Be A Lifesaver provides early detectioneducation seminars, breast cancerscreening services to those in need,and fundraisers to aid breast cancerresearch.
Breast cancer awareness can save thelife of you, a friend, or a familymember. Through awareness and research,cancer rates are continually decliningacross the globe.
Be A Lifesaver is proud of ouraccomplishments. We seek to build oneach accomplishment, setting objectivesthat will continue to move ourorganization forward in meeting thegoals of our mission. There is muchwork to be done and together we areworking to improve breast cancereducation, early detection, and care.Please contact Be A Lifesaver to assistin any of our projects andinitiatives.
•Raise Social Awareness:
Provide a wide variety ofeducational material and literatureabout breast cancer and breast healthto the public, the medical community,and to the service providers.
•Raise Professional Awareness:
Educating health careprofessionals through seminars,educational conferences and healthexpositions on the importance ofexpediting effective treatment.
•Raise Adult Awareness:
Offering early detectionworkshops to adults of all agesconducted by a nurse and a breastcancer survivor. The workshops informsthem about breast health education,early detection methods and breastcancer risks, as well as performingregular and accurate breast self exams.
•Raise Teen Awareness:
Helping teens understand theimportance of breast heath, learn thesteps involved in breast selfexamination and to build a comfortlevel with their own bodies and lifetime of good breast health practices.These workshops are conducted in highschools and universities.
•Raise Global Awareness:
Providing reliable informationon breast health & cancer news online.Our forum was designed to help promotethe discussion of a variety of women'shealth topics, including breast cancer,medical imaging and related healthtopics.
•Support and ReferralProgram:
Helping breast cancer survivors,who have completed treatment, toidentify the clinical resources,facilities, and services that will bestmeet their particular on-going needs.Through our referral program, we willprovide names of other affordableresources in the community that areavailable for other services that Be ALifesaver cannot provide.
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Breast Cancer Basics
What Is Breast Cancer?
What Is Male Breast Cancer?
Risk Factors
Myths About Breast Cancer
Lower Your Risk
Breast Cancer Symptoms andExplanations
The Importance of EarlyDetection
How To Do Your BreastSelf-Exam (BSE)
Male Breast Self-Exam
Inflammatory BreastCancer (IBC)
Other BreastCancers
Breast CancerDiagnosisHow is Breast CancerDiagnosed?
What is Mammography?
How is Mammography Performed?
Views Taken During Screening andDiagnostic Mammography
Breast Compression DuringMammography
Minimizing Pain andDiscomfort During Mammography
Breast CancerTreatmentHow Is Breast Cancer Treated?
Male Breast Cancer TreatmentOptions
Alternative Therapies
Understanding ClinicalTrials What are ClinicalTrials and Why are They Important?
How are Clinical TrialsPlanned, Approved and Conducted?
What are the DifferentTypes ("Phases") of Clinical Trials?
What are the Benefitsand Risks of Participating in ClinicalTrials?
What Should PatientsKnow Before Entering a Clinical Trial?
Breast Cancer Resources andSupport
U.S. National Non-Profit or GovernmentalOrganizations
Personal Breast CancerWebsites
Resources for Women'sHealth Professionals
Resources for Patients andSurvivors
Breast Cancer Toll-FreeHelplines
Palliative, ComfortCare and Hospice
Directory of BreastProsthesis Manufacturers andShops
Sources for Hair LossAccessories
Join theFriends of Be A Lifesaver MySpaceGroup!- The Friends of Be ALifesaver Group is dedicated to raisingbreast cancer awareness. We are unitedin our desire to change the legacy ofbreast cancer through networking,support, education and research.
BeA Lifesaver is a proud supporter of theMySpace Impact Awards!
MySpace recognizes the organizationsthat has made the greatest impact inthroughout the Myspace community withthe Impact Awards. tonominate & vote for your favoriteorganizations.
