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We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible authoritative Word of God. We believe that there is one God eternally existent in three persons Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His victorious and atoning death through His shead blood, in His bodily resurection, in His personal return in power and glory. We believe that for salvation of lost and sinful men, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. We believe that in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost -- they that are saved unto the resurrection of life , and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in Christ.As a Minister, As a minister, we have been ordained by God to perform all peaceful rites and ceremonies of the church, including weddings, funerals, baptisms, blessings, to preach, teach and hold meetings in order to Get Souls Saved.
God's Word!
Thank you, Lord, that no word from You shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. Luke 1:37 AMPThank you that You send forth Your word and heal me and rescue me from the pit and destruction. Psalm 107:20 AMP
I believe that the Word that You speak, Lord, is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart. Heb 4:12 AMP
Thank you for the power in Your word, Lord, for every Scripture is God-breathed (given by Your inspiration) and is profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to Your will in thought, purpose, and action) 2 Tim 3:16 AMP Thank you, Jesus, that Your words are spirit and life to me. John 6:63
I bless and praise Your mighty name, Lord, for by Your word the heavens were made, and by the breath of Your mouth all their host. For You spoke, and it was done; You commanded, and it stood fast. Psalm 33:6, 9
Thank you Lord, that You are watching over Your word to perform it. Jer 1:12I praise you, Father, that Your angels perform Your word, and they obey the voice of Your word, even when it's my voice speaking Your word. Psalm 103:20
I will take with me Your words, and I will present them to You in prayer, Lord. Hosea 14:2Father, You said that Your Word would not come back to You empty or void, but it shall accomplish that which You please and it shall prosper in the things for which You sent it. So I am praying and speaking Your Word over every being, so You can perform it and make it come to pass in their lifeIsaiah 55:11Father, thank You for sending me Your Word and making it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, for they guide me in the way that I should go. Psalms 119:105
Dear Lord, I choose to keep Your words first in my own mind and heart; then I shall whet and sharpen them so as to make them penetrate, and I shall teach and impress them diligently upon the minds and hearts of my children. I shall talk about Your word when I sit down, when I walk by the way, when I lie down, and when I rise up. I bind Your Word to my heart, and I write it on the wall and gates of my mind, for then You will bless me with all good things. Deut 6:7-9 & Heb 8:10
I bind Your word continually to my heart, Lord, and I tie them around my neck. When I walk about, they will guide me; when I sleep they will watch over me; and when I awake, they will talk to me. Prov 6:21-22For Your word, dear Lord, is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path, for it will show me the way I should go. Psalm 119:105Father, I choose to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. James 1:22Thank You heavenly Father, for giving me Your words and wisdom that none of my adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. Not sickness, poverty nor the devil himself can stand against Your Word. Luke 21:15Thank You Father, that Your Word is life to me, and healing and health to all my flesh. Prov 4:22
Dear Jesus, as I abide in You and Your Word abides in me, I can ask whatever I wish and it shall be done unto me, because I am asking for the fulfillment of Your Word. John 15:7
Father, I am so thankful that Jesus Christ—the Living Word—is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8
Father I believe that every word You have spoken is truth and You will perform it, and every promise You have made You will keep. And I know Your truth and the truth sets me free. I am set free indeed from the bondage of sin and shame, free from poverty and from sickness, free from hatred and from weakness, free from worry and fear. John 8:32-36
Father, I stager not at Your promises through unbelief. Your Word is building my faith and making me stronger, and I give You all the glory. Father, I am fully persuaded that what You have promised, You are well able to bring to pass. Romans 4:20-21
Dear Lord, I believe that Your Word is a powerful weapon for the pulling down of strongholds in my life and in the lives of others as I pray for them. 2 Cor 10:4Jesus, thank you for sanctifying me and cleansing me by the washing of Water of Your Word, so You can present me to Yourself as a glorious church without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but holy and blameless. Eph 5:26-27
I choose to speak Your words, Lord, because they are words of life, and my tongue has the power of life and death. Prov 18:21
Thank you for Your Word, Lord, that promises that when I SAY to this mountain (of pain, sickness, problems, poverty, etc.), 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and I do not doubt in my heart, but believe that what I SAY is going to happen, it shall be granted to me. Mark 11:23
Dameian D. Battle was born in Rocky Mount, N.C. He is the only child of Rocky Mount natives Ronnie Hart and Angela Battle. Rocky Mount is 40 miles from Raleigh up Highway 64. It is a city that was developed by the demand for textiles and tobacco. Business has since dwindled and the city is currently cris-crossed with dormant railroad tracks and tattooed with vacant lots and factories. Its obvious and prominent segregation is a reflection of the first part of the century when black sharecroppers and factory workers lived in bold contrast to white factory owners, shopkeepers, and entrepreneurs. Oddly, the city is centered on the border of Nash and Edgecombe counties. The counties’ border represents and intangible “red line†that legally should be ignored. However, as in several U.S. cities, the line is acknowledged and appears to be universally accepted by everyone. It’s no mystery that the Nash county portion of Rocky Mount is where the money is. However, Dameian was raised in Edgecombe county where the odds of high school graduation and college attendance are stacked strongly against you.
