonderful thing it would be if we all realized this and treated each other as one. (I Know Very Utopian but One Can Dream.)I'm interested in the power of religion. I am a Roman Catholic and have been since birth. I have issue with some of my church's doctrines but here on earth, I am catholic. The point I'm trying to make and my interest regarding religion is this: Man has never gone to war over spirituality, but has killed millions over religion. Spirituality has been around alot longer then organized religion. Who's to say that we may all be wrong???? The great unanswerable question until we move to the next plane following earthly death....... It does beg the question.......I'm interested as to why people act the way they do. I love to spend hours (when I have time to spend) watching people and their behaviors especially in the family setting.I'm still figuring out why I do what I do. There is no greater mystery then the human condition. Of course people like Dr. Phil exploit this to generate $$$$$$ and ratings. If there has been one thing that I have learned in my years in the field of psychology is this---to observe true, deep rooted behavior, it must be in a natural setting where those being observed do not know they are being observed. Reality shows are not reality. Dr. Phil, though well-intentioned only generates peoples defense mechanisms and loves to play upon shock value. I wonder if people actually get well after appearing on his show. It is a sad and troubling example of explotation. I worked hard to join this fraternity. Big hello's to all my fellow Psi Chi family. CHEROKEE BRAVES FOOTBALL 2007 We have won the Smokey Mountain Conference "AGAIN" BUT MISSED THE FINALS AGAIN---TIME FOR A COACHING CHANGE.GO BRAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST THANKSGIVING PHOTO NOT IN THE HISTORY BOOKS NO SUPERBOWL SHUFFLE THIS YEAR BUT 2008 WILL BE DIFFERENT. BRING ON THE DRAFT. THE PICTURE IS SMALL BUT THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR " A PLACE OF REMEMBERING YOUR GOODNESS, HEALING AND JOY---- TODAY IS A NEW DAY----START IT OUT WITH JOY, PURPOSE AND PASSION........ GREAT SAYING BUT I'LL ADD THIS.... "YOU ARE SOMEBODY NO MATTER WHAT YOU MAY HAVE BEEN TOLD. YOUR BIRTH WAS A BLESSING"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

I'm a big fan of hers and have been since the 80's.She actually reminds of my high school sweetheart, they look almost identical with the same temperment LOL. I have been told that I have a personality that's similiar to Jack's. Don't know if that's good or bad? But I like his style. (Sherman Alexie) PRIME EXAMPLE OF A 21ST CENTURY NATIVE AMERICAN--- LOVE HIS BOOKS AND MOVIES "THEY HAVE SUBSTANCE AND MAKE YOU BEG THE QUESTION" I love meeting people who not only stimulate my mind, but also make me think even harder about social as well as political issues.I especially enjoy meeting fellow Native Americans but sometimes it troubles me to hear the issues that are faced on their respected lands and reservations. It actually increases my drive to succeed in politics so I can help change many of the issues for the positive that are faced in Indian country. I LOVE PEOPLE THAT ARE GENUINE AND PROUD OF WHO THEY ARE NO MATTER THEIR RACE, COLOR, CREED OR SEXUAL OREINTATION AND WHO PRACTICE RESPECT,TOLERANCE AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF OTHERS. I love people who hate corruption on any level and social injustice.A very important group of people. One day I hope to make it to Rome to walk and feel the history and spiritual presence that exists at the Vatican as a Roman Catholic. Yes we have many negative issues as one of many organized religions but numeorus others are not immune. Sprituality is what's important and as far as I know, it has never caused any wars or abuses. Besides, I firmly hold the conviction that my Creator cares not how or where, but is concerned with the manner we treat others.