Scientists develop cancer fightingtomato
Be A Lifesaver wins the MySpace ImpactAward for Health & Safety
Breast cancer vaccine helps body fighttumors
Alcohol increasesbreast cancer risk
Breast cancer survivorsstronger
FDA approves drug to reduce breastcancer
Men With Breast Cancer Face High RiskOf Second Cancer
Women Need Not Wait To Conceive AfterBreast Cancer
Reduced Levels of Fat in the Diet MayDecrease the Risk of Breast CancerRecurrence
Breast Cancer Rates Drop in U.S.
Let us know about your event! Messageus to submit your event. Please allow48 hours for your event to be posted.Incomplete information will not beposted.
What is BreastCancer?
Check Out Our VideoChannel
For additionalinformation on breast health, breastcancer prevention, screening,diagnosis, treatment, survival, andrelated topics, we recommend thefollowing books.
Category:Breast Health
Assess Your True Risk of BreastCancer by Patricia T. Kelly, PhD
ABC of Breast Diseases byMichael Dixon
Bosom Buddies: Lessons and Laughteron Breast Health and Cancer byRosie O'Donnell and Deborah Axelrod
Category:BreastCancer Diagnosis andTreatment
American Cancer Society's Guide toComplementary and Alternative CancerMethods by the American CancerSociety
A to Z of Breast Cancer by CarolA. Turkington, Karen Krag
What Your Doctor May Not Tell YouAbout Breast Cancer: How HormoneBalance Can Help Save Your Life by
John R. Lee, Virginia Hopkins, DavidZava
Category:Coping and Survival
Eagles Angels and Butterflies: HowWe Got Our Wings by Tonya T.Griffin
Breast Cancer Survivors' Club : ANurse's Experience by LillieShockney
Congratulations, You Have Cancer! by Leslie Bishop
Breast Cancer Husband: How to HelpYour Wife (and Yourself) duringDiagnosis, Treatment, and Beyond by
Marc Silver, Frederick Smith
Chicken Soup for the Breast CancerSurvivor's Soul: Stories to Inspire,Support and Heal by Jack Canfield,Mark Victor Hansen, Mary Olsen Kelly
These titles can be found at Barnes &Noble bookstore (
Tell A Friend. Pass on the informationyou've learned about breast cancer toyour friends & loved ones.
Get in touch with us. Inform us of anyawareness events in your area so we canpromote them on this page.
Download Our Toolbar. Show your support,streamline your internet searching andkeep up-to-date with the latest newsfrom our organization by downloadingthe new Be A Lifesaver Toolbar for yourweb browser. Available for InternetExplorer or Mozilla Firefox, the Be ALifesaver Toolbar is free of spyware,adware and viruses, and will respect auser’s privacy. There is no cost todownload the toolbar.
Give Breast Cancer Your Time.Whether or not youhave money to spend or donate, yourtime is just as valuable. Most of theraces and walks organized by groupssuch as the Komen Foundation and theAmerican Cancer Society depend on thededication of volunteers to make themhappen every year. You can alsovolunteer at a local cancer center,donate blood, or participate inclinical trials. If you have talentwith hair or makeup, the AmericanCancer Society might be able to useyour skills at a local "Look Good, FeelBetter" events. Some other volunteeropportunities include:
The American Cancer Society's Reach toRecovery program, (800) ACS-2345
"Look Good...Feel Better" (800) 395-LOOK
Start Your Own Breast CancerAwareness Campaign. You can get involved bystarting your own awareness campaign inyour community, but you don’t have towait till October to launch yourproject. Be A Lifesaver will help youmake your campaign a success! Contactus to discuss how we can help.
Spread the word about thisorganization and its mission. Please feel free to postthe following banner to your websiteand proudly show your support. Simplycopy the HTML code below and paste itanywhere on your page.
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Check your health insurance policy atwork to see if mammograms are eitherfree or provided at a very low cost.
If they are, Xerox theappropriate page and highlight theinformation. Post the page on an officebulletin board.
Also askthat the information be spotlighted inthe company newsletter to remindemployees of this benefit.
If mammograms are not covered, talk tothe human resource department about thelong-term benefit of covering thismethod of early detection.