Dameian spent his early years living with his mother in the Arlington Terrace apartment complex off of Marigold Rd. Just before he entered grade school, they moved to the Edgecombe/Rocky Mount community locally referred to as “the neighborhood.†They had moved up in life but Angela and her only child were far from escaping the world of the financially inept. Dameian’s friends recall that he lived somewhat of a cloistered childhood as his mother insisted that her only child would not become a casualty of the streets. Today, Dameian can point out a number of homes that were once occupied by comrades who had been slain in battles concocted by drugs and thugs. He often shakes his head in disdain and remarks how much he would appreciate an opportunity to converse or share a laugh with them once again. Many of these friends were acquired at Pope Elementary or Parker Middle school and sadly, were no longer with him for the Rocky Mount Senior High commencement in 1998.
Dameian was a hardworking and genial student while at Rocky Mount Senior High School. He avoided the playing fields that so many adolescent males vigorously pursue and instead adorned the blue shirt and hat of a Hardee’s uniform. For three years you could find him at the corner of Raleigh Rd. And E. Grand Ave. running the front end or working the drive through window. It was there that Dameian garnered a plethora of social and management skills. However, it was another uniform that harnessed his sense of focus and commitment. During his sophomore year he traded in his dreadlocks for a U.S. Air Force issued military “cover.†He became an avid ROTC cadet that voraciously attained rank. In two years’ time he stood solitarily at the top. He became the squadron commander and insisted upon respect and uncompromising subordination. The ROTC was an appropriate post for a young man who had already been soldiering his way through life. He sought an honorable adulthood despite the many obstacles that “the neighborhood†had disseminated before him. It seemed that the military was his destiny.
It was late in Dameian’s high school career when he revoked his decision to enlist in exchange for the exceptional opportunity to attend UNC Chapel Hill. Dameian has an eternal list of functions and organizations that he was a part of. He was a Resident Advisor, peer tutor, orientation counselor, and student barber. He was also a member of Concept of Colors, a modeling troupe; the Black Student Movement, as well as a number of other campus organizations. He proved to be a well-known and resourceful student while attending UNC Chapel Hill. He demonstrated a proclivity for challenge by majoring in Business Management, and then by pursuing a double major in African American Studies. His second degree was just six hours from his grasp when he decided that he would register for a ninth semester. He was intent on securing just one more accomplishment before experiencing his first academic repose.
Since life at UNC Chapel Hill, Dameian has been seeking to extended an helping hand within his community. While in the process of being within his community, God allowed him to create Upcoming Ministries which is based upon seeking Souls for Christ. Along with being a motivational speaker, Through God, he truly believes that we all attain different degrees/relationships with God meaning that there is always another level to have a closer/better degree with God that is never ending. Unlike being here on earth, He truly believes that earning a PH.D with God is not the ending of your education in Christ. The concept of Upcoming Ministries basically means that one should continue to strive to the next level in Christ simply from being motivated by where you are currently. Its just like having a 2003 bently, 1979 ranch style home, or a bank account with only $2000.00 in it. In comparison that all the items previously named, as being apart of Upcoming Ministries, as one should desire to have better things in life, he/she should want to have a better relationship with God. He is still frequently confronted with a series of pitfalls and obstacles; but unlike the Arlington Terrace apartments that fell in 2001, Dameian appears impervious to all that might tear him down. Upcoming Ministries is only the beginning to what God has in store for his People. Stay tuned for your blessing!
Dameian maintains that his mother, Angela Battle, grandmother, Annie M. Wiggins, and his lovely wife Meloni Battle are his most cherished gems.
Your Purpose and Validation: By Marc Mason
When you finally realize that you have a purpose and that purpose and destiny has been revealed to you...Validation is not an issue. You don't need to be validated by other individuals to fulfill your destiny. You only need validation from God.
Yes, I understand that being validated, understood, encouraged and heard may seem important, even crucial to your well-being and ability to go forth, but it is not. Look at love...I do not need you to love me back. If I love you it is unconditional. It is not based on a response from you. I could care less if you don't love me. I love you! Period.
That is the kind of love he had for us. He loved us when we didn't love him. No validation on our part needed. (Much more on Love later - for we, even the church, seem to be lacking in that area.) Only the strong, the bold, the radical, the secure, the sure can demonstrate this boldness in fulfilling their purpose.
