2 Health Nuts profile picture

2 Health Nuts

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi, we're Darlene and Doug, health researchers and advocates. We weren't always so interested in health, but after following doctor’s orders for years which almost killed me, we had to take the situation into our own hands.
It was Doug who began the search for information which began to turn our health around. It was Doug who found a simple TV show that described by initial symptoms and why I began my downward spiral. This was something the doctors had missed.
Now, armed with this new information, I had the long journey of getting off the medications and start to rebuild my body. The medications I had been on had almost killed me by that time and I had no choice but to CHANGE!
We've now been researching health, diet, exercise, proper supplementation and other health related information for more than 7 years. What we've learned was eye opening to say the least. This search led us into network marketing because like it or not, some of the best health enhancing products are distributed through this business model.
Keep reading…we can't wait to share what we've learned and maybe help save someone else from the dark side of modern medicine that kills over 750,000 people a year.
We're looking for serious leaders to join us in Zrii!
Not only is Zrii a great health promoting product that contains some of the most revered ingredients in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine: Amalaki, Turmeric, Tulsi, Haritaki, Jujube, Schizandra, Haritaki, and Ginger but it is also the perfect business opportunity!
Zrii has everything you need to succeed!
~Experienced leadership!
~Stable financial backing!
~Unique category health enhancing product!
~Premier endorsement from "The Chopra Ctr. for Wellbeing!"
~A compensation plan utilizing the best elements of the best plans w/no sponsoring requirements to advance up the ranks!
If Interested-Click on the links below:
First click on secrets2wealth for a complete business presentation then click on secrets 2 restoring your youth! for product specific info!
Lastly go to: Our Secrets of Amalaki Blog! for all other info!
Ready to join, then simply Click Here to sign up!
We'd love to have you on our team!
Darlene & Doug!
Take a look at the Zrii Video below!
DISCLAIMER: The content provided on this site is meant for informational purposes only and is supplied as a public service. It is not meant to treat, diagnose or cure any illness. The reader takes full responsibility for its use. Always seek the advice of a licensed medical physician.
To View more of our Blog Articles click on the links below:
~My Story! Out of the Clutches of Allopathic Medicine!
~Thinking of Daddy, who passed from Esophageal Cancer
~Alzheimer's ...Mom's story!
~Dr. Boyd Haley on Mercury Toxicity & Autism!
~Was it skin cancer?
~76 Ways Sugar can ruin your health!
~The Power of Eating Breakfast!
~A Simple and Mini Detox for Your Health!
~The Gut/Brain Connection/Autism & Mental Health!
~Refined Table Salt vs Sea Salt!
~We are what we eat!
~Come on! Do the Gratitude Dance!
~212 Degrees!
~A Short List! What are the reasons/causes of Depression!
~Read this Quote!!! ~The Benefits of Sunlight!
~Cancer's Sweet Tooth by Dr. Patrick Quillan
~Review of Protein Power Life Plan
~Aspartame ... A Toxic Choice!
~Do We Really Need Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation?
~Darlene’s All Time Favorite Quote!
~Quotes from Respected Doctors!
~Rebounding and Removing Toxic Waste!
~10 Steps To True Healthy Living!
~The Secret to Health!
~Manufacturing Sickness Through The Food Supply!
~Reducing Stress for a Healthy Life!
~Depleted Soil! Senate Doc. #264 from 1936!
~Vibe is NOT just another Juice!
~Coconut Oil...The Truly Good Fat!
~Magnesium...Essential for Life!
~The Importance of Exercise!
~Green Tea Anyone!
~Trans fats/Hydrogenated Oil!
~Video on Hoxsey Treatment for Cancer!
~Video's Good Nutrition & Dangers of Aspartame!
~100 Quotes from The Secret!
~Omega 3 Fatty Acids are Important to Health!
~A Touch of Inspiration!
~Why Liquid?
~Corn Syrup...A dietary staple?
For more on health visit our blog at: True Healthy Living Now!
Do you have faith in conventional medicine? Or are you ready to stand up and take your health into your own hands? This video is dedicated to the millions of people who placed their faith and trust in a corrupt medical system that took their lives for profit!
Description: Short video showing psychiatrists from the APA convention discrediting themselves, claiming they have no science and don't cure their patients.
Must see videos! Donna Gates & Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride shows the link between gut flora, Autism & Mental Illness. For the rest in the series see our article The Importance of Probiotics to Autism & Mental Health!

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Beauty

My Interests

Spirituality, Natural Health, Music, Art, Warm Weather, Great Food, Singing, Sunrises and Sunsets, Beauty of all kinds, Camping, Nature, Quantum Physics, Watching Feel-Good & Sci-Fi Movies, Working Out, Writing e-books, Articles For Ezines and for Our Natural Health Blogs,

Giving Thanks to God.…Yes, We know "The Secret"!!

Other great sources of health information include:


Healing The Heart Of Humanity! Please Watch!

