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Soda Lee - All The World's A Stage, so Be Yourself

About Me

Hi there, we're the 'Club Voodoo Crew ', affiliated with the infamous 'Dog Hill' where some of Perth's finest Vibers Jam out, Party out and Chill out. We have a twenty year history of Rock 'n' Roll raging where many a mad muso mingle from near and afar. We are artists,actors,travellers,writers, musicians, and generally enthusiastic,open minded good friends who have an appreciation for the fine and colouful things in life. As for me, I have an intense interest in all of the above, so I decided I'd create this site in celebration of all the good people I've met along the way. We may live in the most isolated capital city in the world, but it is well known, that we have some impressive musical/Artistic talent. So why not connect with other 'like minded, free thinking, people' across the Universe! (I never think small!) LOL! I am anti-established religion, as it was created by man to serve His needs and purposes and has no relevance to Universal Law whatsoever. I am highly spiritual,...there is no doubt that, in life, you receive what you project, hence the Laws of Attraction. The word 'Intention' is probably the most powerful word in the human language. WE are all happy, if maybe not 100% fulfilled,.. but that's okay, because without further dreams to strive for there's no Tomorrow! I am now a 'health freak'/Fitness Consultant','Freespirit Health 'n' Fitness', who seriously believes in the Science of the Mind, as it's not failed me so far. Basically, Attitude determines Outcome, and What goes around, Comes around! I don't find it a hard law to live by. I sang numerous times on television up to the age of about 17, have never stopped writing songs, and purchased my first electric guitar at ten years old,... Still got it! Can play six and four string, but at this stage of life choose to focus on vocals, because for me it presents the greatest challenge and FEELS REALLY GOOD! I've worked in Fashion Design and sales, music promotion/management/performance, Health 'n' Fitness,do the occasional acting assignment,read alot,party alot,love animals,hate descrimination of ANY kind, and can't stand boredom or procrastination. However, my unwavering passion, has always been in the music. After developing serious vocal damage ten years ago which led to surgery, I am now able, thank's to the encouragement of some very inspirational friends, to enjoy my 'second favourite instrument','oh joy!'. The best advice I could give anyone is to look after your health. "Stay stronger, Partee longer!" I've always said that!. 'Life is short', and despite pre-conceived worldwide religious beliefs, (let's hope they're right), we probably only get one! 'Positive thinking doesn't always work, but negative thinking Never does, and man oh man, the world could do with a little 'Pos' at the moment. So tune in occasionally and see what's going on, (somethin' might make you feel good!), although, sometimes we're away in foreign lands, or 'asleep',in which case,Don'twake us!Rock On,Live Loud,(but with love)SodaLeeX

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My Interests

Music, singing, songwriting, guitar, Latin Dance, Travel, Ancient Herstory, Religion and philosophy, photography, health, acting, People!, and like many, trying to make the world a Happier place! (+:

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Iran is the only country in the world that 'officially' executes children. According to the United Nations, a child is a person under the age of 18. Despite the fact that Iran has signed International Covenants that forbid them to execute anyone who has allegedly committed an offence before the age of 18, they continue to do so. Since 1990, Amnesty International has recorded 24 executions of child offenders and over the last couple of years the rate is increasing. Currently, there are at least 74 minors on death row in Iran. Time is of the essence. Together we will make them STOP the execution of minors!

Sign the petition at to help to save their lives.

Courtesy of: Ishmael And
Date: 07 Sep 2007, 08:46 PM

A calendar unites the people and the land.
Rich in celebration and tradition, calendars have long served as the centerpoint of culture.

The 13-Moon Calendar has been followed for over 5000 years.

"We find evidence of its use as a prehistoric synchronic measure in the remote past of China, Polynesia, and scattered across late neolithic Europe and the Middle East." - Dr. José Argüelles, PhD

Around the globe we find breath-taking reminders of the monumental role that calendars have played throughout human history.

Why are calendars so important?
What function do they serve in our lives?

The current world calendar:

* upholds a framework of standardized church, state, and global marketplace activities
* defines the schedule of holidays and traditional cultural practices
* coordinates the worldwide socio-economic program

In essence, a calendar produces the faculty by which we operate, and the lens through which we see...

