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Well Now


About Me

Hello there.Welcome to my profile,
I'm Glen

I am a teacher, artist and mum-prenuer
That's the new word for savvy work-from-home moms!
The reason I created this MySpace page is because I’m always looking to network and share experiences with positive, ambitious people. The kind of people on a journey of personal growth who want to make a difference.
I have a special video I'd love to share with you but first....
Let me tell you about myself…
My life revolves around my home and awesome family but I also love to travel. My son, Mijo, and I recently enjoyed a trip to Italy and Croatia. It actually snowed while we were in Venice – magical.
Mijo had the honour of being the youngest of five New Zealand torchbearers for the Winter Olympics in Italy and I was the proud mum. We got to stay in an amazing 5 star hotel right on the Grand Canal in Venice and ate at awesome restaurants. If you ever visit Italy try the peach champagne! After our time in Venice and Rome it was off to Croatia.
Croatia holds special significance for me as it is the birthplace my maternal grandparents. I travelled to Croatia 25 years ago and met my great aunts, uncles and cousins. I was the first descendent to go back to Croatia so you can imagine the warm welcome I received. It was no different this time. I loved being able to return to and show Mijo the houses his great grandparents were born in on the rocky slopes of the breathtakingly beautiful Dalmation coast. Although it was midwinter and bitterly cold (imagine a frozen waterfall!!) it was still breathtaking. Making some new friends while there was also a highlight of our trip.
But let’s go back a bit.....
When I left school I trained as a primary school teacher. I quickly discovered the job was taking over my life. In fact what life? Class sizes were too big and I felt frustrated knowing the children deserved more individual time and attention than I could give. Life was too short - I decided I wanted to try a more creative path. So at age 27 I moved to the opposite end of the country to go to Art School and learn the art of pottery. I wasn’t even the oldest in the class so that was a relief!
Art school introduced me not only to pottery but also to my soul mate. I married one of the tutors!!
Before the birth of our first son, Mijo, we moved back "up north" to be closer to family. We had bought an old school a year earlier and set about the massive task of making it into our home and studio. The fact it had no running water or electricity minor details. This task proved to be rather a drawn out process as we were determined to do everything ourselves – we demolished; we built, planted acres of trees, established a large blue and white garden and had two more sons. Jesse and Mate were both born at home making our old school an even more special place.
With a lot of hard work we established a successful pottery and sculpture studio exhibiting work throughout the country.
Tragedy Strikes....
But a few months after Mate’s birth my husband was killed in a car crash on his way to work one morning. As you can imagine this was a devastating time. Life became a matter of surviving one day at a time. I no longer had the time or the inclination for my artwork. All my energy went into my children and my garden. In fact working in my garden kept me sane.
Thanks to reasonably generous accident compensation I was able to stay at home and concentrate on bringing up my boys. I got very involved with their schools doing parent help in the classroom and working on fundraising committees. I also managed their various hockey teams. Those skills learnt while teaching were coming in handy.
When my eldest son, Mijo, left home to study and needed his income I had to take a serious look at increasing my income. I didn’t want to drop our standard of living or be unable to pay the bills. We lived in the country so had to travel daily to get the boys to school but emotionally I wasn’t ready to leave a house full of memories and move closer to town.
So, how to live in the country, have time with my children and increase my income? I started reading everything I could get my hands on – newspapers, magazines looking for options.
Wanted…a job with flexible hours, time off to go to hockey tournaments, that was stimulating and paid well.
Yeah right. I soon realised a traditional job was not for me - I felt there had to be a better way than trading my hours (that I needed to spend with my children) for dollars.
The Ahhh moment……
All that changed when I was invited to a business opportunity presentation. I went along with an open mind and I’m glad I did. The man in front of the room (now my friend and mentor) used terms like "extra streams of income", "financial freedom" and talked about "living the life of your dreams". I had never heard of Network Marketing or the Wellness Industry. He told me about a way to make money working from home around my family commitments, that I could have unlimited earning potential and improve my family’s health at the same time.
It was definitely a different way at looking at things and once I understood the concept of Network Marketing and the power of a passive residual income I was hooked!
I did my due diligence and checked out the Company , their products and their compensation plan. It was very liberating to know I could have more control over my financial future. I'm not the type to just sit back and leave my future in the hands of others. I like being in control.
Now this is where it got really good….....
I found that the company is the leader in the Wellness Industry setting the Gold Standard for the manufacture of nutritional products. Not only was I making extra income as I set out to do but my family’s health was benefiting. The results were amazing. And the founder of the company turned out to be a truly inspirational humanitarian. I have had the honour of meeting him personally and feel privileged to be a part of his vision.
That was 3 years ago. I feel truly blessed to be able to work from home as an entrepreneur and still be a fulltime mum. Today I am building my business globally online. My income potential is unlimited and I get to work when and where I want.
THE company is in a huge growth mode with it's products and income generating business programme. The Company continues to receive world class accolades and testimonials from professional organisations, athletes and individuals in every country we are involved.
Earn weekly leveraged residual income from a world recognized, publicly traded company involved in the Next Trillion-Dollar Industry with your own home-based business!
This company is the BEST in its industry, producing over $370 million in sales. A proven 15 year track record with strong growth with operations in 13 countries. Forbes has ranked this company in the top 10% "Best Small Companies" the last 3 years. Business Week ranked this company #3 in their top 100 growth companies in 2005. The companies compensation plan has been awarded #1 as the People Choice for 9 consecutive years in it's industry.
ASK YOURSELF...Do you have enough time to spend with your family, your friends and yourself? Are you being paid what your worth? Are you enjoying the lifestyle you've created? Are you living your purpose, or is your best life still ahead?
Now my gift to you.... Click Here for that video I promised you.
If USANA sounds like something you'd like to explore further please leave me a message here on MySpace or leave your contact info HERE . I look forward to hearing your story and helping you achieve an extra stream of income.
I'm hoping my story will inspire you to believe that there really is a better alternative to the soul destroying, stressful, underpaid JOB - just over broke.
The best way to predict your future is to create it yourself.
Glen Brooke-Anderson
I invite you to take the Health Assessment below.
Send me a message or email me ([email protected]) to discuss your results and receive products at the wholesale price.