I'd like to meet:

We'd like to meet folks who are still able to dream. Those who have a vision for a better life, improved health and the desire to help others do the same.

We'd like to meet Oprah, Whoopie Goldberg, James Ray, Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer, Jack Lalane, Doug Kaufmann, Joel Olsteen, and many other inspirational people and that includes you!


We like all kinds of music ... Doug is a song writer and I've been in a couple of local bands over the years.

Dr. Diana Schwarzbein of “The Schwarzbeing Principle” discusses anti-aging, rebuilding the body, depleted soils, and the differences in supplementation.

This is Dr. Ben Baechler (one of our heroes) on TBN Several Years ago. He's the creator of Vibe, the supplement that I believed helped save my life.

Fundamental to Dr. Baechler's scientific and academic achievements was the influence of intensive study in the area of angiogenesis - a field of science specializing in cellular growth and nutrient factors as related to blood vessel development.

For part 2 & 3 of Dr. Ben explaining supplementation & Eniva in the News, click on the links below.

Access Part 2 Here
Access Part 3 Here
Acess Eniva in The News

Vibe by Eniva is the best liquid vitamin/mineral supplement on the planet, bar none. To learn more you can visit: Vibe For Me!


We're Movie Junkies if They'er Good. We especially like Sci-fi movies. Doug loves movies like Billy Jack and Enter the Dragon.


Lost, American Idol, Heroes, The Amazing Race, Survivor, Ghost Whisperer, Biggest Loser, Discovery Channel

Raw for 30-Days (due to be released toward the end of 2007) will .. the journey of five Americans suffering from Adult Onset Type II Diabetes, who undergo a radical 30-day diet and lifestyle change in the hope of reversing or reducing their insulin dependence. Take a look.


Patient Heal Thyself, The Makers Diet, The Schwarzbein Principle, Beating Cancer With Nutrition, Foundations for Healing, The Fungus Link, Total Body Tune-Up, The Celestine Prophesy, The Seat of the Soul, Anatomy of The Spirit.

Scientists may have cured cancer last week.

So, why haven't the media picked up on it?

Here's the big catch. Pharmaceutical companies probably won't invest in research into DCA because they won't profit from it. It's easy to make, unpatented and could be added to drinking water. It's all about money!


Jesus and anyone who is an overcomer or who promotes love, peace, compassion or encourages and inspires others. Just maybe you could be our hero.

My Blog

The Dietary Component to Health!

Summing Up The Dietary Component to  Health  There are nutritional reasons why we are sicker today than in the past and why we are seeing an increase in many diseases. Modern agricul...
Posted by 2 Health Nuts on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 09:48:00 PST

Myths & Truths About Nutrition

Link to original article: http://www.westonaprice.org/mythstruths/mtnutrition.html Myth: Heart disease in America is caused by consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat from animal products.Truth: ...
Posted by 2 Health Nuts on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 06:28:00 PST

Adults Beware -- New Vaccine Guidelines!

MERCOLA ARTICLE.You can find the original article hereAdults Beware -- New Vaccine Guidelines ReleasedThe Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a division of the Centers for Disease Control an...
Posted by 2 Health Nuts on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 06:34:00 PST

Forced Medication -- Could Your Child be Next?

MERCOLA ARTICLE:You can find the original article hereForced Medication -- Could Your Child be Next?State mandated drugging of children as young as...
Posted by 2 Health Nuts on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 06:30:00 PST

Food as Medicine! A most important Video!

I Can't stress the importance of watching this video!It arguably might be the most important of your life! Thanks Marcus----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: MarcusDate: Nov 9, 20...
Posted by 2 Health Nuts on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 06:26:00 PST

Orthomolecular Doctors Say, Raise the RDAs Now

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOrthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 30, 2007Doctors Say, Raise the RDAs Now(OMNS October 30, 2007) The US Recommende...
Posted by 2 Health Nuts on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:18:00 PST

Multiple Sclerosis: A Chronic Mycotoxicosis?

by David Holland, MD (Dr. Dave Holland is the co-author, with Doug Kaufmann, of the new book,...
Posted by 2 Health Nuts on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 11:01:00 PST

The Cruel Truth about Factory Farms!

Corporations have turned family-farming methods into cost-saving, mass-production strategies, which endanger public health and treat animals cruelly.Also known as large confined animal feeding operat...
Posted by 2 Health Nuts on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 08:40:00 PST

MRSA ....Treat with Essential Oils! Mercola!

Treat MRSA with Essential Oils! Source: Mercola.com http://www.mercola.com/2005/jan/5/essential_oils.htm It is estimated that infections such as MRSA (staph infection) kill 5,000 people each...
Posted by 2 Health Nuts on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 08:03:00 PST

Antibiotics! Their Role in Declining Health!

"It is ironic that this humbled fungus, hailed as a benefactor of mankind, may by its very success prove to be a deciding factor in the decline of the present civilization."~Dr. John I. Pitt, The Genu...
Posted by 2 Health Nuts on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:15:00 PST