i am a type of person who wants to touch the skies & make a mark for myself,i believe in constantly improving oneself because life is like a garden ,if u don't condition it weeds will come out and will destroy the beauty of it.i make a lot of plans and m constantly evolving into something diff. with the passage of time...like when i was a kid i used to think that i wanna be like ronaldo "the football legend",then after a bit of time i thought lets try my hand in judiciary,and then came in the idea of becoming an actor and then thought of becoming a tennis player....but finally when i was 16 i decided i wanted to become a software professional like my sister and my brother in law although that was the initiation i got,but today i feel that was the right thing to do...so i guess that was hell of a big "about me" ,more of like a capsule course but if u got bored u always know u have the home button to press to refresh ur page.
i am a person who believes in living life to the fullest n enjoying every moment of it to the max.