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It would be crazy for me to list all my music tastes and to do so would only generate flashbacks to the 1980's (LOL). Here are some examples: I'm actually very diverse in my taste of music but I have yet to develop an interest for country music (Don't know if I ever will--but I do like some of it.) I'll post some pictures then list some bands/artists I like............... I'll start with the "Infamous Rat Pack" Love Frank Sinatra and he is one of my favorites. His songs reflect alot of my life,feelings and emotions. Love Sammy Davis Jr. and of course "Dino"Now this was the time period where I got into some serious music listening and concerts Some of the bands I loved and still do were: The Cure,A flock of Seagulls, Human League, (Depech Mode), Talking Heads, Dead Kennedys, Circle Jerks, X, Social Distortion, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Missing Persons,Devo, Psyc Furs, Erasure, PIL, KROQ in LA "Cali" (the best radio station of the 80's), English Beat, Peter Murphy (just typing these bands brings back flashbacks) How I miss the 80's and there is not enough room to list all bands but Man the 80's were great (music wise).... Just re-doing this section brings back so many memories. I remember when I used to wear black eye liner, had my ear pierced. I would always wear a red or black t-shirt and would have at least 6 rosary's around my neck. I would top it off with wearing a black greek fisherman hat on my head just like those worn by the band Modern English.Now here it is 2007/08 and I wear suits and I'm a moderate Republican and a member of the GOP. How's that for a complete 360.... Now unto Rock n Roll: I never really was what back in the 80's we called "a head banger" but I love groups like: The Doors, Zepplin(#1), Stones (forget the WHO)LOL,AC/DC, and the reunited and real Van Halen (not Van Hagar).... Oh and of course being a recovered addict (Pink Floyd). Now unto my peaceful and spiritual side: I love classical music--It helped me get through college. Love Mozart. I also love new age, Gregorian chants (Feeds my Catholic side)and some Opera. But the music below is what truly feeds my spiritual side and is very important to Native people.... "The Second Sober Drum On The Qualla Boundary" Pow Wow music to me is uplifiting and it gives me focus. Sobriety drums are the most important in Indian country. I joined our sober drum here for a time, but my life being as busy as it is promoting and advocating for recovery has prevented me from being an active member but my thoughts and prayers are with these men and will always remain so. What I like most about this drum group is the fact that their not interested in making money or competition. It's all about the messege of healing and sobriety for our community..... You have got to love the power of music. If just for a moment, it allows you a temporary escape from the harsh realities of life, but then again it depends on what type of music you listen to or more importanly, the lyrics.......................


Panda Sneezes

Sneezing panda, priceless! You have got to love this? If I ever needed a good hearted laugh this provided it and I hope you chuckle as wellThese few photos I posted represent about 0.05% of the total amount of my favorite movies. I love movies in general especially movies that have substance and a message both at the surface and hidden. The types of film making that make you think and may actually change attitudes about certain subjects. I of course love movies about Native Americans(not stereotyped ones)especially ones that show us moving past our tragic history and moving forward towards the betterment of community life. I really like movies that do not glamorize addiction but show the reality of the disease. One movie that's the best is "For Wine and Roses".


Thank-god for TIVO... I'm not to fond of commercials. I watch of course news programs(even if it's mostly liberal and biased media(kidding though some people would agree with that statment). I watch C-SPAN(I know what your thinking--BORING)but I like to know what is being debated and discussed especially if it relates to addiction and mental health issues. I like watching Bill Maher (he makes me think and raises my blood pressure at the same time). I do not watch any present sitcoms, I like the old ones like "All in the Family" "Frasier" "Cheers" etc. But the main reason why I actually do not watch alot of regular TV is that I truly dislike commercials but you have got to love capitalism............


RECOVERY SOLUTIONS MAGAZINE.COMThe above (3) books: Narcotics Anon, Alcoholics Anon and the Red Road to Wellbriety (Native Big Book-12-step based have allowed me the desire to appriciate books again. I love to read any and all books regarding psychological issues, chemical dependency, forensic psychology, law books especially juvenile case law. Juvenile Justice issues regarding their ability or competency to waive their miranda rights. Anne Rice books. Of course books pertaining to politics such as our own Cherokee Code ( to make sure our tribal leaders keep it straight), The CRF (Code of Federal Regulations) to make sure our leaders are actually keeping it straight) but we are still a case study in functional and unchecked corruption (Sovreignty is a doubled edged sword, it cuts both ways)Just check out and read it for yourself.All I can say about books is I do love to read and where would life be without the beauty of books............