Health Assessment

My Interests

exploring my Croatian hertiage
the beach
health and nutrition
my family
wine and cooking
sharing a good coffee with good friends
personal development
meeting new people online
helping others become successful

I'd like to meet:

People serious about maintaining optimal health. And people serious about taking financial control of their lives.
If you've got that feeling that there must be more to life or you are working hard to make someone else wealthy we need to talk. I'd love to help you.


Is Your Skin Looking It's Best?


Confession time....I'm a Coro fan!!


Think and Grow Rich
Cashflow Quadriant
Rich Dad Poor Dad
How To Be Wildly Wealthy Fast
The Psychology of Winning
Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps

My Blog

Help Prevent Macular Degeneration

Supplemental Lutein and DHA May Help Prevent Macular Degeneration Macular pigment optical density (MPOD) is a measure of retinal concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants acquired fro...
Posted by Well Now on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 12:00:00 PST

Lower Stroke Risk

Higher Plasma Vitamin C Concentrations Predict Lower Stroke RiskIn a British study of over 20,000 adults, those with the highest plasma vitamin C levels had a significantly lower risk of stroke when ...
Posted by Well Now on Sat, 31 May 2008 03:55:00 PST

Health Tip of the Month

Health Tip of the Month Heart Disease is one of Australia and New Zealand's largest health problems. The changes you make today through diet, exercise and nutritional supplements will make a differenc...
Posted by Well Now on Thu, 08 May 2008 02:02:00 PST

Dietary Nutrient Intakes and Skin-Aging Appearance

Dietary Nutrient Intakes and Skin-Aging AppearanceNutritional factors play a key role in normal functioning of the skin, the body's largest organ. However, little is known about the effects of diet o...
Posted by Well Now on Wed, 07 May 2008 06:12:00 PST

Omega-3 Fatty Acids & Heart Disease Risk

Review of Omega-3 Fatty Acids & Heart Disease RiskA recent issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings summarizes the latest findings on omega-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular health, and advocates supplemen...
Posted by Well Now on Sat, 03 May 2008 01:36:00 PST

Reduce Absorption of Toxic By Products from Fatty Meals

Polyphenols Reduce Absorption of Toxic By-Products of a Fatty Meal Polyphenols are antioxidants found in many plants and foods, including grapes, green tea, chocolate, and red wine. They are known t...
Posted by Well Now on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 01:38:00 PST

Low Vitamin D Levels Heart Disease Risk

Low Vitamin D Levels May Increase Heart Disease RiskA new study published in the journal Circulation showed that low levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of cardiovascular events, including hear...
Posted by Well Now on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:12:00 PST

Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Pregnant Women and Early Visual Acuity in Infants

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid found most commonly in fish oil, is important to neural development. It is speculated that DHA intakes are low enough in some pregnant women to impair...
Posted by Well Now on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 01:35:00 PST

Keep Arteries Clear and Reduce Body Fat Risk

Regular Exercise and Fish Oil May Keep Arteries Clear and Reduce Body Fat Risk Fish oil supplements and regular exercise both reduce body fat and improve cardiovascular and metabolic health.A combin...
Posted by Well Now on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 11:31:00 PST

The Supplement You Should Be Taking? BiOmega

It may seem that every time you turn around, you hear a news story about the latest research on omega-3 fatty acids. And for good reason&the scientific community is increasingly reporting on just ho...
Posted by Well Now on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 08:00:00 PST