What's wrong with the calendar we have?

The 12-month calendar is arbitrary and irregular, lacking any correspondence to actual cycles of nature.

Put simply by physicist Mark Comings:"The 12 month calendar has a cycle that is contrary to and out of phase with the natural annual 13 fold gravitational wave created by the Moon's orbit around the Earth."

This lack of harmony, though generally un-examined, has a profound effect on the way we relate to the Universe we live within.

Movements of the Stars, Moons and Planets have eternally served mankind as reference points for relating to the Nature of Time.

The current world calendar divides the year as if it were a 2-D circle. 360 degrees of a flat circle are portioned into 12 subsections of 30 degrees each, giving us "30" day months. This method of calendrics dates back to ancient Babylon and provides the template for the current 12-month calendar and 12-hour clock (doubling the calculation, we get 24 hours and 60 minutes). The 12-month model for measuring time fails for the 365-day year divided arbitrarily into 30-day months leaves 5 extra days!

How does it resolve this discrepancy?

Some of the months are 31 days, some 30, yet February gets 28 days, except for an extra day once every four years (but not on centuries, except those divisible by the number four).

"30 days has Septober. April, June, and no wonder. All the rest have peanut butter, except my grandmother, who has a little red tricycle." -Mad Magazine, circa 1958

Wonder why the months named September through December, which literally mean 7-10, are actually months 9-12? What's in a name?

The system of 12 months and a corresponding 12 hour : 60-minute clock, is known as the 12:60 timing frequency, and has yet to be proven as a viable measure of time. This flat perception of time does not correlate to any actual cycles of time! It is an artificial model of reality. It is encoding humanity with a comprehension of the natural world as disharmonious and non-coherent!

For example, today on the Gregorian calendar is Tues, December 3rd. What day of the week will January 3rd be? What day of the week will February 3rd be?

The 13 moon calendar
is an obvious and ancient way to structure the year.
13 cycles of 28 days describe the year perfectly,
with one day of renewal before the new year.

Perfect Periodicity
For every one time we go around the Sun,
the Moon goes around Earth 13 times.

The year has already been divided by Nature-
13 'moon'ths of perpetual harmony.

The 12-month calendar hides the 13th moon. The number 13 is now surrounded by superstition and is considered taboo; unlucky; evil. This fear is reinforced by cultural antiquities like "friday the thirteenth." Often buildings have no 13th floor, or avoid constructing a # 13 apt unit. Why?

The ancient Maya had an entirely different relationship to the number 13, actually revering it at as the Key to Time itself. 13 is the Mayan galactic prime number; the Force of The Universal Movement of Creation.

Associated with the powers of endurance and longevity, the ancient vertebrate Turtle has 13 scales on its shell."The first calendar that North American Indians ever had was Turtle's shell...The Earth Mother, who was represented by the most fertile creature of our planet, the Turtle, showed our Ancestors how to mark the passing of each moon cycle. Turtle's shell bore the 13 moons of the year inside of a frame that formed the circle we call the Sacred Hoop, or Medicine Wheel - representing the relationship of all life to all life." -Author Jamie Sams

The name of "Turtle Island" to refer to Earth can represent our planet swimming in waves of radiant solar and cosmic energies.

"Without the Thirteenth Moon; without placing the Thirteenth Moon back into our consciousness, we remain absolutely trapped in the complexification of form. With the 13th we have the transcendence and also the circulation of time." -Valum Votan

The pattern of women's fertility cycles averages the 28-day, 13 moon ratio! Nature's rhythms live within us!

Why has the 13th moon been hidden from us? What is to be gained by suppressing the creational principle of Mother Nature?

As prominent theoretical physicist Gerard J. Milburn reveals, "The aim of modern science is to reach an understanding of the world, not merely for purely aesthetic reasons, but that it may be ordered to our purpose."

Living under the guise of the 12-month calendar, we have come to view nature as irrelevant - wilderness without intelligence, sentience, or order. It is from this fundamentally flawed perception that humanity attempts to progress 'beyond the limitations of nature.' In fact, it is our model of nature that is flawed, not nature itself.

