Are you looking for a Health and Fitness Professional with:
· 2 years of clinical weight management experience?
· 4 years of hands-on experience in personal training?
· 6 years of hands-on experience in group exercise?
· 7 years of certification?
· Over 14 years in resistance training?
· Knowledge of the latest technology in health and fitness?
· Excellent written and oral communication skills?
· A passion to learn and to increase his skills and education?
Objective: Seeking a position as a Health and Fitness Professional and/or Fitness Manager.
Highlights of Qualifications:
Proven ability to respond immediately and
confidently in emergencies
Made numerous and difficult decisions under
stressful conditions
Taught and trained over 500 personnel in health
and fitness subjects; as well as, emergency medicine
Provided professional patient/client contact and
Annually balanced a budget in excess of $250,000
Basic skills in Microsoft Word, Excel and Power
Eagle Scout
Combat Veteran
Professional Experience:
Implemented skills in health/fitness screening and assessments based on A.C.S.M/A.H.A. guidelines. Accurately assess everyone from first the time gym members to high level athletes.
Some of these assessment skills include, but are not limited to: Health risk appraisals, Submaximal VO2 screening, Resting metabolic rates and body composition analysis.
Demonstrated and facilitated proper techniques in a multitude of modalities of various types of exercises in both individual and group sessions. Taught and modified exercises in a safe and effective manner adapted to all clients. Instructed courses in risk stratification, contraindication to exercise and testing; as well as, resting pulse and blood pressure to a class as part of an ACSM-cPT preparation course.
Supervised individuals and small groups of four to fifty members in task oriented environments.
Effectively, counseled individuals and small groups on nutrition, supplementation, exercise program design and tobacco cessation to achieve their health and fitness goals in the safest and most efficient manner. Able to provide goal specific program design for optimal results.
Published two articles on one as the “Transformation of the week†and the other being “Creatine and Carbohydrates: 10 Days out from the show!â€
Scope of practice:
Develop and implement an individualized approach to exercise leadership in healthy populations and/or those individuals with medical clearance to exercise. Qualified to assess, design, and implement individual and group exercise and fitness programs for apparently healthy individuals and individuals with controlled disease. Skilled in evaluating health behaviors and risk factors, conducting fitness assessments, writing appropriate exercise prescriptions, and motivating individuals and/or small groups to modify negative health habits and maintain positive lifestyle behaviors for health promotion. Using a variety of teaching techniques is proficient in leading and demonstrating safe and effective methods of exercise by applying the fundamental principles of exercise science. Proficient in writing appropriate exercise recommendations, leading and demonstrating safe and effective methods of exercise, and motivating individuals to begin and to continue with their healthy behaviors. Able to apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. Capable of conducting sport-specific testing sessions, design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs and provide guidance regarding nutrition and injury prevention. Recognizes that my area of expertise is separate and distinct and will consult with or refer athletes to other professionals when appropriate
Employment History:
2003-2007 Hospital Corpsman US Naval Hospital Yokosuka, Japan U.S.N.
2004-2007 Personal Trainer, MWR Yokosuka, Japan
2000-2003 Field Medic, 1 st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, Ca. U.S.N./U.S.M.C.
1999-2000 Personal Trainer, Family Sport and Fitness, Hemet, Ca.
1998-1999 Personal Trainer, 24 Hour Fitness, Temecula, Ca.
May 2007 N.S.C.A. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
November 2006 A.C.S.M. Health and Fitness Instructor
August 2006 A.H.A. Healthcare provider BLS
December 2005 A.C.S.M. certified Personal Trainer
October 2005 I.S.S.A. Specialist in Performance Nutrition
April 2004 U.S.N. Advanced Fitness
December 1998 N.A.S.M. Certified Fitness Instructor
September 1998 APEX Fitness Professional
June 1998 I.S.S.A. Certified Fitness Trainer
January 2007 A.C.S.M. cPT preparation course
June 2006 A.C.S.M. HFI preparation and Nutrition course
April 2004 U.S.N. Advanced Fitness
May 2002 Physical Therapy on the job training
March 2002 Combat Trauma Management
October 2000 U.S. Naval Enlisted Field Medical Service Technician
June 2000 U.S. Naval Enlisted Hospital Corpsman Basic
March 2000 U.S. Naval Enlisted Basic
December 1998 NASM Personal Trainer Workshop
September 1998 APEX Fitness Professional Workshop
June 1998 ISSA Personal Trainer Workshop
Currently a student through C.U.P. (Online) M.S. in Exercise Science and Health Promotions
February 2007 A.I.U (Online) - B.B.A. Degree in Healthcare Management
August 2005 U.M.U.C. (Asia) - A.A. Degree in General Curriculum
Helping people
Exercise physiology
Physical therapy
Sports medicine
Personal Background:
I became a health, fitness and wellness professional due to being a heavy child and suffering all of the insecurities involved with it. Through out my lifetime I have been as heavy as 215 pounds of obesity and light as 137 pounds of competitive bodybuilding. I started lifting weights at the age of 13 and suffered some injuries due to improper techniques that also prompted the interest of learning more about health and fitness. Other long term motivational factors are a first line family history of my father who had a minor heart attack before the age of 55 and mother who was diagnosed as a diabetic before the age of 60. My areas of specialization are in: Weight Management, Off-Season Athletes, Youth Fitness, Corporate Wellness and Special Populations. I hold a very strong center of gravitation towards helping people; as well as, in health and fitness, so it only made sense to become a personal health and fitness professional. I also take great pride in being a role model for my eight year old son as a single parent. My current goals are to complete a MS in Exercise Science and Health Promotion: Wellness and Fitness Track to be followed by a Doctorate in either Health Education or Adult and Distance Education; as well as, compete in at least one bodybuilding contest every two years after the completion of the Doctorate.
I would very much like to discuss opportunities with You. To schedule an interview goal assessment please select one of the following options:
(951) 663-4068
[email protected]
Get Skype and call me for free.
Thank you for taking the time to review my resume. I look forward to communicating with you.
Geoffrey B Miller
Online personal training link