FIRST OFF I MUST SAY THIS. OUR TRUE HEROES ARE THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO FIGHT TO PROTECT THIS COUNTRY AND HELP THOSE WHO DESIRE DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM OBTAIN AND MAINTAIN IT.PLEASE PLACE YOUR PERSONAL POLITICS ASIDE AND REACH OUT AND SUPPORT A VET OR A FAMILY MEMBER OF AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF OUR MILITARY (THANK-YOU) I'm placing her at the top of my heroes list because you have got to admire and respect a person willing to die for what she beleaves in. Let us pray that her assasination and death will not be in vain. The Greatest Therapist around-- "No not mine LOL" "Chief Joseph-- A man with a vision and integrity" "They don't make them like this anymore" "Gotta love Freud, I do" "Made me proud to be a Catholic" "This man will bring sobriety to all the tribal nations one day" Walter Payton (What a Man and Football Player) and Mike Ditka (Da Coach) A Leader, and Player The people I view as heroes are those that are not afraid to voice their opinions and are willing to make personal sacrifices to bring about positive change. People who will not accept the status quo especially when this status quo or levels of apathy continues to feed oprression.People who fight for their right to be who they are,I admire very much. As a Native American (Eastern Band Cherokee), the real heroes are those of us who do not forget the past but do not allow ourselves to become trapped in the arena of continued blaiming,mistrust and discrimination especially what I term reverse discrimination where some Native people frown upon members of their own tribes who work through their fears and mistrust and leave tribal lands to pursue higher educations that will allow them to give back to their people and change their respected tribes.In all truth, the real heroes are not limited to one race, culture or creed. The heroism belongs to people who find themselves face down in the dirt, lift themselves up with their arms, brush off the soil, and continue on their journey to self-actualization and serenity through all manners of adversity. These are the true heroes.........

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My Blog

1st blog discussing a general overview of Recovery Month

I'd like to start off my series of blogs with a general overview best exampled by sharing someone's personal recovery story that can be found within the actual toolkit for National Recovery Month...
Posted by Billy aka Little Horse on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 07:45:00 PST


Well I have decided to take off and put aside my political hat and agenda if just for a moment and I will be putting on my RECOVERY hat which is the most important part of my life. I will begin bloggi...
Posted by Billy aka Little Horse on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 11:18:00 PST


Well it has been awhile since I have posted a blog regarding the current affairs and status of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians so I felt it was time to share some factual updates. Many o...
Posted by Billy aka Little Horse on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 11:04:00 PST

The Recovery Bill of Rights

Our public policy committee recently met to discuss the final drafts of "The Recovery Bill of Rights" that were created for people facing and surviving their battles with addiction. It never ceases to...
Posted by Billy aka Little Horse on Mon, 05 May 2008 12:08:00 PST

Update of the political happenings with the Eastern Band of the Cherokee

Well it has been some time since I blogged about the political happenings here on the Qualla Boundary (Cherokee Indian Reservation) located in the Great Smoky Mountains of Western North Caro...
Posted by Billy aka Little Horse on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 11:43:00 PST

Action Alert 2.27.08 re. Paul Wellstone Act H.R 1424

..> ..>                 ACTION ALERT 2.27.08 HR 1424   I am posting our national office action alert regarding the Paul Wellstone Equity Act  ...
Posted by Billy aka Little Horse on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:42:00 PST

What is a Dual Diagnosis?

I was recently speaking with a young lady who is what we in the field of mental health call a duel diagnosed individual or someone who has what is commonly referred to as a co-occurring disorder. I r...
Posted by Billy aka Little Horse on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 10:01:00 PST

A Complete Stranger Who Is In Recovery Shared This Poem She Wrote And Im Passing It On

Earlier this evening, I went out to eat at the local stakehouse here in Cherokee and struck up a conversation with some people visiting from Florida. Our chat was lengthy and we talked about many...
Posted by Billy aka Little Horse on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:34:00 PST

Disturbing phone call today that tells me we have a long way to go.

Just when I thought my tribe had moved past so many negative aspects from our past with regard to racism, I received a phone call from a member of the community asking for assitance and...
Posted by Billy aka Little Horse on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 10:54:00 PST

Action Alert- Call VH1s President on Thursday Feb 7th 2008

I am sitting here watching the results come in from the Super Tuesday voting and I wanted to post this action alert in my blog section for anyone that happens upon it and would like to help us with th...
Posted by Billy aka Little Horse on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 06:04:00 PST