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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well after nearly 13 years of running the production side of things in a performing arts centre, we decided to head south of the border to greener pastures! So it was goodbye to Karratha and hello to Australind....ahhhh no more cyclones for me and it's a nice change to see tree's, things which are green and rain. So if your in the south west of WA drop us a line.. Hailing from Perth in Western Australia, Australia. I dabbled as a musician for awhile, but after what seemed to be spending almost most of the money we earnt on the "PA", for a guy who didn't seem to be 'doing much' just standing there twiddling knobs!, well i thought "hell" thats a job for me! Didn't actually cross my mind how all those big black boxes got into the venue.........needless to say, 20 years later, i know exactly how they get into the venues! I've been working as an Audio Engineer for many years, so if you need help with your audio requirements or simply advice with what you need to do to make your next show a 'success', just let me know and we'll 'make it happen'...

My Interests

The kids Mitch and Layla, and the life style mentor "Yoda" the cat, Boating, Diving, fishing, riding the "Duke" and hanging at my "shack" with my friends...

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Winter, Robin Trower, Pat Travers,Budgie, hell anybody i havent worked with or met yet, and in the next life Rory Gallagher, Hendrix and Stevie Ray, way to many to name.


Mostly anything as long as it is played well, but 70's guitar blues rock is the go!........If only i could go back in time this modern crap gives me the shitsssssssssssss! Is there no original artist/ Musicians left?


Dusk til Dawn,...legend movie! Anything that has a twist!


Who cares?.....Do like "Family Guy, "American Dad" thou, ...bring back "The Twilight Zone" and "Night Gallery"...i love that shit!


Bill Bryson's "A short history of Nearly Everything",..Dan Millman's "Way of the Peaceful Warrior"....read em! 2 books i recommend!


My friends,my children ... where would i be with out them. And all my musical friends out there, who make this life just sooooooooooo much better, don't ever stop what your doing!!

My Blog

Finally some sensible medical advice!

Posted by db on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 02:29:00 PST