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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

For my autobiography see:
I have just published a book, see:
and ;book=1581129602
Theologically, I am of a "radical-orthodox-traditionalist" bent. I believe strongly in objective truth and the reliability of the Christian Tradition, but I do not think that the conventional attempt to turn truth and tradition into simple rules about "do and don't" is at all successful. See:
I am disenchanted with what has been going on in the Catholic Church over the last forty years, seeing it as a "dumbing down" both of the practice and theory of the faith. I would like to see more honesty and dialogue in the Church, coupled with a confidence that the Gospel is "God's Truth", and rightly appreciated holds the answers to mankind's troubles.
In essence, I think, the Good News is that God wants to be the friend of all men and women, and that it is time we started being each other's friends. See:

You are The Magician

Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.

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Your result for The LONG Scientific Personality Test...

ENTP - The Inventor The single word that describes your type is "inventor", and you belong to the larger group called rationals. You love to tinker with things and come up with new ideas. You are outgoing and curious with an insatiable appetite for knowledge. You have no real desire to lead, only doing so if there is no other way. 2% of the population share your personality type.
You are a flirtateous and energetic romantic partner, fun and engaging, always looking for something unusual to try. In your enthusiam, you may make promises you can't keep. Your competitive nature and need to be perceived as an expert can be daunting to a romantic partner at times. You so enjoy the tug of a good debate that sometimes you act as if you don't take anything seriously. You are usually very supportive and helpful to your mate, but somewhat scattered and unable to devote your full attention there. You feel most appreciated for your great ideas, unusual perceptiveness, and ability to understand and communicate with people. You feel most appreciated when your partner understands your need for lots of social contact and your need to live life as spontaneously as possible.
Your group summary: rationals (NT)
Your type summary: ENTP

Take The LONG Scientific Personality Test at H ello Q uizzy

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My Catholic Identity Quiz
What rite are you? (ie. Roman, Byzantine, Greek) Roman
How often do you attend Mass? Weekly
What is your favorite part of the Mass? Domine non sub dignus
What is you favorite church hymn? Tantum Ergo
Do you pray the rosary? Rarely
Who is your favorite saint? Athanasius
Who is your confirmation saint? John Henry Newman (anticipated)
How long have you been Catholic? Thirty years
What is your favorite marian title? Co-redemptrix
Do you believe in the church's teaching on papal authority? Of course - in as far as this is defined
Do you belive in the Church's teaching on when life begins and ends? (conception to natural death) Of course - but the question is silly!
Do you believe in the Church's teaching on contraception? Not the "official line" no. It is incoherrent.
Do you believe in the Church's teaching on the Virginity of Mary? I believe that Mary is "Ever Virgin"
Do you wish the Church would catch up with the times? Yes - but not in the way that the question meant!
How important is it to you to marry someone of the same faith? I am gay and partnered to another gay Catholic.
Are you considering or have you you taken vows to the priesthood or religious life? I was rejected as being too conservative.
How strong is your belief in the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist? Total
Why are you Catholic? Who else has the word of truth?
What are some of the signs of God's grace that you have seen in your life? I have helped a number of others to become Catholic.
Are you Pro-Life? Yes. This is not a priority for me, though.
Are you active in the Pro-Life movement?(if yes, what have you done?) No. It seems to be counter-productive in the UK.
For you, what is proper dress attire for a Sunday Mass? Daily Mass? Normal secular wear.
During communion, do you people watch...(be honest) Occasionally. What a queer question!
If you had to pick favorites...Franciscans, Dominicans, or Jesuits? Benedictines.
Pope JPII... "ought to be a saint already" or "he wasn't the true pope" He was a silly man.
Pope Benedict XVI... "viva il papa" or "I was hoping for someone a little less conservative" He is not conservative, he's a Platonist!
Favorite prayer? Jesus, son of the living God, have mercy.
Do you know your guardian angels name? If so, what is it? He/She hasn't rtold me yet.
Favorite Papal encyclical? Quo Primum.
Eucharistic theology
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You scored as Orthodox

You are Orthodox, worshiping the mystery of the Holy Trinity in the great liturgy whereby Jesus is present through the Spirit in a real yet mysterious way, a meal that is also a sacrifice.













Your result for Which DragonLance Character Are You?...


You're Par-Salian. Although you strive to lead a morally upright life, you have no qualms befriending people are who are less ethicially inclined. You're an intellectual. Because you're open to different perspectives, you'd probably make a good leader. When it comes to love and dating, you're open to new experiences and you don't shy away from people who are culturally different from yourself.

Take Which DragonLance Character Are You? at H ello Q uizzy

Your result for The Politics Test...


A libertarian believes in little to moderate government intervention on both

You’re St. Jerome!

You’re a passionate Christian, fiercely devoted to Jesus Christ and his Church. You are willing to labor long hours in the Lord’s vineyard, and you have little patience with those who are less willing or able to work as you do. Your passions often carry you into temptation zones of wrath, lust, and pride.

Find out which Church Father you are at The Way of the Fathers!

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My Blog

My friend's grandmother has died

My friend Henry has just heard that his Maternal Grandmother died this morning after a protracted illness. His Paternal Grandfather died only a few weeks back His Paternal Grandmother died just ov...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Nov 2009 09:38:00 GMT

All Soul's Day

  Black vestments pierced with silver thread:   a sombre testimony of better times. Mourners gather in feeble hope,   round Mother Church's altar; clutching with faithful hands the offe...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Nov 2009 00:27:00 GMT

All Hallow's Day

  Church bells ring out,   calling the faithful to worship. The few respond,   dragging tardy feet over hallowed ground. Candles gutter,   signalling life and hope. The remnant k...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Nov 2009 00:24:00 GMT

All Hallows E'ne

  The clocks stand still. Time awaits the presence of the dead;  for whom time is no more. Up from their graves, sad souls arise;   restless and forlorne, Gruesome and grim. Unshriven and...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Nov 2009 00:18:00 GMT

Priestly thoughts on Ecclesial homophobia

More priestly thoughtsIn the 1986(?) Document on Homosexuality, the first in history in which the Vatican officilaly condemned homosexuality, it is claimed that gay people often bring the violence o...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Oct 2009 02:51:00 GMT

Priestly thoughts on Anglican Reunion and homophobia

Thoughts of a priest friend indented, my comments in bold. In spite of what may seem to others as over-dramatisation, the fact remains that this particular case in question - the establishng by th...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Oct 2009 02:41:00 GMT

Cohesion on Question Time?

Words of a friend:Did anyone see the Shadow Cohesion minister on Question Time? Dimbleby attempted to press her on her purported homophobic views, in true Politician style she evaded the issues to w...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Oct 2009 02:28:00 GMT

The Vatican proposals for unity with the TAC and others

My big problems with the Vatican proposals - as they are being presented by conservatives are: 1. It seems that all converts will now have to accept the entirety of the New Catechism - even when i...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Oct 2009 02:22:00 GMT

Being Gay and Catholic

The wise words of one friend:A part of the problem that exists between us and the Church is a stereotype, and it has been my experience that many in the Church don't know the difference. When they s...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Oct 2009 00:52:00 GMT

Question Time

I am no supporter of the BNP, being gay; but Griffen was definitely bullied by the other slimy politicians last night on "Question Time". They asked him questions and then didn't even allow him to r...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Oct 2009 02:52:00 GMT