Prophet Antomorris Johnson profile picture

Prophet Antomorris Johnson


About Me

My name is Prophet Antomorris Johnson I'm from Monicello MS, and I'm sold out to serving my Heavenly Father... For the more I think about the things God has allowed to come against me even to the things that were ordained to rise against me, my pain has though time evolved into my (Praise). Hallelujah is my highest praise... I'm the Founder of Next Level Teaching Ministries International that God is blessing daily...**************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ Daily I'm learning what the word means when it says: In the Beginning was the word; in my quiet time with Jesus as He ministered to me I began to understand that in the beginning we (The Body) were so. Read, Study, & Humble yourself to understanding... Living for me wasn't or didn't seen like life for a long time. Much pain that later helped me to become a better & stronger man Praise be to God. Life has been fair, not fair in the sense that I received just what I deserved; but fair in the sense that I had some good times & some bad times, ups & downs, Happy Days & lonely days but through it all I made it...******************************************************* ************************************************************ ************************************************************ I made it through to tell someone else that Jesus Christ isn't just a deliverer but also a (KEEPER)... I'm poetic & I love poetry because it's liberating very refreshing bringing the mind, body, & soul to a profound connection within themselves; for some they will never understand that like it is sometimes with Christ some will never understand my relationship & love for Jesus Christ!!!*************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *********Salvation is for all, but very few will receive it, it's strange to me how Christ offers Himself freely and rejected but, satan charges something and people receive him, and that's my place in God helping save (souls) for the Kingdom!!! All of my life I knew something different was about me because I never fit in I was always talked about for no-found reason and I always felt lonely even when surrounded by people.***************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ God called me at the age of six to preach the gospel being young minded I said yes to something I didn't understand two days later my childhood as I knew it was snatched, my innocence to life as I knew it was completely changed... From that point on I ran fast from the word I thought at that time that being a christian meant being abused in a sense yes but, not in the way I was abused...*************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ Some will never understand the abuse I experienced just being a person, from that point on I was trapped trying to find myself because the person I was wasn't good enough for everyone else. I tried so hard to understand why was I singled out from among my peers to be victimised!!! My childhood was murder, I never had a chance to enjoy being a child because the child I was aquainted with was killed in a very early part of my life by trying to posses to many personalities, evolving into what people felt I should have been, instead of me being who God create...*************************************************** ************************************************************ ******************************************************* God called me again when I was sixteen this time I said (NO), two months later I was diagnosed with bone cancer (Osteosarcoma) a rare bone disease... I got really depressed about having cancer so the doctors put me on meds.; which were to strong for my system and caused me to get tuberculosis, once they got the tuberculosis under control the cancer was out of control so I ended up having my left leg amputated... From there it seemed as if life was being taking away from me & perishing in my site!!!***************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *******I was placed on eight different chemotherapies because the cancer started to like the first two I was on. At this point the cancer spread from neck-down, the Make-A-Wish Foundation stepped in and took me on a shopping spree it was exciting very exciting emotionally at that time, but not for long three weeks after my shopping spree my house burned down to the ground I lost everything; once again I was back where I started it felt like that...***************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ The doctors concluded that it wasn't anything else they could do for me so they discharged me to go home and try an live in peace through medical review the doctors said I had three months or less to live...***************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ That night I went down on my knees repented and asked God to cleanse me from this sickness that I was ready to preach the Word Of God, when I made it back to the university for my week checkup, they did the nornal testing then sent me to be with my family until the results came in... The doctor she came in looked at my mother and said something is wrong so they took me and done the same test several times over...***************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ When she made it back to the room with the results she said when he left he had cancer from neck down but in his return we can't even find a spot of cancer... And that's why my life isn't my owns because Jesus paid a price for this body, and proved His love to me even in my rebellion; So let's lift Jesus UP^^^ Together!!!************************************************* ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ***********Prophet Antomorris Johnson has preached in many different places across the nation. Representing God with the fullness of the ability entrusted in Him, guarding the Holy Deposit delivered in His womb through the Holy Spirit... Through many struggles God has shown me that Godliness (is) next to Holiness... This picture below "Represent's the Body of Christ" being in the palm of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST... HALLELAJAH, is my HIGHEST PRAISE...
My many birds "Represent's the Freedom" I have in & with Christ Jesus, So come let's all soar Together in Unity... Prophet Antomorris Johnson
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My Interests

I love helping others begin to understand who they are and connecting with that... Helping others as well as myself finding truth and possessing it with a sense of urgentness...

I'd like to meet:

Jesus my maker, savior, & friend, the one who died, resurrected, & was taken up to sit at the right hand side of the Father until proper time to receive His children unto Himself... Seeing my Saviour's face words man hasn't come up with... My soul yearns for the day that I see my Daddy. Through the storms He's brought me, even those that almost surcome me but He brought me, and I'm Forever Grateful.. Just to have the privilegde to say that God did something just for (ME); that's personal... Jesus is my everything without the Lord my soul perishes and dies because I would at that moment been cut off from (LIFE), but yet I Thank God for saving, keeping, delivering, & SANTIFING, a nothing like myself; that's just enough for me to know my Father in Heaven considered me and ALLLLL my flaws and said I still love you!!!
Pastor Antomorris Johnson


Gospel, Gospel, Gospel, Opera, & Classical music


Scary Scary Scary, crazy movies
Jesus Is My Savior, What About You???a


The Word Network, Comedy Shows and more...


Interesting Novels, some love stories, & the most important (The Word), The Holy Bible... The K-E-Y to all our futures so pick up God's word, your word & unlock destiny... Those hidden secrets of LIFE!!!

Prophet Antomorris Johnson
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Jesus Christ, My Mother, Father, Grandmother, & my Great Grandfather who is Ninety-Eight-Years-Old (98-years-old)!!! And full of wisdom and doesn't mine sharing it...Knowing that even before the foundation had a foundation, Jesus Loved & Loves Me... That's exciting to know that my Heavenly Father considered not my many flaws, but considered my ending would be greater than my beginning... It's not were you start, it's were you finish!!!
Prophet Antomorris Johnson God Bless All My Brother's & Sister's... Prophet Antomorris Johnson
Bishop Antomorris Johnson

My Blog

Lauryn Hill - The Passion ...
Posted by Prophet Antomorris Johnson on Wed, 07 May 2008 07:25:00 PST

Those Hidden Secrets Of (L-I-F-E)

Daily I hear alot of people talking about being a Prophet and serving God our Saviour, but not willing or wanting to suffer for Christ... My mother started getting sick in her six-month of pregnancy w...
Posted by Prophet Antomorris Johnson on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 12:45:00 PST

God Knows It All, so why (H-I-D-E)!!!

People are more afraid of people seeing them doing wrong rather than God Himself... We as people & children of God need to continuously present ourselves daily before the Lord so that He can clean...
Posted by Prophet Antomorris Johnson on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 04:27:00 PST

Do you know JESUS

It's very important in these last days that we all have a relationship with Christ Jesus, it wasn't by mistake that He ended up on the cross He freely gave Himself to go to the cross... Because His lo...
Posted by Prophet Antomorris Johnson on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:56:00 PST