Go forth, be who God has called you to be in spite experiencing stop signs, pitfalls, slander, jealousy, criticisms, people putting on the brakes, traps, discouragement (stop and cry if you must but get back up more determined knowing who you are and whose you are). Go Forth and do what God has told you to do! God's got your back!
Dear God,
Thank you for waking me up and keeping me covered in your blood. Thank you for your grace and mercy. Here I am an empty pot before a full fountain. I may be going through trials right now but I rejoice because VICTORY is mine.
I ask that you help me not to focus on what I am going through but who is taking me through. Thank you for your salvation and how you continuously bestow your blessings upon me even when I am not worthy. Thank you for how you have blessed me and continue to bless me.
Thank you for how you dispatch your angels around me. Now Lord, I ask that you would sustain me and take me as a broken, yielded vessel, and mend me so I that I may fulfill your divine purpose for my life. I ask that you would lead and guide me, order my steps and bridle my tongue.
I rebuke Satan in my life and any iniquities, infirmities, and principalities that may come against me. Truly, Satan has no place in life. God I thank you for the valley experiences because I know that you are able and promise that you would be with me always. Thank you God for never leaving me or forsaking me.
You said you would put no more on me than I can bear. Thank you that you will never take me where your grace will not protect me. God your grace is sufficient and when I am going through trouble and the world seems to be caving in, help me to stand strong and steadfast.
Thank you God that you use my personal crisis to get my attention and increase my faith and strengthen my resolve. Thank you God because you equipped me and you are greater than what I am going through.
God help me to run this race with determination. God I know that you are able to change my valleys into mountain tops and the oceans I have to swim into pools. Thank you God there ain’t no mountain high enough, no valley low enough, no river wide enough, no water deep enough and no obstacle tough enough to keep you from getting to me. God I ask that you give me strength to endure as I struggle in faith on this Christian journey.
When I think about how and when GOD calls you to spread his word, this call exemplifies the true meaning of leadership, vessel-ship, and a person who is moved by faith and not by secular items around them. A true leader of GOD does not wait until sunlight comes out; for the camera man to turn on his camera; when someone dies in his family; when his church is to its fullest capacity; when someone begins to shout the name Jesus; or even when he is only trying to receive a blessing from GOD.
What I am trying to say is that a true advocate of GOD knows to give GOD praise no matter how low or high the situation is; they recognized that GOD is still GOD and will never change no matter what the season is. It is amazing to know that there is a BEING who knows our heart, all of our desires, and our true passion and purpose for being here on earth in this lifetime.
It is great that we all are different and have various resumes to bring to the round-table of life. How would this world be if all of us were alike? Could you imagine if we all drove the same cars, wore the same clothes or uniforms, were the same race, had the same thoughts from the same brain capacity, or even if we all had the same type of jobs.
The great "I AM" has made all of us unique and diverse for a specific reason, our calling. Every person is called to serve GOD in a general way, but however, there is also a more specific, prophetic calling upon our lives. Some of us are called to serve in our local churches, to serve in a full-time ministry; become motivational, spiritual speakers; to teach and preach the word of GOD; and to become missionaries who spread the word of GOD visiting various countries all over the world.
When GOD calls you, one must be ready to plant the seed of CHRIST so people can be feed for a lifetime. They must be willing to become a farmer, sharecropper, or even a tenant so that this planted crop can be harvested, prepared to eat, seasoned, cooked, and able to digest for everyone. Scripture tells us, he who desires the position of a pastor desires a good work.
I have come to recognize that it is my job and duty to preach and teach the word of GOD to every person or believer that I come into contact with. First, I understand that my desire to become a full-time worker in GOD’S harvest field so that I can proclaim my Savior to people all day, and to do this as a career, is a demonstration of the Spirit’s work in my heart.
All this comes from GOD, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that GOD was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them (2 Corinthians 5: 17-19).
Of course, I want to tell people about Jesus. I adore and appreciate what Jesus has done and will continue to do for me. We are were put here to be ministers to everyone will come in contact with. We each witness according to our gifts and within the areas of responsibility entrusted to us.
However, it is my job and duty to preach and teach the world of GOD to everyone I come in contact with. Paul said, "If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task" (1 Timothy 3:1). If I desire the privilege to serve in some capacity as an overseer in the church, I desire to engage in a noble task.
One of the first things that I recognize along with knowing your call is to definitely take on the task. When a fellow man feels called by GOD to share the gospel with people who are not yet fellow believers, that a Christian does not need to call from fellow Christians to do so.
He or she need not become a "public minister" to serve souls, although that is most often what takes place for a variety of reasons. We typically don’t speak about attending seminary as receiving a "divine call."
