Specializing in Rare and Out of Print Texts
Occult - Magic - Hermetic Philosophy & Alchemy - Freemasonry - Paganism - Witchcraft
ar·cane: known or understood by very few; mysterious; secret; obscure; esoteric
Hello and welcome!
We are a group of occult book collectors and researchers (based in Newcastle, Australia), with varying lengths of experience, ranging from 10 to 20 years. We have a large collection of occult and esoteric books on a wide variety of subjects and we have been selling and dealing on and off line for over 10 years.
We have formed a trusted network of avid bibliophiles and practitioners of various esoteric traditions and branches of paranormal research, including witchcraft, paganism, druidry, hermeticism, gnosis, mediumship ghost hunting, magick, freemasonry, qabalism and shamanism.
As a result we are able to offer scarce titles on a wide variety of subjects as well as a growing selection of online courses and articles on our website. We trust you will enjoy browsing our pages and find something of interest. We welcome your feedback and also any enquiries you may have.
Our years of buying and selling online through diferent mediums has enabled us to understand the frustrations buyers face when dealing with obscure or innacurate book descriptions and lack of customer service. We have developed our sales format based on the idea that the online presentation of an item must provide a comparable amount of information to when one is examining it physically
The business is primarily managed by Leesha and Byron - with a little help from our friends! Our contacts from all over the world establish client lists and purchase books for us. Our aim is to provide a service unlike any other! To us, this is made possible by the various contacts we have who are not only practitioners of various occult arts, but are also bibliophiles - seeking out the very best and rare of occult literature. Besides Australia, we currently have several contacts in the US, New Zealand, UK, Germany, Sweden, and Spain.
Visit our website here