As a comprehensive reflection of nature, the 13-Moon Calendar is an organization of creational elements that serves as a holistic tool for ongoing participation in life's cyclic processes. If humanity wish to produce harmony, we must use harmonic tools!

The 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar presents the Dreamspell - the interlacing of the 13-moon, 28-day solar/lunar round with the 13-Tone, 20-Tribe galactic spin.

13 X 20 = 260 distinct energies. This 260-day perpetual count is a perfect model of harmony - a universal expression of Nature's order, derived from the mathematics of the the ancient Maya. Referred to as the Harmonic Module, (called Tzolkin by the Yucatec Maya) this galactic count communicates the time ratios and patterns which unify our solar system with other star systems, and with the emanations of life-force from the center of the galaxy itself.

As a "galactic constant" the 260-day cycle does not correspond to any known astronomical period, yet the number 260 functions as a cosmic common denominator to synthesize the cycles of the Sun, Moon, Earth, Mars, Mercury, and Venus. In essence, it is the key factor of all the planetary periods. The 260-day cycle also corresponds to the human gestation period of approximately 9 months, perfectly expressing its power as a cycle governing the unfolding of creation! We also see 260 in macro-cycles such as the grand, 26,000-year precession of the equinoxes, which author John Major Jenkins points out is like a "collective, spiritual gestation for humankind." Even eclipses relate by a number whose factor is 260! As Jenkins assures us in his insightful book "Tzolkin" - the 260-day cycle has "multiple meanings," as it applies to "celestial, biological, agricultural, mythological, and chronological processes."

"Tzolkin is the 'key' to both terrestrial and celestial processes. It's kind of the common modulator or common denominator of the two realms. This is how we can understand Mayan astrology. They discovered the numerical and ritual key. Most important in the astrology is the reference to the human gestation period of approximately 260 days. As such, our own basic and shared rhythm of unfolding is seen to be intimately related to the cycles of the planets, moon and sun. This is more than just planets "influencing" us - rather we share the same rhythms of unfolding that the planets do because, ultimately, everything springs from the same source. Everything, on some level, has been imparted by the same rhythm of unfolding and is therefore related by a form of synchronistic correspondence." -Author John Major Jenkins

The harmonic numbers of the Tzolkin are as clear as our 20 fingers and toes - digits with which to measure the universe. Our body's 13 major joints, or articulations, move us through the universe. Through movement and measure, we experience each other and ourselves as the universe.

From a whole system perspective, time, humanity, and nature are inseparable. Our physical and emotional bodies are moved by the same lunar, solar and planetary forces. Where we appear separate in space, we are unified in time.


When we structure our lives by the artificial rhythm of the clock and 12-month calendar, we expose our central nervous system, and subsequently, our entire mental-emotional body to the frequency of a machine.

Reknowned author and scientist Dr. Deepak Chopra, M.D., has presented studies showing how:the stress of linear time contributes directly to an acceleration of the physical aging process, inclusive of deterioration and disease.

In modern industrial living, we wake up by the clock, we eat to the clock - we plan our lives and live our days in accord to the clock. We refer to the clock to program even our most basic of biological functions!

Quoting Mark Comings, Quantum Physicist: "The intrinsic folly of this unnecessary yet widely promoted artificial dependance upon machine technology is that it discourages the development of, and even serves to hide the existence of, a vast spectrum of inner capacities - psychic, mental, emotional and spiritual potentials - that lie dormant within the biological human body in time."

According to Dr. José Argüelles, PhD.:"The simple and easiest way to reprogram your daily awareness of the actual nature of time is to follow the 13 Moon Calendar."

Free your mind

and your world will follow!