The "divine call" is not some inner conviction (inner call) that we should study for ministry. Certainly, my interest in preparing for the ministry is a great along with all the support from my family and friends, however, my divine call comes from Jesus through people he has blessed me to be around who are motivating me to teach others how to live holy.
Secondly, sensing the call of GOD to pastor is more than having unusual feelings, but also knowing uniquely that GOD is leading me to accept and fulfill the work of a pastor by motivating others to better themselves through the gift of Christ.
I feel deep in my heart that I will not only teach/preach the word of GOD, but become a motivational speaker for those who have lost faith or even those who never experienced it at all. I want to travel the world to let others know how great GOD has been to me and the situations that I been in that no other person could have delivered me from except GOD.
I want to be able to give hope to people so that they can follow their dreams such as doing well in their own business, improve their relationships, have a positive attitude towards life, achieving financial gain, and overall, just being happy, high, and appreciative on life itself. We all were put here to be ministers to each other and it is my job and duty to relay this message to people so there can be a cycle of everyone motivating each other.
People need to know and understand that we all were put here on earth to help each other spiritually in Christ and along with everyday life. It is my job to motivate everyone to live holy and imitate/model Jesus himself through showing love for everyone the same exact way he showed love for us. We shall be and remain like Him who is considered to be the" Greatest of All Time.
"Finally, I feel that I was called to serve Christ simply because I love people in general. Going to college was great, but some of the most important things that I have learned in life were by taking a chip away from each person I have came in contact with. Some people have only been in my life for a season and others have be here permanently.
However, the most important part is learning as much as I could from each individual. It is people who really influence others to be molded into life’s runway model. One of the most amazing characteristics about God is the way He loves those who give Him no reason to love.
He wants everyone to model Him and His Kingdom by showing and giving love unconditional. His love is so great that he shows us all love for no reason at all. It is nothing magical, but a blessing to know that when your family/friends have turned their back on you, when you are homeless, when you have lost your sanity, etc; that there is SOMEONE who loves you no matter what your situation seems to be.
He is still GOD! However, He wants me to continue to show and teach others the meaning of love and how to love unlimited. Anyone could have gotten the message across with His life, it was Jesus. After all, He lived perfectly. There is not a place in scripture that tells us that he relied on his life to get the main point across, and if so, we would not have known the things we know about GOD from the words that he used to described him.
Jesus is always speaking, but we all must allow our ears and hearts to open to listen to that voice and not be influenced by what we see. We must stop putting faith into worldly items, but faith in the word that GOD will return. We all must be right with him, and it is my duty to get as many soles saved before his return.
GOD has called me and asked me to ask you to help me spread the word of Christ. I am not completely there yet, But I have recognized that GOD is calling me to Motivate others to drive in the same direction that I am trying to go!!
Be Happy with what you have while working for what you want. Be Blessed and Know it in your heart that God loves you no matter what. Be willing to confess from your heart as you speak from your mouth for forgiveness daily for your sins.
Take Advantage of knowing that each day God wakes you up, he is giving you a second chance to make things right with him. Know and claim the victory over the enemy. You are a champion because God said you can not loose. Take time right now to say Lord I thank you for all you have done, for all you have not done, and for all you plan on doing.
I want to open my arms to receive what you have ordained for me. I love you Lord. Heal me and make me right in all the places where I am broken. I will continue to have faith in you.
Pray today so that you can be Delivered from your situation. God is waiting and if you need some guidance, don't hesitate to call me to pray together in agreement. The Bible states that when two or more are gathered in his name, that his presence is near. So let's make it happen!
"Dear Heavenly Father, I believe with all of my heart that you will deliver me from my current situation. I have come to realize that what is for me---can't no man, woman, spirit, or any being take what you have already ordain for me. I want to bound that devil up in the name of Jesus. God, I want to be closer to you. Even if I had a million tongues Lord, that would still not be enough to give you your praise and glory. God, I thank you so much for keeping your grace and mercy over my life. There are so many times that you could have allowed me to go, but you gave me a second chance to make things right with you. GOd, I want to be right----I want to be holy-----I ask and pray that you come into my life and just have your way with me. I surrender----and ask that God you fight my battles for me from this day forward. I am weak, but God it is time for me to let go and lean on you for my strength. I will continue from this day forward to have faith in you and your word and you will deliver me from my situation. By faith, I understand that it can not be manifested without work, however, I am asking that you guide my foot-steps so that my part can be completed. I need you Lord----just please have your way in me. Amen}"Someone is going through something right now----and it was on my heart to write this prayer to help someone come out of their situation. You must believe that its already done when you read this. Let the Lord know how you feel from your heart and not your flesh. Give it all to him. Ask the Lord and he will fix it.
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