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Anything with a 70s Hard Edge.(Cant beat the Masters)Zep,Sab,Purple,Free,Budgie,Uriah Heep,Whitesnake,Van Halen,Scorps,Rush,Thin Lizzy,Dream Theatre. Any good Heavies. Awsum Blues Vibes,Glen Hughes,Pat Thrall,Pat Travers,Robin Trower,Tommy Bolin,Jeff Beck. Kenny Wayne Shepherd, also Keziah Jones, and well placed Jazz 'n' Funk (usually on a Sunday)S.Garden,P.Jam,Audioslave,Filter,Chillies,Kula Shaker, Guitar oriented. Power vocals, Dio's a fave,'First in Rock, Last in Line! Funny That! Ian Gillan,Rob.Plant,Tony Martin,Klaus Meine. Barbara Morrison, Ella Fitzgerald,Anne & Nancy Wilson, Anastasia ROCKS!, Madge's LATEST project. 'Confessions' is Very sexy!! European Club,(bring it on Ibiza). Remixes, Latin - Traditional and Modern, Santana in particular. Middle Eastern scales - Beautiful, Heavy, Hypnotic. It's all a Lifeforce!


HORROR of course! Gorier the better, but must be well done. Rob Zombie Rocks! Q.Tarrentino, Evil Dead, Manitou, The Thing! Natural phenomena eg 'Deep Impact' 'Day after tomorrow 'Da Vinci Code' Fiction based on Fact.'Blow'- Johnny Dep, Also Musicals, whatever. Anything intelligent, thought provoking and mind boggling!


'24' GO JACK! Doco's eg.'Cutting Edge',Travel shows, History,Discovery,Nat.Geo, C.I. 'Wild on',Autopsy,Ab Fab, hahahahahahahah !


Anything Factual or Forensic. Patricia Cornwall,Jean M. Auel,Dan Brown,Stephen King,Graham Masterton. Cosmic Conspiracy, Celestine Prophecies, The Golden Bough, Absolute Happiness, History of Rock!


Jack Bauer!(+:, Mike,Leroy,Joe,Col,Noel the Kitchen Burner.(Maybe Tom, for inventing MySpace!) And "Who would I like to meet?" Jack Bauer,Madonna, Marilyn Cervante's,Ghandi,Dalai Lama,Johnny Dep,My Match!

My Blog

"Human Rights"

..> ..> ..> Artists For Human Rights, All Rights Reserved ..> ..> ..> ..> ..> ..>  > home ..> ..> ..> ..     ..> ..> ..> Your Human Rights History of AFHR News and Event...
Posted by Soda on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 08:13:00 PST

Venus Project

..> Venus Project Foundation Publicly Funded Enlightening Film Production,A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization Power Tends To Corrupt,Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely ..> ..>   --> BeginE...
Posted by Soda on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 07:46:00 PST

" A little bit of Herstory "

The word 'witchcraft' in its most ordinary, popular connotation refers to the use of supernatural forces to bend the world to one's will. In our society, witchcraft is commonly used as a synonym for '...
Posted by Soda on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 03:19:00 PST

" Vdelli back at Indy "

The Indy Bar is RAGING  on Friday nites again with Vdelli. Anyone who can, should get down there and check it out. Awsum ! What a fine nite!
Posted by Soda on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 10:56:00 PST

" Thai Vibes "

Hi  ya'll,   so here we are back in rainy cold Perth. Great. I knew it would be a shock to the system but this is ridiculous. The awsum tan  seems pointless  as the only time&...
Posted by Soda on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 01:36:00 PST

" Cool N.Y. Grooves "

Check out  " Gabriel Lee " a sultry singer from the Big Apple. We shared a few sake cocktails at the ' Millinium Bar ' at the Hilton Bangkok last nite. She's a nice blend of maybe  Sade with...
Posted by Soda on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 09:31:00 PST

" Island Festival in Feburary "

We met some  people last nite, one of them being the ' Rock Club ' owner, from Finland ( bonus ! ) another being the drummer in a band, his lady, a singer from Amsterdam (bonus ! ) ...
Posted by Soda on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 10:01:00 PST

Sweating it in Thailand!

Man it is soooo hot here!  Bout 44 in the shade ! We've pretty much only been coming out at nite.  But that kind of suits us anyway.  Presently relaxing in our beaudiful villa at Sila E...
Posted by Soda on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 08:43:00 PST